E E E E E E E E AR's Avatar E E E E E E E E AR
E E E E E E E E AR's Avatar E E E E E E E E AR
Mate, I don't think the hierarchy have thought it through, and yes the brighter guys are going to question it. Where the hierarchy win is that it takes a few years for the guys to realise they are being ragged. The guys are enjoying themselves, a good crowd and social scene etc etc.....but then as they approach the end ( say last 4 years) the guys take the courses as they become disenchanted etc.
I can't talk for all trades, but the NCA on helicopters are pretty much at this stage already, exciting jobe go places and live an exciting lifestyle, but not long after they've started and see no end to the army bollox they too are starting to look at the outside and qual themselves up for the 12 year exit.
NEM is genious, it saves money, rags people at their prime and sets them up for £27,000 of a degree at the end, but in 20 years time, as all the actuaries will be back me up on, it costs them nothing at all. The exponential decrease in military pension is the goal. They have just been caught out by a buoyant jobs market and the abrupt stop of a war that used to pay a nice wad to the guys that went.