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Neighbours' war with wounded soldiers' families

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Saw this in yesterdays Daily Mail

Disgusting! How can these people live with themselves? ...... snobby pillocks!


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Joint approach!!

Joint approach!!

As I mentioned before a joint approach is wanted. This is from PPRune

Tigs2 said:
OK folks there is a lot going on concerning this on ARRSE and if you are interested it is well worth reading in on. At the moment it is upto 20 pages, i suggest from 15 onwards will do you. The boys have uncovered various things about people who are complaining who may have a vested interest (Directors of land procurement companies etc), so there could be a strioke of genius about to be played by Part-Time-Pongo.
The link for ARRSE is (as digininagain says)
Here is a letter recieved by Cashbar on ARRSE from SSAFA

From SSAFA Forces Help:
SSAFA wishes to use the property in Ashstead in order to provide a residence for the immediate families of servicemen and women receiving treatment at the Defence Rehabilitation Centre at Headley Court.
The level and intensity of current operations in Afghanistan and Iraq have resulted in increased numbers of severely injured soldiers needing help. It is vital that they have the immediate support of loved ones at this critical time - it is proven to make a significant (positive) difference to the healing process.
The need is now. At present, there are inadequate facilities for the number of families that need to be close by. Therefore SSAFA needs to buy a property for the purpose rather than undertake a new build which is likely to take two or three years to complete.
The identified family house is modern, comfortable and able to be used immediately for the intended purpose as a 'home from home' for these families. It has six bedrooms and will not be extended in any way but will have minor alterations to facilitate disabled access.
In general, families will stay for a few days. It will not be a 'hotel' and it will not be a 'hostel' - no one is homeless. It will be run at cost and will not be a business.
An planning application has been made to Mole Valley Council because of the proposed change of use of the property.
Local residents have been consulted throughout the process. SSAFA wrote personally to those residents who live closest to the property. We subsequently replied individually to all letters that we received. We invited all residents to a briefing at Headley Court although many were unwilling or unable to attend. A subsequent briefing / meeting took place with the Ashstead Park Estate Management Co Ltd whose nominated representatives now represent the interests of all residents. No resident has been bullied.
SSAFA passionately believes that all soldiers should expect to be valued and respected and that they and their families should be fully supported. As a charity, we are 'needs led' - there is an immediate need to assist the families of injured servicemen and women recovering at Headley Court.

As PTP requested, if you support the campaign to get this sorted

In the first instance, can the PPRuners and EGoaters write their letters , in support of SSAFA and the work they do , and absolutely leave out any references to objectors. We are all better than them

The letters from the objectors are infuriating but we must not be seen to be bullying. Write from the heart, cool and calm, about the value of SSAFA, Headley court and its association with the area, and our need to support injured servicemen and to allow their families to do the same for them.
Polite letters of support could be E Mailed to:
Miss Lesley WESTPHAL
planning @ molevalley.gov.uk
Or to this link:

I know some of us have already sent in letters.
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Having a bit of difficulty controlling my temper!!!!! CNUTS.
Is there anything that we collectively can do???
Having a bit of difficulty controlling my temper!!!!! CNUTS.
Is there anything that we collectively can do???

Like the rest of you, this is making my blood boil. Ranting however isn't going to achieve anything concrete. We need to do something more constructive.

ARRSE are coordinating a suitable response to this. May I suggest that we all provide our full support.

Time for a Combined Services action...
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One thing that troubles me about all of this is the fact they are buying a property in a residential area and then modifying it to make it fit for purpose. Yet Hedley Court itself has substantial grounds in which to erect a purpose built hostel which would be much closer to hospitalised loved ones.

It would be wrong for planning permission to be granted purely because of the deserving need of injured service personnel and their families. What if SSAFA sold it on to another organisation not quite so headline friendly?

Residents have a right to have a say in these matters. Not so long ago there was a post about a fence being erected in a 'goaters shared drive followed with supportive comment about his rights etc. We shouldnt blame these folk for exercising the same rights.

Ultimately, if the application is judged to be within the regulations and byelaws then planning should be granted.

As I await incoming I will add that I personally wouldnt oppose the application although I would worry about SSAFA selling on to other organisations at a later date.
If you click here you can read the letters of complaint.

Prepare to get angry with the views of these very selfish narrow minded idiots.

What you can also do is send in a letter of support.................The link is on the page.

It would appear all the letters of representation have disappeared, Damn it I was just working myself up to bursting into print, disgusted of Auckland.

Nope, hang on they're back on again.
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One thing that troubles me about all of this is the fact they are buying a property in a residential area and then modifying it to make it fit for purpose. Yet Hedley Court itself has substantial grounds in which to erect a purpose built hostel which would be much closer to hospitalised loved ones.

It would be wrong for planning permission to be granted purely because of the deserving need of injured service personnel and their families. What if SSAFA sold it on to another organisation not quite so headline friendly?

Residents have a right to have a say in these matters. Not so long ago there was a post about a fence being erected in a 'goaters shared drive followed with supportive comment about his rights etc. We shouldnt blame these folk for exercising the same rights.

Ultimately, if the application is judged to be within the regulations and byelaws then planning should be granted.

As I await incoming I will add that I personally wouldnt oppose the application although I would worry about SSAFA selling on to other organisations at a later date.

The problem for SSAFA is that they need the accomodation now, not in 2yrs time. See the SSAFA statement in post #41
Too hot headed tonight to write to the planning department but i will tomorrow...... I think it's a totally selfish and self-centered approach by the residents to think that families of injured personnel would cause a "nuisance" by staying there while their loved one is at Hedley Court receiving life saving treatment and rehabilitation.

I did put a small bit on the Daily Mail site earlier and it has been shown.....hope it does some good.

Annoyed now, again................:PDT_Xtremez_09:
One thing that troubles me about all of this is the fact they are buying a property in a residential area and then modifying it to make it fit for purpose. Yet Hedley Court itself has substantial grounds in which to erect a purpose built hostel which would be much closer to hospitalised loved ones.

It would be wrong for planning permission to be granted purely because of the deserving need of injured service personnel and their families. What if SSAFA sold it on to another organisation not quite so headline friendly?

Residents have a right to have a say in these matters. Not so long ago there was a post about a fence being erected in a 'goaters shared drive followed with supportive comment about his rights etc. We shouldnt blame these folk for exercising the same rights.

Ultimately, if the application is judged to be within the regulations and byelaws then planning should be granted.

As I await incoming I will add that I personally wouldnt oppose the application although I would worry about SSAFA selling on to other organisations at a later date.

SSAFA would have no need to sell on. the modifications would no doubt equip it to be a respite home for injured/disabled servicemen irrespective of wars and wounds.
SSAFA would have no need to sell on. the modifications would no doubt equip it to be a respite home for injured/disabled servicemen irrespective of wars and wounds.

Gem, hate to say it but this would probably play ito the hands of the local residents.....some are stating it will become a Hostel etc, now a respite home is mentioned, all they can see are the pounds falling off their own houses.

Still selfish and self centered though.

Crack on...........:PDT_Xtremez_09:
SSAFA would have no need to sell on. the modifications would no doubt equip it to be a respite home for injured/disabled servicemen irrespective of wars and wounds.

Maybe no need, but from a residents point of view, still possible. Allowing the change of use also sets a precedent.

There is of course a need. Perhaps the real story here is that we are having to rely on charitable agencies rather than our employer for facilities of this type.
After reading a few of the objection to the planning permission letters or 'Im a moaning old barsteward with my head up my arris' letters I am even more annoyed! Why are they referring to it as a 'hostel' that just conjurs up images of old winos with cans of special brew! The house would be used as a place where the families of injured service men and women can stay while their loved ones get the treatment needed, I very much doubt the families would be throwing wild parties every night!. Our service men and women are from all over the country, why cant these selfish fookers understand and put themselves in the families position. What I would like to put to them is if a member of their family was horrifically injured and had to go to a specialised hospital the other end of the country wouldn't they want to stay as close as possible to them!!!!
Unfortunately I reckon that the barrage of criticism that these people have received will not make one iota of difference; one doesn't get to own a considerable pile in the heart of leafy Surrey by being concerned about what other proles think of one. Still, I can't help but think that if the armed forces were fighting a little closer to home (these homes in particular) these vile individuals would be a little less anal about such trivia as a hostel for relatives of those injured trying to save their sorry asses. As it is, they do not deserve to have the excellent, selfless people of the armed forces ready to fight on their selfish behalfs.
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Was already having a sh1t day in the office so thought I would cheer myself up with a bit of goat action, however along with everyone else, the blood is pounding behind the ears after reading through the majority of letters that have been submitted.

I am absolutely aghast that this attitude is still so prevalent. Especially in an area that has had a MOD link for decades. Nearly every one of the letters has stated that there will be a hostel running as a business. Which part of charity is missing from their understanding?

Even worse is their stinking attitude that all service families are a underclass, with one resident stating clearly that the increased rubbish and wheelchair access will not be upkeeping with the village within a village.

Surely in this PC world, there is a case finally that all those lawyers can get their teeth into as every one of these residents are being discrimanatory towards personnel who are disabled?
Unfortunately I reckon that the barrage of criticism that these people have received will not make one iota of difference; one doesn't get to own a considerable pile in the heart of leafy Surrey by being concerned about what other proles think of one. Still, I can't help but think that if the armed forces were fighting a little closer to home (these homes in particular) these vile individuals would be a little less anal about such trivia as a hostel for relatives of those injured trying to save their sorry asses. As it is, they do not deserve to have the excellent, selfless people of the armed forces ready to fight on their selfish behalfs.

Red Mist has lifted slightly now only took 14 hours!

I have to agree with Spilt Brain, in that these people are going to be thick skinned and that obsessed with their own self importance that criticism will simply bounce off. Personally I think that maybe SSAFA may need to consider a different location as should this application be approved I see nothing but trouble ahead. The manager of the facility will have his/her work cut out fending off the crap. These are the type of people who will stand outside and take photos to send in to the council on how the rubbish is too close to the wall by 3 inches which contravenes rule blah, how this car drove at 21 mph down the road and how someone sneezed at 8pm and it woke our pet chinchilla. All this is unlikely to create a relaxed atmosphere for those families who choose to stay there but will simply add to their stress, especially as it appears from the tone of some letters that the residents will do their utmost to make anyone feel unwelcome. Whilst giving in to these chumps is not necessarily the right decision, it may be in the long term for the what SSAFA are trying to achieve

Incidentally, there is a street not far from me that is a residents only road, one of the things they do there is vet any new occupants before allowing them to buy a house, if you don't meet the standard then you don't get in. Oh and it is a white only street funny old thing! Lots of complaints about it but nothing done.
One thing that troubles me about all of this is the fact they are buying a property in a residential area and then modifying it to make it fit for purpose. Yet Hedley Court itself has substantial grounds in which to erect a purpose built hostel which would be much closer to hospitalised loved ones.

It would be wrong for planning permission to be granted purely because of the deserving need of injured service personnel and their families. What if SSAFA sold it on to another organisation not quite so headline friendly?

Residents have a right to have a say in these matters. Not so long ago there was a post about a fence being erected in a 'goaters shared drive followed with supportive comment about his rights etc. We shouldnt blame these folk for exercising the same rights.

Ultimately, if the application is judged to be within the regulations and byelaws then planning should be granted.

As I await incoming I will add that I personally wouldnt oppose the application although I would worry about SSAFA selling on to other organisations at a later date.

I believe that SSAFA have stated that should the property be disposed of then it would be returned to be used as a single family dwelling.

These people also mention that it would set a precedent in the area, well if the strong opposition that they are citing is from all residents then it probably wouldn't happen as If they felt that strongly then they would check out what a prospective buyer would have planned. If it didn't meet with what they consider to be suitable then they shouldn't sell. However I suspect that everyone of them if they were to sell their house tomorrow wouldn't give a stuff who bought so long as they got the asking price or more.
These people paid good money to live in a tranquil environment and they do deserve their say. Regardless what we may think they have every right to show opposition to the planning application and as someone said earlier the money could have been used to build on the land at the hospital. Gotta say theyd probably get more building for the money.
Lets be honest, this is a mere six bedroomed house so at no time could it accomodate the amount of families that would use it.
You seem to have missed the point old son. There is an URGENT NEED for this facilty NOW, not in 2 years time after all the wranglings and the actual build.
Thats a valid point actually, that money could have made an all singing all dancing building in the hospital grounds. Dont get me wrong the residents are all a bunch of ar$eholes and to be honest building a new building will probably be quicker now than trying to get the planning through!
The fact it's tranquil is the reason SSAFA chose the location. Peace and quiet is essential for reflection and rehabilitation. Hopefully their foundationless objections will fall on deaf ears.

The houses may be big and expensive but why should they be entitled to more peace and quite than those living in the cities and suburbs. What's to stop some chav family suddenly coming into money and deciding to live there?
These people paid good money ........

Well, thats the nub of the issue isn't it, money is the be-all and end-all in our society. Some of us work to help make society a better place, others just work for themselves but guess who ends up with the bigger stash at the end :PDT_Xtremez_25:
OK, nobody said life was fair but I'd wager that if most of us were in a similar position we'd be somewhat more altruistic. But of course you don't get to live in million quid houses by joining the armed forces as an erk, and when you are in a position to own a million quid house you almost certainly didn't get there by thinking of anyone but yourself.
The UK is heading fast towards a 'last days of the Roman Empire' scenario, perhaps one day having a few million quid in the bank will be utterly useless. What will matter is having practical skills that can be used in the real world. The we'll see who will lord it over who :PDT_Xtremez_32:

Shoulder chip well and truly in place :PDT_Xtremez_30: