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Northern Monkey

Will the above return to a camp near you in the future??
With AMM's being likened to FLM's, is this old system likely to make a comeback?

Lets have some rumours!


Master of my destiny
Will the above return to a camp near you in the future??
With AMM's being likened to FLM's, is this old system likely to make a comeback?

Lets have some rumours!

Mech/Tech's - old system??? It's a new system that has only just gone. Feck me, the years just roll away!:raf:

Northern Monkey

Mech/Tech's - old system??? It's a new system that has only just gone. Feck me, the years just roll away!:raf:

Sorry dude, i'm only a junior! :PDT_Xtremez_31:

Ive heard rumours of our armament friends going back down that route!
What d'yer reckon??
Is this likely to happen in all techie trades as the RAF seem to be going full circle on most things?





No way, the old Flems had some personality!!

Fancy an apprenticship anyone....


Why not put us all down a parallel B1 or 2 routes and call us Certifying Engineering Technicians just like civvie street - or pay for us to get a full B1 / 2 under a retention scheme like the pilots


Why not put us all down a parallel B1 or 2 routes and call us Certifying Engineering Technicians just like civvie street - or pay for us to get a full B1 / 2 under a retention scheme like the pilots
If I'm not wrong sumps that was looked at a few years back and money stopped it, what a shock!!!!!!!!::/:

Northern Monkey

Why not put us all down a parallel B1 or 2 routes and call us Certifying Engineering Technicians just like civvie street - or pay for us to get a full B1 / 2 under a retention scheme like the pilots

I can understand your opinion. Do you think people would leave though when they had finished the qualification? Maybe they could make them sign on for another few years after completing it?


Tashied Goatee
I can understand your opinion. Do you think people would leave though when they had finished the qualification? Maybe they could make them sign on for another few years after completing it?

It would never work as they would still find ways of getting out.....only one thing would keep them in....MONEY.......more money or a decent retention bonus.

Crack on.............:PDT_Xtremez_09:

Captain Slog

Trekkie Nerd
In my 10 years at Cosford I have seen the wheel turn many times: Mechs, Fitters, Mech-Mechs, Mech-Techs, SAC Assim Techs, SAC Techs, AMMs and now Multi-Skilled Techs. Rumour has it that the next idea will be to train people for 3 years and pass them out as fully fledged Technicians, they are thinking about calling them “Apprentices”.

Although the RAF now looks set to stay on the multi-skilled route, as 007 once said “Never Say Never Again”.

airframe doctor

Can't be that young surely?????

Can't be that young surely?????

Sorry dude, i'm only a junior! :PDT_Xtremez_31:

Ive heard rumours of our armament friends going back down that route!
What d'yer reckon??
Is this likely to happen in all techie trades as the RAF seem to be going full circle on most things?


How old are you........................10???? See Caption Slogs post about the evolution of the technical trades.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I never saw the reason to change away from Mech until you'd proved yourself worthy and less of a training risk into FT where the system could filter out the few that snook through then promotion on merit from then on...Other than change for changes sake...:PDT_Xtremez_42:

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
With AMM's being likened to FLM's, is this old system likely to make a comeback?

Cynic mode selected to max. There have been many ways of training techies down the years too many to go into in one go(see Capt Slogs Post). However the differences between the discarded old system (FLM's) and the shiny new system (AMM's) are as follows.

Old System method - Individual recieves a short none trade specific period of training and is released into the big wide world as a FLM. In time if they prove their worth they get a trade specific further training course and become technicians (JT).

New system method - Individual recieves a short none trade specific period of training and is released into the big wide world as an AMM. In time if they prove their worth they get a trade specific further training course and become technicians (SAC T).

As you can see there are vast and complicated differences between the two methods of training which has evolved over years of research and study.

airframe doctor

I never saw the reason to change away from Mech until you'd proved yourself worthy and less of a training risk into FT where the system could filter out the few that snook through then promotion on merit from then on...Other than change for changes sake...:PDT_Xtremez_42:

Wise words Vim, if only everyone saw it that way.:PDT_Xtremez_30:

Cynic mode selected to max. There have been many ways of training techies down the years too many to go into in one go(see Capt Slogs Post). However the differences between the discarded old system (FLM's) and the shiny new system (AMM's) are as follows.

Old System method - Individual recieves a short none trade specific period of training and is released into the big wide world as a FLM. In time if they prove their worth they get a trade specific further training course and become technicians (JT).

New system method - Individual recieves a short none trade specific period of training and is released into the big wide world as an AMM. In time if they prove their worth they get a trade specific further training course and become technicians (SAC T).

As you can see there are vast and complicated differences between the two methods of training which has evolved over years of research and study.

Also Tin a big difference between the ruffty tuffty lineys of the 70's, 80's & 90's & those being produced nowadays is the safety net surrounding them from PC bull****, H & S and the general wrapping up of them in cotton wool. Its like a morgue in the line crewroom here sometimes, all sitting around playing soduko & watching QVC FFS!!! Most simply "go through the motions" when forced to rotate through the trade desk, simply keeping their noses clean waiting for their expected Technicians course, when upon completion they will be let loose.:PDT_Xtremez_42: God help us all!!!!


I signed on the dotted line thinking i was joining under the Mech-Tech scheme. It was when, on arrival at Cosford they said "you're not doing that now, you're doing this instead".

I think i got a good deal. No FT course to go on! And before anyone says anything, ive met JT's who needed supervision to pick their own noses, so they cant all be better than SACT's! I think the SACT system worked quite well 'cos the jump from SAC to SACT was down to the individual getting up off their own ar$e and completing NVQ's, Key skills and BTEC's.

I think the AMM system has a lot of flaws in it, and it wont be long before it changes to something else.

Northern Monkey

Most simply "go through the motions"

Is that SACT's or JT's cos ive seen a hell of a lot of both doing it!
I joined up when i did and can't change that but i'm not a QVC watcher.
As for the evolution of the techie trades, ive never paid much attention to it as all there ever seems to be is a lot of bitching about how good things used to be ! Ive tried to make the best out of things since joining and will continue to do so! :PDT_Xtremez_32:

airframe doctor

Most simply "go through the motions"

Is that SACT's or JT's cos ive seen a hell of a lot of both doing it!
I joined up when i did and can't change that but i'm not a QVC watcher.
As for the evolution of the techie trades, ive never paid much attention to it as all there ever seems to be is a lot of bitching about how good things used to be ! Ive tried to make the best out of things since joining and will continue to do so! :PDT_Xtremez_32:

I was referring to AMM's on that one, of course there are JT's & SAC(T) who are simply there for the ride that will never change. As for making the best of things, good luck to you.:PDT_Xtremez_30:


Warrant Officer
Old System method - Individual recieves a short none trade specific period of training and is released into the big wide world as a FLM. In time if they prove their worth they get a trade specific further training course and become technicians (JT).

Not actually true that though is it Tin me old mate? The old style FLM's career path was never intended to take them through to a specific trade mechanics course, they were recruited as FLMs and only FLMs. The fact that some did progress was by dint of the internal process that recognised the suitability of some FLMs to retrain as mechanics and then go on to technician training later if they had time in which to do it. Yes, it happened but it wasn't built in to the system; there are probably quite a few SNCOs around today who started out as good old FLMs.

New system method - Individual recieves a short none trade specific period of training and is released into the big wide world as an AMM. In time if they prove their worth they get a trade specific further training course and become technicians (SAC T).

They have to prove their worth because their career path is designd to take them on to technician level. And, although their trade training is not trade specific, it is supposed to enable them to 'trade assist' the tehcnicians when they aren't doing liney work, something and FLM was never intended to do. If they don't prove their worth, they are out the door.

As you can see there are vast and complicated differences between the two methods of training which has evolved over years of research and study.

Yes, there is isn't there :PDT_Xtremez_15:

Defender of the universe

Back to the drawing board,
Lets see what new designs we can come up with to destroy the morale that is building up in our armed forces.
We shall definately see a return of the past. It just seems like some officer looks at the past changes the name slightly and syas "cor wow look at this for a great idea" the problem is tooooo many anus lickers not saying "sorry sir thats been tried come up with something original".



Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
I signed on the dotted line thinking i was joining under the Mech-Tech scheme. It was when, on arrival at Cosford they said "you're not doing that now, you're doing this instead".

I think i got a good deal. No FT course to go on! And before anyone says anything, ive met JT's who needed supervision to pick their own noses, so they cant all be better than SACT's! I think the SACT system worked quite well 'cos the jump from SAC to SACT was down to the individual getting up off their own ar$e and completing NVQ's, Key skills and BTEC's.

I think the AMM system has a lot of flaws in it, and it wont be long before it changes to something else.

Well said TBW. There are plenty of sh1t techies around wearing anything from LAC to FS rank slides. It doesn't matter what system you have trained under, sh1t will still sometimes get through.

As for not being a JT, apologies to all the old wizened "carpers" that I wasn't born/joined up earlier!

There is nothing wrong with the SAC(T) scheme, and I've no reason to believe the AMMs will be any better or any worse. There are plenty of good lads here who just keep their gob shut and watch and learn, as opposed to some JTs that swan around thinking they have the god given right to be an AVM or something just because they did a fitters course!!!

Soap box climbed down from satis.