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Where did you see this increase in PVR times?

They have kept it quiet! its on the manning website, updated on 03 Nov 15 no doubt worrying about the roll out of the future pay bands and the impact of SDSR. everyone to the line!
Isn't that the sort of thing they're supposed to 'cascade down'?? May be that your boss doesn't want you to know! lol
Im not sure if you have already looked into the Qtr transfer to your Mrs, but you didnt state if you were at the same Unit.

I know sometimes if there is a shortage of houses they might expect you to move if Mrs has no entitlement at your current Unit.
Good for you mate! What's the plan once you get out?

Plan is to stay in aviation, either as SR or go contracting. I've fired my CV off to a few recruiting companies and had 3 bites already this week, 2 through aviationjobsearch and one through Linkedin.

The new PVR times and rumblings around the Sqn seem to have ruffled a few management feathers who are fearing a quick exodus. With most of my colleagues having 50 daddy's leave left quite a few could potentially go before Xmas. I've decided to honour my Shader det in January before I leave. Flight home is potentially my last working day.

As as for the quarter, whoever deals with housing these days is happy with s P stat cat change for the Mrs. We are at the same station and no further application needed.