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Techies banging out at a rapid rate

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I'm talking about the b@llsh!t. QinetiQ are currently undergoing something called "transform" which means loss of jobs which in turn means not just double hatting but at different locations as well. Every few months the organisation changes in some way and job titles change so nobody knows who they are working for or what they are supposed to be doing from week to week at the moment. That's one of the reasons I'm standing by before jumping ship.
Any thoughts on the Senior Technician Airworthiness Course for TG1 Chief Tech and above for those on flying sqns or in airworthiness roles? Is this effectively the introduction of a TMT 3??
Anybody have any more in-depth knowledge of its contents as the current order is pretty vague?
That's just arming a disgruntled Chief with more quals to take into civvy street where CAMO pays rather well
Serious question - why have you remained beyond your IPP when life in the RAF is so crap and big bucks can be earned outside?

Because I am in a good job and 5 minutes from my front door, I've just turned my crown down to stay here on Easy Street. l've got job offers on the outside but its not my time just yet. If they post me somewhere crap I will leave.
There seems to be quite a few TG1 PVRing at the moment, I heard a figure of 350 this year mentioned, manning is down to 90% for the trade. all the promotion boards have ground to a halt as they cant promote people without leavi ng massive gaps. whats the answer?

whats the answer? IMHO one of two things
1 Have the manpower and training to promote after the rank of JT, thus J/Tto CPL/T 3 years, CPL/T to SNR/T 4 years
SNR/T to C/T 7years [all exams passed on way up] That's 14 years after J/T, out at 22years.

2 The other option is if you can't promote and that they have to stay in rank, you raise the pay every year on top of
the general rise
The problem now is that there is to few men in the air force, which leads to insecurity, to much work loading,
no promotion/ no money, crap or non existence housing [man and wife must be happy and together]
Well you did ask!
To be honest the RAF has always been like this, over worked and under resourced, these threads have been appearing periodically for years.

And guess what the RAF still gets done what it needs to get done, I suppose you could look back to the cold war days when it was massively over manned, but that was for a reason, lots of basic kit to balance the oppositions basic kit.

At the end of the day any role that doesn't need to deploy into the sharp end can be civilianised or contracted out, a lot of blue suit SNCO management roles could be wiped out, yet they retain it for career management reasons.

And time promotion doesn't work as the lazy and feckless get the same rewards as the keen and responsible.

Sent from my SM-T715 using Tapatalk
Any thoughts on the Senior Technician Airworthiness Course for TG1 Chief Tech and above for those on flying sqns or in airworthiness roles? Is this effectively the introduction of a TMT 3??
Anybody have any more in-depth knowledge of its contents as the current order is pretty vague?

Are you talking about the MAA run AMAC Cse at Shrivenham?
No. A new course is starting at Cosford for C/T, FS & WO covering eng aspects at this level Reds & Greens, CAMO responsibilities, MAP & 100B stuff.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk

For an old codger, what does that mean?
people seem to be pressing the 9 clicks to freedom on a daily basis.

Latest rumour doing the rounds here is that 26 NCO's at Waddo have just pressed the 9 clicks this month alone, but hey this is a rumour site.
Heard a rumour that by the end of this year, up to 500 TG1 are expected to PVR.

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