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Sevice Numbers

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That 'formula' is the biggest load of bum custard I've seen in ages... Its as much use as t1ts on a fish.

Mine: Q822 & the formula provided did not work out.

Smalley also!!:PDT_Xtremez_34:
R8020 and some still call me a smalley. They are part right. I am still a young un :cool:
When I joined up the man next to me had the number J.....31 and mine was K.....32. So maybe it is just as simple as the letter went up 1 at the same time the number went up, no secret formula.
So if us sprogs just got started from 30000000 does that mean my number does not contain any check digit and that it is just a straight incrementing number?
J8118 wrong side of 50 mentally and physically i hav'nt got a clue.
I can't wait for all of the other 16512 e-goat members to post the first bit of their service numbers and the date they joined......................... Thats going to be a cracking read.
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ForgottenName's formula does work, he just made a typo. It should be:

Times the first number by 8
the second number by 17
the third number by 4
the fourth number by 16
the fifth by 2
the sixth by 13
and the last number by 1

Add the total of the answers (Answer A)

divide total by 23

reduce the number to the nearest integer (ie, 13.26087 would be 13)

multiple that number by 23 (not 13 as was orginally written) (Answer B)

take away Answer B from Answer A above

if your answer is

0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D
4 = E
5 = F
6 = G
7 = H
8 = J
9 = K
10 = L
11 = M
12 = N
13 = P
14 = Q
15 = R
16 = S
17 = T
18 = U
19 = V
20 = W
21 = X
22 = Y
23 = X

Great, so now we have a daft formula that gives you another number that then becomes a letter at the start of your service number. Surely there must have been a simpler way of coming up with the letter!
Great, so now we have a daft formula that gives you another number that then becomes a letter at the start of your service number. Surely there must have been a simpler way of coming up with the letter!

That was the whole point of the letter in the first place, if somebody entered your service number wrong, and the computer did it's backwards math jiggery pokery and the letter was not what it was supposed to be, the computer knew that the number had been entered wrong and could tell the operator.

I have no idea if any system ever made use of it though?
That was the whole point of the letter in the first place, if somebody entered your service number wrong, and the computer did it's backwards math jiggery pokery and the letter was not what it was supposed to be, the computer knew that the number had been entered wrong and could tell the operator.

I have no idea if any system ever made use of it though?

That was what I was thinking with my question about JPA numbers. Working with blessed computer systems all my adult life I have seen quite a few systems (although the formula posted above did make me laugh). I think the NI number has a check digit and us sweatties have something called a Clinical Health Index number that is your six digit DoB, 3 random numbers and a check digit.

While none of us would ever be stupid enough to forget our service numbers people entering it into a computer system for someone else will get it wrong some of the time, I would have thought a built in check would be a given? Unless each computer system in the Armed Forces can compare your name and number to the JPA index in real time?

Hold on, I just invented a joined up system - forget I said anything.
When I joined up the man next to me had the number J.....31 and mine was K.....32. So maybe it is just as simple as the letter went up 1 at the same time the number went up, no secret formula.

The 74 members of my 1971 Apprentice Entry had exactly the same pattern, no "formula". Names listed alphabetically, first on the list was R....76, me S.....77, next T.....78. If you eventually got Commissioned the letter changed ends but your number stayed the same.
Service Number

Service Number

:PDT_Xtremez_39:Any clever clogs out there, know how the letter prefix to service number is worked out. This info is vital to the sanity of several old drinkers in local pub.

Times the first number by 8
the second number by 17
the third number by 4
the fourth number by 16
the fifth by 2
the sixth by 13
and the last number by 1

Add the total of the answers (Answer A)

divide total by 23

reduce the number to the nearest integer (ie, 13.26087 would be 13)

multiple that number by 23 (Answer B)

take away Answer B from Answer A above

if your answer is

0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = D
4 = E
5 = F
6 = G
7 = H
8 = J
9 = K
10 = L
11 = M
12 = N
13 = P
14 = Q
15 = R
16 = S
17 = T
18 = U
19 = V
20 = W
21 = X
22 = Y
23 = X

Stolen from 'forgottenname' with correction by 'Dinkydoo'