The Squadron marched on...
A flypast was performed over the parade as the General Salute was taken...
The Squadron standard was handed over for safe keeping until they are reformed as a Typhoon unit in a couple of years...
And with typical panache the airborne Jags returned for a vixen break while the Squadron marched off.
A final flypast with aircraft representing 6 Squadron's past, present and future...
And here's that nose art... and the Jags breaking to land!
A flypast was performed over the parade as the General Salute was taken...
The Squadron standard was handed over for safe keeping until they are reformed as a Typhoon unit in a couple of years...
And with typical panache the airborne Jags returned for a vixen break while the Squadron marched off.
A final flypast with aircraft representing 6 Squadron's past, present and future...
And here's that nose art... and the Jags breaking to land!