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Mobile CCTV Vans


Flight Sergeant


So any answer to the thread?

Speed limits are a load of toss anyway. Someone going 29 MPH past a school at kicking out time on cruise control while chatting on the phone is far more irresponsible than someone drifting over 33 as they busily scan the road/paths for hazards.

Same as someone through the high street at 30 is more of an idiot than the big rep mobile doing a ton down the motorway.

Speeding is a massive excuse to make a few quid and pretend they care about road safety, while saves them putting Police out there to chase those of you that drive wiht your headphones in and a phone in your lap.


What an absolutely ridiculous post. Has anyone justified use of phones at the wheel? If you had any concept of the difference a few mph can make to injuries sustained in the event of an accident I doubt you would post such a statement.

Speed is just one factor of many but it is enforceable by cameras. Especially in built up areas. Anyone who wants to speed and risk their lives and others whilst complaining about the methods used to attempt to make roads safe has their head up their arse.

There is no need and no point. Nobody is in that much of a hurry that they need to speed. Something I'm glad I've learnt.

People getting hung up on cruise control because they fail to understand it's just a safe way I have found to ensure I don't speed. Get over it.

In answer to your profile name... Yes. You are a mug.

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Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
What an absolutely ridiculous post. Has anyone justified use of phones at the wheel? If you had any concept of the difference a few mph can make to injuries sustained in the event of an accident I doubt you would post such a statement.

Speed is just one factor of many but it is enforceable by cameras. Especially in built up areas. Anyone who wants to speed and risk their lives and others whilst complaining about the methods used to attempt to make roads safe has their head up their arse.

There is no need and no point. Nobody is in that much of a hurry that they need to speed. Something I'm glad I've learnt.

People getting hung up on cruise control because they fail to understand it's just a safe way I have found to ensure I don't speed. Get over it.

In answer to your profile name... Yes. You are a mug.

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Warrant Officer
So, in answer to my original question (and to wipe the smug grin off of this colleagues face), i refer back to my original question which is - can a Mobile CCTV van, parked on a side street and positioned to look out across a mini roundabout in a village, be used to determine whether a car or a bike is speeding?


I have done a Google search. It gives you links to a wiki page and various other pages and forums which state that these vans are used for traffic monitoring, crime prevention and surveillance but NOT speeding.

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Warrant Officer
I have done a Google search. It gives you links to a wiki page and various other pages and forums which state that these vans are used for traffic monitoring, crime prevention and surveillance but NOT speeding.

This message was sent using my thumb.

Cheers Foggy - I guess I better prepare to put mustard on my words, for I will soon be consuming them along with this slice of humble pie that comes direct from the oven of shame, set at gas mark "egg on my face"!

What it does mean though is that the vehicle I thought caught me back in 2012 actually couldn't have done - which means they weren't clearly visible....


How does driving at 20 mph over a speed bump in a 20 zone batter anything???

If you'd encountered our local speed bumps, and their attendant potholes, you wouldn't have needed to ask that question! ;-)

Driving over a speed reducing cushion at 20mph is no problem on a clear road with no-one parked against them. If you are unable to straddle he cushion because of a parked car and oncoming traffic, as a minimum, your passenger might well be saying goodby to a tooth or two if you keep at 20mph...

Agreed - ours need no greater speed than 15mph to do at all comfortably - I'd not dream of trying to take them at 20 just because the speed limit says I can!

I would have said constantly changing your cruise control takes your eyes off the road and that can't be safe.

Sure having that extra bit of speed can help you get out of dangerous road situations which cruise control doesn't offer you.

I have to agree with the bit I've bolded.

My cruise control is on my steering wheel. I don't move my hands or look anywhere but at the road. If I need to slow down for obstacles etc then it's a quick tap of the cancel button or applying the brakes. I'd have thought that's just common sense...

How do you know what speed it's set to then? Not trying to be awkward - I'm genuinely interested to know as even a heads-up display still requires you to take your eyes from the road ahead to focus on it.


So, in answer to my original question (and to wipe the smug grin off of this colleagues face), i refer back to my original question which is - can a Mobile CCTV van, parked on a side street and positioned to look out across a mini roundabout in a village, be used to determine whether a car or a bike is speeding?

My view remains the same - that as a device used for speed monitoring is required to be approved and calibrated, then the vehicle mounted "local authority" type ones would only be able to get you for speeding if they met these requirements, AND were set up correctly. I'm afraid, Kryten, that from that perspective, I'd have to say that no, the vast majority of them, at least, can't.


Warrant Officer
My view remains the same - that as a device used for speed monitoring is required to be approved and calibrated, then the vehicle mounted "local authority" type ones would only be able to get you for speeding if they met these requirements, AND were set up correctly. I'm afraid, Kryten, that from that perspective, I'd have to say that no, the vast majority of them, at least, can't.

Cheers Blue......to add salt to the wounds it turns out that this colleague of mine has confirmed that the vehicle we have spent the last two days arguing over is there because there's been an outbreak of anti social behaviour.....so the humble pie slice is getting larger by the minute....


If you'd encountered our local speed bumps, and their attendant potholes, you wouldn't have needed to ask that question! ;-)

Agreed - ours need no greater speed than 15mph to do at all comfortably - I'd not dream of trying to take them at 20 just because the speed limit says I can!

I have to agree with the bit I've bolded.

How do you know what speed it's set to then? Not trying to be awkward - I'm genuinely interested to know as even a heads-up display still requires you to take your eyes from the road ahead to focus on it.

Put simply I have a digital speedo. When I set off and reach 20ish I glance down at the speedo and press the button on my steering wheel. From that point onwards I do not need to look anywhere but at the road as I count the increments as I increase and decrease my speed. I would guess I 'look up' more than most. Especially those without cruise control... Using sat navs... Adjusting temperature... Playing with their radio...


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Put simply I have a digital speedo. When I set off and reach 20ish I glance down at the speedo and press the button on my steering wheel. From that point onwards I do not need to look anywhere but at the road as I count the increments as I increase and decrease my speed. I would guess I 'look up' more than most. Especially those without cruise control... Using sat navs... Adjusting temperature... Playing with their radio...

Yours must be on of the only cars which can let you use cruise control at less than 25mph. There's loads on the Internet saying it not wise to use cruise control on built up areas,but what do the experts know.

Just out of interest what's it like to be the perfect driver, never playing with you radioa using sat nav picking your nose. I bet you've had a sandwich while driving.


Ladies and gentlemen we lasted for a while but here he is. JIT strikes again... Such a bellend.

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No I don't eat while I drive, clean car staying that way. I don't play with my satnav, if I'm going somewhere and need it then I know that before I leave and so set it before departure. I'm not a perfect driver but I'm as safe as I can be. Becoming a dad played a part in that. As for picking nose etc you lose credibility every time I see you post.

It's not about being self righteous, whiter than white. I genuinely enjoy driving a lot more now than I used to. Stress free.

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Talking of Satnavs... they can be a lot more accurate than your Speedo, so sometime (When it's quiet, not in a built up area :) ) see if your speed matches on both... My old car used to be about 2 mph slower at 30mph (actual 28mph), whereas my new car is dead on.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Cheers Blue......to add salt to the wounds it turns out that this colleague of mine has confirmed that the vehicle we have spent the last two days arguing over is there because there's been an outbreak of anti social behaviour.....so the humble pie slice is getting larger by the minute....

I wouldn't be eating any humble pie if I was you Kryten. There are dozens of different types of approved cameras and speed trap devices.

There may be certain rules that the so-called Safety Partnerships have to follow for deploying their camera vans but the police can set speed trap devices up, wherever they like (covert or overt places), whenever they like as long as they don't break any rules and follow the guidelines for deploying and operating the approved device.

In other words, you'll never know. Perhaps they were looking for that tw@t in the beemer?


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I wouldn't be eating any humble pie if I was you Kryten. There are dozens of different types of approved cameras and speed trap devices.

There may be certain rules that the so-called Safety Partnerships have to follow for deploying their camera vans but the police can set speed trap devices up, wherever they like (covert or overt places), whenever they like as long as they don't break any rules and follow the guidelines for deploying and operating the approved device.

In other words, you'll never know. Perhaps they were looking for that tw@t in the beemer?

It spunds like the ones which are operated by Liverpool city council with a revolving camera on a pole,situated on the roof of the van, these are used for anti social behaviour and would be impossible to collate your speed.


Warrant Officer
I wouldn't be eating any humble pie if I was you Kryten. There are dozens of different types of approved cameras and speed trap devices.

There may be certain rules that the so-called Safety Partnerships have to follow for deploying their camera vans but the police can set speed trap devices up, wherever they like (covert or overt places), whenever they like as long as they don't break any rules and follow the guidelines for deploying and operating the approved device.

In other words, you'll never know. Perhaps they were looking for that tw@t in the beemer?

Good point mate - he's been noticeably absent these last few days, so maybe they got him.....


Flight Sergeant
What an absolutely ridiculous post. Has anyone justified use of phones at the wheel? If you had any concept of the difference a few mph can make to injuries sustained in the event of an accident I doubt you would post such a statement.

People getting hung up on cruise control because they fail to understand it's just a safe way I have found to ensure I don't speed. Get over it.

This message was sent using my thumb and without involving my Brain.

My point is, all the emphasis on speeding because its easier to stick a camera up. There are bigger impacts on safety that we all see that get ignored. I know well enough the effect of speed on damage and injuries, but I also know reaction times play a much bigger part too. Be that the time it takes you to find the brake pedal or someone look up from their instruments.
Story time: Walking past a row of traffic at a set of lights and I counted 12 cars where there was a phone on the lap/in hand. Mostly women, not that it matters. A few young lads with headphones. Then I saw as the lights went green and cars started to move all the heads came up it was funny until you realised many of these drivers had no idea what or who is around them they just accelerated off.

I don't think I speed now. I drive to the conditions. I certainly don't accelerate hard, as I too prefer to keep the fuel bills low.
I don't use cruise control in built up areas because it is dangerous and irresponsible. Yes you can set a maximum speed if you have that option.

I just don't get the fixation with "all speeders must die!"