Suspect Trade Sponser is using wrong end of telescope re TSW. Its not how many are on the Wing but how many have worked in the Field Fuels role. Suspect figure would be around 20% when you count all the personnel from TSW, 85wg, FLS, TSF & F Isle who have held/hold the Q for this range of work. This would be a far better case to explain diverse and flexible range of skills that TG18 Loggies have when comparing them to Army/Navy.
The truth is that everyone in the trade is capable of carrying out FSDs but not many have attitude to push themselves outside the comfort blanket(pun) of MOB main supply. Unfortunately, can,t see how controlling budgets, operating USAS terminals etc etc stand us apart from bulk standard stackers despite the hard work and work ethic of those envolved. (This is not intended to turn into fight over whose role is more important,s I have worked on both sides of the blanket and enjoyed them in equal measure).