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Multiskilling Courses

Multiskilling Courses

  • Done the course and have used my new trade

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Done the course and don't use my new trade

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • What course haven't been yet

    Votes: 12 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
The only enjoyable thing, apart from going home, was the chopping up of metal and taking out your frustrations on some poor helpless rivets.[/QUOTE]

Yeh I think that's the best bit too.
But that's only to be expected - tin bashing it's the way ahead.

Not fecking interested and officially turned down course ?

Tashy man how did you get out of attending surely "I don't fancy going is not enough" more gen please if you can
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Tashied Goatee
The only enjoyable thing, apart from going home, was the chopping up of metal and taking out your frustrations on some poor helpless rivets.[/QUOTE]

Yeh I think that's the best bit too.
But that's only to be expected - tin bashing it's the way ahead.

Not fecking interested and officially turned down course ?

Tashy man how did you get out of attending surely "I don't fancy going is not enough" more gen please if you can

There is an official form to turn down the course...I'll have a look tomorrow when back at work..can't remember that far back.

I think it's in AP 3392 (not sure, not a daily read for me !!) will get back to you tomorrow.

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
The only enjoyable thing, apart from going home, was the chopping up of metal and taking out your frustrations on some poor helpless rivets.[/QUOTE]

Yeh I think that's the best bit too.
But that's only to be expected - tin bashing it's the way ahead.

Not fecking interested and officially turned down course ?

Tashy man how did you get out of attending surely "I don't fancy going is not enough" more gen please if you can

Tin Basher - Ask in your admin office Sgt B or the girls should know but its a simple procedure and occurs quite often - you cannot be forced to retrade however you cannot (since April last year) sign on or get promoted unless you accept multiskilling.

If a guy is due to leave at the 22 year point (or before), and/or decided he's not staying in , what is the point of spending time at Tossford getting cross dressed?

JT 4 ever

I did the Sooty to Rigger course a year or so ago, I'm glad theyve reduced it to 4 weeks cos I always thought it was a 4 week course rammed into 6 weeks.

6 damn weeks ****ing it up, abusing smallies, stealing road signs (ermm... I mean gizzets) and trying to dodge the SWO!

Dont get me wrong.. some of it was good.. some just an attendence course.

Ohh and did I mention some of the jumped up Cpl instructors.. they who who they are!


I was fortunate to do my Leckie to Fairy x-dressing course in sept 05 before I went to the Gulf.
Since then due to ARF, hot pit and all that pish we have had 3 times more Fairy jnco's than weve had canine copulators so 14 months on I still havent done my IP and to be honest I dont give a feck.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Tin Basher - Ask in your admin office Sgt B or the girls should know but its a simple procedure and occurs quite often - you cannot be forced to retrade however you cannot (since April last year) sign on or get promoted unless you accept multiskilling.

Thanks Hu a mine of useful information as always :PDT_Xtremez_28: Will go and ask the afore mentioned individuals this morning.


Somewhere else now!
I will pass your thoughts on to the WO Mech TS who is a very close and personal friend. Have a nice career!!! NOT

I take it you are referring to the WO who arrived there from the top secret SAR base in Cornwall?

Better he's there than where I am!!!!!!!!

I mostly agree with the cnuts statement too!!!!!!!!!

Management at Cosford are train set toting bun fighters........

........retires to safe distance.........

Liney Hasbeen

I did the Sooty to Rigger course a year or so ago, I'm glad theyve reduced it to 4 weeks cos I always thought it was a 4 week course rammed into 6 weeks.

6 damn weeks ****ing it up, abusing smallies, stealing road signs (ermm... I mean gizzets) and trying to dodge the SWO!

Dont get me wrong.. some of it was good.. some just an attendence course.

Ohh and did I mention some of the jumped up Cpl instructors.. they who who they are!

Hmmmm, Agree, Agree, Agree and Agree.

But ....... as one of the unfortunate destructors that has to deliver the mostly complete and utter drivvle to the sooties amongst you I can only sympathise and say make the best of a bad un'

However any chance of any good words for us chaps ??

Some of us do try our very best to make it as painless as possible, don't let the Cpl Hitlers tar us with thier 'sad pathetic can't get on in a real aircraft environment as everyy one hated me' brush.

Come here willing to have a laugh and play the game and we will make the best we can of it for you.

From a sad feeling rejected destructor !!!!!!!!!!

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
Complete honest moment here......

I did the course october 2005 (Fairy to Leckie).
After I completed the course, I got stuck in LITS cell.
My on aircraft work has depleted to virtually none.
Yet in October/November this year (with a big push from SEngO) I managed to complete the IP package with a series of breifings from the leckies.

I'm now X500 and all I have done leckie wise is change a PDU. wow!

And I'm still stuck in the LITS cell,
And I'm still trying to dig my way out,
And it's not working!!!!!!!!

Know the feeling Mate!!!Off Topic

Captain Gatso

Did the Sootie to Rigger cross dressing course three years ago. Have I used the information since. Not a chance. The only enjoyable bit I saw was hammering and riviting the **** of metal. Oh and also walking around camp, without getting shouted at, every five minutes by some dicip.::P:

90% of my sootie to A tech M course was working on or heading for rotary wing, of the 6 weeks, helicopter theory was rushed through in around 30 mins, I think we knew more than the instructors.

The Hunter undercarriage theory will come in handy some day im sure.

Turbo Angryman

Thick as f#ck Sumpy mongs

Thick as f#ck Sumpy mongs

Week in week out I have to stand at the front of the class spewing out this drivel, to you thick as f#ck sumpy mongs, and what thanks do you give us?? F#CK ALL apart from call us jumped up cpl hitlers, well my gormless sumpy retards, if it wasn't for us jumped up cpl hitlers here at Mong TS you lot would be doing the walk of shame back to your units as FAILED RIGGERS. We regarded as similar to dog sh#t by our management, and are treated like rancid vomit, but some of us try very hard to get you spazzers through and out of this turdis as quick as possible regardless!!
How funny it is that when you Mongaloids fail the exams you seem to shut your big gobs and listen to the cpl hitlers to get you through!!
So keep that thought in mind.
And as a final thought why not turn the course down???
Angryness Level 10/10
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. Were they involved in airframe repair by any chance?

WTF are they teaching mongaloid sooties airframe repair for? The last time I did airframe repairs I was on a structures repair team, as the majority of riggers have never touched a file outside of Halton/Cosford and here at the rapidly decomposing Wilts Transport Base the only people who get any airfame repair work are the civvies. :PDT_Xtremez_37:

Well at least it may stop the sooties coming to the rigger desk whining that they "can't get a screw out, we a need a real tradesman to do it for us" :PDT_Xtremez_42:

On a different note, the Hitler destructor- it wasn't a Cpl O'N*** was it?

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
WTF are they teaching mongaloid sooties airframe repair for? :PDT_Xtremez_37:
Well at least it may stop the sooties coming to the rigger desk whining :PDT_Xtremez_42:

Seems you may have answered your own question.

As for civvies at Alberts house doing all the repairs things must have changed. When I was there the civvies never did work in theatre, down route or OOA just the poor hard working blue suits fixed things away from sunny Wiltshire.

Off Topic From the nickname thread in fight club Pan Warrior states -
Heard of a guy on first line fixing rapier called TAM...thick as mince
I Know a fellow tossford resident intials TAM = Turbo Angry Man
Obviously just an embarassing coincidence as Turbo Angry Man is a nice chap who gets the brews in and is a liney at heart. He would never run off with his TAIL between his legs and bleat. :PDT_Xtremez_30:

Stands back for incoming at anger level 10/10Off Topic
Seems you may have answered your own question.

As for civvies at Alberts house doing all the repairs things must have changed. When I was there the civvies never did work in theatre, down route or OOA just the poor hard working blue suits fixed things away from sunny Wiltshire.

Blue suits seem to fix everything away from Wiltshire except for airframe repairs, that seems to be done by R & SS or they limp the frame home and give it to the civvies as happened with one home from the 'ghan recently with a knackered underbelly from extreme rough strip landings. This place has changed recently, don't know how long ago you left, but the civvies are talking over, although they are mainly ex GEs and others who got redundancy (lucky swine).

R.I.P Lyneham (and the rest of the RAF) 11 years to the end of the 100 year experiment.