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I'm out of the Mob soon so I am not that fussed but.....

How do you get promoted?

I have will have spent 12 years in the mob by the time I get out,

I have 5 years seniority in rank,
I've been on numours op tours (to places you get shot at, not sat in a 5 star hotel 1000 miles from a party popper!),
I have had for the last few years been on 5's and High Recs with great write up's,
I help out with a local youth group in my spare time, But I have never been picked up, and a bloke I work with who has been in 5 mins and is rubbish at his job (he stuggles opening some panels on the aircraft) has been picked up.

Where is the justice I know it sounds like sour grapes, maybe it is a little but that is not my point, it is how come complete mongs can get picked up and guys who can do the job don't and are now leaving in droves.


I found the best way was to always walk around fast with a pile of notes/clipboard and perceived sense of purpose.
And always keep a five minute spiel of bollocks to tell people if they ask what you are doing.
Did me no harm!!
If you are on Sqns etc it can be harder to shine. Specialisation has helped me along, as when I was on the mighty Albert everyone was working hard under inclement conditions so hard to stand out.
As for other duties they seem to help, I opted for a `punchier` sideline of extra work but got promoted before it had chance to take effect so not sure whether it would have helped much.
Chin up mate Mr will be the best promotion.

The Masked Geek

with great write up's

Are you sure? A great write up in normal speak may come across as bollox in board speak.

I've fallen foul of this myself and now I know what to look for.

Another thing we'll always have to compete with are the 1ROs who big up their mates....


Are you sure? A great write up in normal speak may come across as bollox in board speak.

I've fallen foul of this myself and now I know what to look for.

Another thing we'll always have to compete with are the 1ROs who big up their mates....

My mates, FS and WO have all at some stage been my 1/2 ROs

But hey in a few months civvy st here I come!!

But one of my points is also how come biffs get picked up over good lads?( I know that is a sweeping statement)


It probably has something to do with vaseline and scuffed knee's :PDT_Xtremez_34:

The Panther

Would I be right in thinking you are a JT ? Thats never going to help with promotion. Anyway like that radical rob fellow said, Mr is the best promotion you could ever get. Engineers are the same outside of the Raf, same humour and banter to be found. Good luck on the outside, if your a good worker you will do well.


Flight Sergeant
Where is the justice I know it sounds like sour grapes, maybe it is a little but that is not my point, it is how come complete mongs can get picked up and guys who can do the job don't and are now leaving in droves.

I know how you feel. I spent 3 or 4 years on the nearly pile: Sorry Cpl xxxx, you were selected and are in 95th place, but it's unlikely that we'll be promoting enough to reach you this year.

I wasn't too bitter, as a couple of guys I knew who got it were bloody good so I went away thinking that I obviously wasn't up to scratch compared to those in front.

THEN we got a complete fecktard in on promotion and I was gutted. I couldn't decide whether to be depressed because this bufoon was better than me (apparently) and I was a bigger loser than I thought, or to be angry that the board had picked him over me.

It transpired that he was happy where he was previously and the management decided the easiest thing to do was promote him out of there:PDT_Xtremez_25:

The Sqn offloaded him onto Station shortly after I finally got my third, making him EVERYBODYs problem:PDT_Xtremez_09:


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
It transpired that he was happy where he was previously and the management decided the easiest thing to do was promote him out of there:PDT_Xtremez_25:

I have heard of this sort of thing happening, but have never actually witnessed it. Is promoting to get rid an urban myth? I just cant imagine writing someone up well, just to get rid of them on promotion.


Tashied Goatee
I have heard of this sort of thing happening, but have never actually witnessed it. Is promoting to get rid an urban myth? I just cant imagine writing someone up well, just to get rid of them on promotion.

Never worked for me !! I tried to be the biggest pain in the ar$e possible and they still kept me there....the feckers !!!!

Crack on...............:PDT_Xtremez_09:


Flight Sergeant
I have heard of this sort of thing happening, but have never actually witnessed it. Is promoting to get rid an urban myth? I just cant imagine writing someone up well, just to get rid of them on promotion.

That's the story that followed on from his old unit and it makes me feel slightly better to believe it. If I had to face the fact that I was worse than him, I'd be locked in the garage with the engine running tonight!

Of course, it could have just been started by someone else in a similar situation to me:PDT_Xtremez_42:

Promotion to get rid does happen though (sort of). More than once I've seen Trade Managers putting adequately skilled tossers onto their fitters course over the good ones. This is based on the logic that the good lad is up to covering for the absence of the nugget and another course will be along soon.

pie sandwich

This is based on the logic that the good lad is up to covering for the absence of the nugget and another course will be along soon.

And when that happens the good lad who is left behind can go one of two ways works even harder to get a fitters course or turns round and says f**k you, you bunch of jokers, then sits around and does nowt! Because if some retard can get a fitters course without being any good or even trying why should he even bother to put the effort in.


Flight Sergeant
And when that happens the good lad who is left behind can go one of two ways works even harder to get a fitters course or turns round and says f**k you, you bunch of jokers, then sits around and does nowt! Because if some retard can get a fitters course without being any good or even trying why should he even bother to put the effort in.

I never said it was right! Not high enough up the ladder to have to make the call yet but if I ever get there I'd like to think I'd send the good lad (and kick myself every day for having a conscience and saddling myself with the loser).

feckinG RANT

Promotion to get rid does happen though (sort of). More than once I've seen Trade Managers putting adequately skilled tossers onto their fitters course over the good ones. This is based on the logic that the good lad is up to covering for the absence of the nugget and another course will be along soon.

Don't know what magical powers your TM's have had but I was selected (in 1997) for FT via a promotion board looking at my 6442's for the past three years.

I don't buy in to this "promoting to get rid of", it would mean three years plus of over-assessed scores, then it's at the mercy of the board. I'm sure people have tried it and it may have worked but I suspect it was by chance, too many variables to work all the time.

As far as I can see, the best way to get promoted is to be a nice guy. You don't need to be the best at your job, lets face it who would you rather work with? A guy that is brilliant at his job but a complete knobber or someone not so good but is easy to get on with?

I expect loads of you will be bleating about personality shouldn't come in to it etc but that's life I'm afraid! Why did Tony Blair do so well? Because the general public saw an approachable, down to earth, nice guy!


I just noshed off my first RO.

I feel for you mate, I'm a fairy, and its a lot easier for us to get promotion. This can mean an inexperienced guy gets his tapes whilst a much better heavy doesn't. Its the way it is, dunno why.

Try writing your own assesment. Be realistic with yourself, then compare it to what they've written. If theres differences, ask them why. Its what I do, and as such I get pretty accurate write ups. To be fair, I've got my tapes though, and i've absolutely no intention of getting my 3rd.


As hard/horrible as it may seem and not wishing to belittle anyone (as most of us have been in the same situation at some point in our own career) but perhaps people are not getting promoted because there are people out ther who are better and so therfore get picked up.

The board have view of you previouis assessments and one v.good assessment does not make a person promotable.
Every body gets seen these days where as in years gone by you had to get points just to be looked at.

If you are that cheesed off with things request a careers brief but be prepared for a warts'n'all debrief:PDT_Xtremez_42:


Talking of Promotions,

I was wondering, what is the percieved time and no of assesments to be considered for promotion to the next rank.

I am currently a Cpl having had 4 assesments

1st) Recommended
2nd) Highly Recommended
3rd) Highly Recommended
4th) Highly Recommended

I am A tech AV. X500 & have the Auth so I can supervise in both trades.

Im not enough of a kiss arse to go that extra step and get those all important secondary duties or do charity work for the spec Rec.


Depends what you do and how well you do it, as well as your first RO's perception of where you fit in his lads abilities. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king, but take him into a world where everyone has two eyes...

I move around a fair bit, so im unlikely ever to break past high recs. Should this be a disadvantage? To be honest, I dont care, I like moving jobs, keeps me on my feet and interested. But it does go badly on assesments.