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Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Talking of Promotions,

I was wondering, what is the percieved time and no of assesments to be considered for promotion to the next rank.

I am currently a Cpl having had 4 assesments

1st) Recommended
2nd) Highly Recommended
3rd) Highly Recommended
4th) Highly Recommended

I am A tech AV. X500 & have the Auth so I can supervise in both trades.

Im not enough of a kiss arse to go that extra step and get those all important secondary duties or do charity work for the spec Rec.

Davie, not too sure how anyone should be able to be recommended for promotion on their 1st assessment. This is not a dig at you, but the system, a lot of people are being over assessed, this has a knock on effect through out the the trade and peoples prospects.
If the subject has not completed all of the required promotion courses, the only promotion recommendation that can be awarded is likely to come fit, though this can effect peoples careers, for example, a guy on my TMT2 course had been waiting 2 years to get on his, not his fault, but could have set his promotion prospects back. (I had to wait 11 months for mine).


Somewhere else now!
Davie, not too sure how anyone should be able to be recommended for promotion on their 1st assessment. This is not a dig at you, but the system, a lot of people are being over assessed, this has a knock on effect through out the the trade and peoples prospects.
If the subject has not completed all of the required promotion courses, the only promotion recommendation that can be awarded is likely to come fit, though this can effect peoples careers, for example, a guy on my TMT2 course had been waiting 2 years to get on his, not his fault, but could have set his promotion prospects back. (I had to wait 11 months for mine).

But what if they are actually good enough to be rec'd on their 1st assessment?
Depends on their post and what they do as well.
When you are assessed you are measured on your potential to reach a further 2 ranks, so to be rec'd on your 1st assessment shouldnt be just dismissed as dishonest assessing.
It has nothing to do with the system or whether they have done their courses. Some people deservedly get promotion because they are capable.


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
But what if they are actually good enough to be rec'd on their 1st assessment?
Depends on their post and what they do as well.
When you are assessed you are measured on your potential to reach a further 2 ranks, so to be rec'd on your 1st assessment shouldnt be just dismissed as dishonest assessing.
It has nothing to do with the system or whether they have done their courses. Some people deservedly get promotion because they are capable.

Very good point Mr M. What grips my sh1t about assessments is people who give nothing to the RAF or wider service community, are just about average at their job and EXPECT to be promoted purely on time served. I thought promotion to Corporal and beyond was competitive and based on merit?

I know people slag off secondary duties, and I'm the first to agree there's nothing more annoying than having some to$$er who spends all day interfering with scouts or whatever, but good secondary duties in conjunction with being good at your job AND having the potential to lead surely must make for the most rounded airman/woman?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I'm out of the Mob soon so I am not that fussed but.....

How do you get promoted?

I have will have spent 12 years in the mob by the time I get out,

I have 5 years seniority in rank,
I've been on numours op tours (to places you get shot at, not sat in a 5 star hotel 1000 miles from a party popper!),
I have had for the last few years been on 5's and High Recs with great write up's,
I help out with a local youth group in my spare time, But I have never been picked up, and a bloke I work with who has been in 5 mins and is rubbish at his job (he stuggles opening some panels on the aircraft) has been picked up.

Where is the justice I know it sounds like sour grapes, maybe it is a little but that is not my point, it is how come complete mongs can get picked up and guys who can do the job don't and are now leaving in droves.

Think carefully here; are they all ginger?


You will not get promotion to SNCO without some heavyweight secondary duties AND being very good at your job. I picked this up from the selection board I sat in on about a year ago.


Tashied Goatee
You will not get promotion to SNCO without some heavyweight secondary duties AND being very good at your job. I picked this up from the selection board I sat in on about a year ago.

Oh well glad to know i failed on both counts and now in civvy street I can earn twice as much in my hand with no tax to pay...oh how i miss those days of pi$$ing in the wind with little boy Jengos ingnoring all you said........oh well.

Crack on.....................:PDT_Xtremez_09:


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Oh well glad to know i failed on both counts and now in civvy street I can earn twice as much in my hand with no tax to pay...oh how i miss those days of pi$$ing in the wind with little boy Jengos ingnoring all you said........oh well.

Crack on.....................:PDT_Xtremez_09:

Yeah, but lifes always been that way!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Think carefully here; are they all ginger?


You will not get promotion to SNCO without some heavyweight secondary duties AND being very good at your job. I picked this up from the selection board I sat in on about a year ago.

Well I can only assume that is on a trade by trade basis, I got mine after 4 assessments containing a grand total of 1 secondary duty (tea bar manager) on my 2nd assessment.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Well I can only assume that is on a trade by trade basis, I got mine after 4 assessments containing a grand total of 1 secondary duty (tea bar manager) on my 2nd assessment.

Ahhhh... and there you have it. You were (and it could only have been well), handling money! Not to mention that both 1st and 2nd RO's were seeing you do that on a regular basis perhaps? As opposed to a high profile secondary duty (like schools liaison perhaps) where they never/rarely see you do anything!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I would describe your "heavyweight" secondary duty as something away from your place of work. I personally don't agree that a secondary duty should be a prerequisite for promotion, most of us are doing the primary work of 3 or 4 people. But I completely understand that the board holds in a higher regard somebody who has a secondary duty verses somebody without.


Tashied Goatee
Well I can only assume that is on a trade by trade basis, I got mine after 4 assessments containing a grand total of 1 secondary duty (tea bar manager) on my 2nd assessment.

You obviously wasn't T-Bar manager on my last sqn....people hadn't paid for YEARS....were still outstanding AFTER they got posted but what got said....yup...feck all.

I paid up before i left what did i get after 5 years on sqn and paying T-Bar & Ents.......FECK ALL.........No Tankard, No print, no nothing.......good to see my money was well spent.

Crack on......................:PDT_Xtremez_09:

The Stig A.D.I.

Oh well glad to know i failed on both counts and now in civvy street I can earn twice as much in my hand with no tax to pay...oh how i miss those days of pi$$ing in the wind with little boy Jengos ingnoring all you said........oh well.

Crack on.....................:PDT_Xtremez_09:

Ooooh, Tashy - you've changed!!!

Hope you're still enjoying the new status mate (and the wedge, of course...).



Tashied Goatee
Ooooh, Tashy - you've changed!!!

Hope you're still enjoying the new status mate (and the wedge, of course...).


Oh indeed i am !!!! Have never had so much spare cash. Oh well don't look like any of it will ever get spent on a sqn leaving beer call as noone can be ar$ed to sort it out.....well i can't get back on camp now so feck em all...........oh well

Crack on.....................:PDT_Xtremez_09:
Last edited:

Captain Gatso

On the subject of what S77 mentioned. I think he is right. I have had the last three assesments on high recs with a good OOA one thrown in. I have had secondary duties which have been pretty responsible ones and I work dam hard etc etc. Though I just don't seem to make it onto that list. I just don't know what else your supposed to do? However I don't care either now. I honestly could not keep trying to work my arse off with work +secondary duties while trying to maintain my home life, for a promotion that would take years to get. In the end I had to make a choice of staying in the RAF for a possible career, or leave for a new career I know I have some certainty of progressing with.:PDT_Xtremez_06:


Warrant Officer
I just noshed off my first RO.

I feel for you mate, I'm a fairy, and its a lot easier for us to get promotion. This can mean an inexperienced guy gets his tapes whilst a much better heavy doesn't. Its the way it is, dunno why.

Try writing your own assesment. Be realistic with yourself, then compare it to what they've written. If theres differences, ask them why. Its what I do, and as such I get pretty accurate write ups. To be fair, I've got my tapes though, and i've absolutely no intention of getting my 3rd.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, fcuk me my sides are splitting!!!! It certainly wasn't the case when i was in. I saw a lad who was crap at being a his job get his FT cos of something he'd done on detachment.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I would describe your "heavyweight" secondary duty as something away from your place of work. I personally don't agree that a secondary duty should be a prerequisite for promotion, most of us are doing the primary work of 3 or 4 people. But I completely understand that the board holds in a higher regard somebody who has a secondary duty verses somebody without.

Gotta disagree mate. Heavyweight secondary duties are perceived as duties that take up a lot of your time, cause you maximum inconvenience, yet you carry on with it. It's the 'carrying on with it' aspect that carries the weight. I fully understand the doing 3 or 4 peoples jobs, but you're one of those same people that you're in competition with. If you don't do the 'extras', how will you be told apart? This is what the boards are currently looking at. Who stands head and shoulders above the rest?

By the way, you're on a winner with me, you are one of the few people on here that checks their spelling before posting!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Gotta disagree mate. Heavyweight secondary duties are perceived as duties that take up a lot of your time, cause you maximum inconvenience, yet you carry on with it. It's the 'carrying on with it' aspect that carries the weight. I fully understand the doing 3 or 4 peoples jobs, but you're one of those same people that you're in competition with. If you don't do the 'extras', how will you be told apart? This is what the boards are currently looking at. Who stands head and shoulders above the rest?

By the way, you're on a winner with me, you are one of the few people on here that checks their spelling before posting!

Secondary Duties...Geez. The only way to find out if you really want a person to fill the job is to interview them. End of. That way you can separate the Walk the Walk from the Talk the Talk as written in assessments. How much B@ll**** is written on a assessments sprucing up the Promotions Rep (Poster Boy) etc. The main priority should be work. And anyway most people who do Secondary Duties I have seen do it in work time which is wrong!!

By the sounds of things though, AC techies are having a hard time right now with OOA, reduced manning etc so I'm sure most of their focus will be on their families and quite rightly so. Unless you are OOA, family first, RAF second I'm afraid.


Recommended in first year

Recommended in first year

Aha, A common misconception,

I came from working 10 years on GR4 to working F3 at Leuchars.The only difference being the Radar system, so I hit the ground running and I was representing the station in 3 sports. So why not recommended in the first year.

Secondary duties, could I have some views from this on Wo/Officers who have actually sat on the board. I am unwilling to take on any extra work due to the amount of time taken on my Primary duty...Pretty much 10 hr days and 14 hr nights. Why do the board continue to sit and would rather promote somebody average at their primary duty but excelling in secondary duties, other than someone who is outstanding and commited to their primary duty.

The Stig A.D.I.

Aha, A common misconception,

I came from working 10 years on GR4 to working F3 at Leuchars.The only difference being the Radar system, so I hit the ground running and I was representing the station in 3 sports. So why not recommended in the first year.

Secondary duties, could I have some views from this on Wo/Officers who have actually sat on the board. I am unwilling to take on any extra work due to the amount of time taken on my Primary duty...Pretty much 10 hr days and 14 hr nights. Why do the board continue to sit and would rather promote somebody average at their primary duty but excelling in secondary duties, other than someone who is outstanding and commited to their primary duty.

I know where you're coming from Dave, but if (and I'm not saying you are) you were one of these ultra-sporty types, who spends more time playing sport than they do at work (and are therefore being covered for, not only by your colleagues, but also possibly your line manager; have you considered that maybe you'd be held in lower regard, through resentment for instance, by those who are left at the coal-face, covering your primary role?

This is not by any means an attack on you mate, I'm simply highlighting the fact that while we're all for colleagues who represent the Station/RAF at sport, when we're up against it and the job needs finishing, irrespective of how few people are at work, then it's only human for the lads AND the line manager (who might well be your 1st RO...) to hold you in some sort of contempt because they're woking their nuts off, while you play rugby, etc...

I speak from experience - there was a lad at my last unit who played RAF Sport and he was hardly ever at work - which, for the reasons above was, after a while, to everyone else's distain...


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
I know where you're coming from Dave, but if (and I'm not saying you are) you were one of these ultra-sporty types, who spends more time playing sport than they do at work (and are therefore being covered for, not only by your colleagues, but also possibly your line manager; have you considered that maybe you'd be held in lower regard, through resentment for instance, by those who are left at the coal-face, covering your primary role?

This is not by any means an attack on you mate, I'm simply highlighting the fact that while we're all for colleagues who represent the Station/RAF at sport, when we're up against it and the job needs finishing, irrespective of how few people are at work, then it's only human for the lads AND the line manager (who might well be your 1st RO...) to hold you in some sort of contempt because they're woking their nuts off, while you play rugby, etc...

I speak from experience - there was a lad at my last unit who played RAF Sport and he was hardly ever at work - which, for the reasons above was, after a while, to everyone else's distain...

If your SNCO has any balls, he will just bin off your sport. I missed out on shooting for the RAF one year because we couldn't spare the manpower. No problem, I manned up and got on with it.