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The Truth Has Finally Prevailed


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
So the verdicts are finally in for the Hillsborough inquest. It wasn't the fault of the fans and the death were caused unlawfully. Now will we see those in charge finally face prosecution.

Will the Scum publish a full apology for the lies it published. It's interesting to see that a journalist phoned up the scum after the verdict and they said no comment. They were quick to comment just days after the disaster.

Justice for the 96 finally.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Yep... There will certainly be some serious ring-twitter going on in a lot of retired and nearly to retire plods and construction consultants in the South Yorks area...


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Yep... There will certainly be some serious ring-twitter going on in a lot of retired and nearly to retire plods and construction consultants in the South Yorks area...

One in particular lives on the south coast. The one named today.


For the families and friends of those killed, and for those who escaped with their lives but with the most traumatic memories imaginable, there must have been the most incredible sense of relief when the view that the Liverpool fans were not to blame was read out.

It makes no odds what the Sun does, or doesn't do, now, I suspect. The majority of Liverpudlians wouldn't wipe their backsides with it after what happened at the time. The "no comment" response rather seems to sum things up, doesn't it.

Hopefully those who've fought for this for so long can finally get some form of close on it now. Although I suspect some will simply find that things are worse, and that in the case of those who lost children in particular, it's been the fight that's kept them going.


Warrant Officer
Will the Scum publish a full apology for the lies it published.

Too late for that I think mate. Did you watch the press conferences this afternoon, the groups banned their reporters from the event.

Im with Adrian Durham, unusually but this time he is spot on when he said...

"Its time people who still accuse Liverpool fans to be prosecuted. Its an appalling disgusting slur thats been proved wrong completely"

Quite so. It now be considered slander or libel, end of IMHO.


Warrant Officer
What's struck me during this inquest is the dignity and restraint shown by the families of those lost.

If I had lost someone in this way, I don't think I could have kept my cool for 27 years as these people did.

If ever there was a section of society deserving of massive public respect, it is these families.

sid the squid

Just read this morning about some nob tory mp saying it was a waste of money and the families should move on.. unbelievable how such moronic comments made by a supposed intelligent politician (hmmm do they exist ?) I am sure if it was his child or another member of his family that were unlawfully killed he would have the same opionion.
And that goes for all the other dicks that keep saying "move on" who probably don't have a clue what its like to lose a loved one in such horrible circumstances


Warrant Officer
Just read this morning about some nob tory mp saying it was a waste of money and the families should move on.. unbelievable how such moronic comments made by a supposed intelligent politician (hmmm do they exist ?) I am sure if it was his child or another member of his family that were unlawfully killed he would have the same opionion.
And that goes for all the other dicks that keep saying "move on" who probably don't have a clue what its like to lose a loved one in such horrible circumstances

hear, hear.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Today Scum front page what else do you expect. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/apr/27/sun-times-front-pages-ignore-hillsborough-verdict

Thatcher press Rottweiler is still refusing to apologise.

Murdochs press kelvin Mackenzie, politicians and the South Yorkshire police and the West Midlands police should be held to account, but I'm not holding my breath after the last 27 years.

The worse thing is that this inquest could have been over in half the time if the lawyers for 5 South Yorkshire police superintendents hadn't peddled the lies about Liverpool fans. The ironic thing is the SY police had apologise previously.
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Molar Mob

I too believe justice has now prevailed. The families have had a long wait and have acted with dignity and fortitude.

However, I feel that we may be now forgetting what has happened in the past before responding to the tragedy. A few years before Hillsbough another tragedy took place at Heysel in Brussels. Since then Liverpool Football Club and Juventus Football club have tried to heal the hurt but I found this on another Liverpool website.

'For many years, Liverpool ’s response to Heysel was woefully inadequate. I was shown a copy of the club’s official yearbook for 1985/86. There were two articles about the tragedy on page three, but they were both of the “Let’s put this behind us, improve the matchday Anfield atmosphere and look to restore the club’s good name” variety. There was no direct reference to what had happened. There was no hint of an apology. Later there was a round-up of the previous European Cup campaign, in which 1985/86 was identified as a “watershed” because it would be Liverpool ’s last for some time.'

If someone now says move on from Hillsborough is this any different? We all know that justice has been done in the coroners court and await further developments. So please let the vitriol subside for awhile and let the law take its course.

Lets remember the victims of both tragedies. RIP

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Its time people who still accuse Liverpool fans to be prosecuted.

Absolutely spot on, prosecute them, drag them into the bright light of the judicial system and let sentence be pronounced as needed. Those responsible for the establishment cover up deserve the fate that awaits them, for those guilty individuals, whoever they may be, I have no compassion or sympathy and whatever large book is thrown at them is fine by me.
As an Accrington Stanley fan I have no affinity with Liverpool FC, indeed on my only ever visit to Anfield David Fairclough came on as sub, (that dates me some what). But the that tragic day 96 people died is clear in my mind I vividly remember on the BBC John Motson trying to explain the enormity of the events he was witnessing and apologising for being just a mere football commentator who was, he said, ill equipped to describe what was unfolding before him.

The Sun and the Times did nothing to heal old wounds today either.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Picked this tweet.
One terrible warning from Hillsborough. If a nation can tell a 27 year lie at a match with witnesses, then no citizen is safe.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
I think the Heysel disaster is not publicised in Liverpool because there were prosecutions and convictions at the time. Hillsborough was a huge-scale cover-up by the authorities, made even easier because Liverpool fans had previously been convicted in a court of law for football-related violence in Belgium which cost lives.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Its time people who still accuse Liverpool fans to be prosecuted.

Really? Was no one else around in the 80's and unknowing of why the cages went up in the first place?

NO side was innocent of trouble at football. This has all the signs of becoming a sin next to holocaust denial, and it's not the case. Suporters of many sides had a hard core violent crew, and the police policed accordingly - they pretty much hated each other.

perspective: 7/9 ths of a jury in an INQUIRY stated in 27 years of retrospect and in judgement that the police covered it up (which they did) and that the fans had no part in causing the problem (which of course they did, albeit unknowingly) but it was not because they were shit faced.

All that's missing, is a quarter of a century of historic context. I'm afraid there's going to be more to come and it will not see things in the light that existed when the tragedy occurred. The hounds are baying.
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Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
And of course we should remember that a criminal court requires a higher standard of evidence than a coroners court.

Also a criminal court is capable of apportioning degrees of blame, for example if the police commander at the scene made the decision to open a gate and did it in full knowledge that their is likely to be a danger to the public, it is likely that a criminal court would find him guilty.

Whereas if he made the decision based on the fact that the stadium has the appropriate safety certification (albeit they were wrong) then despite the coroner court finding that his decision to open the gate caused the deaths, it doesn't mean he was criminally responsible for the deaths and may well be found not guilty.

He's still going to get screwed though because of the cover-up. I think that perjury and possibly perverting the course of justice may be what nails him and the other plods. The safety certification could be anotherdifficult one to nail down, for example if their contract is a bit loose on the scope for inclusions and exclusions then that may well bring Sheffield Utd into the frame....

It's going to be another festival for lawyers


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
The problem for the SY police is the fight they put up to support their narative.

They told a lie that was supported by the establishment which then made the situation worse for the victims and their families.

If the only story you hear is the untruth then this is what you are going to believe. Some people will continue to believe the lie, perhaps, seeing this new verdict as pandering to the court of public opinion, but at the end of the day a court found that some copper lies then convinced others to support the lie.

Like others have said the families must take this new news and be happy with exoneration their families have received. We should all see them as victims and hope that some reconciliation can now take place.

Sent from my LG-H818 using Tapatalk


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Hmm, like Stevienics I can remember why the cages went up and why the police distrusted the fans (or suspected footie anyway). But I don't believe the Liverpool fans that day were any worse than any other crowd of that type at that time so the police should have known what they were dealing with and handled it much better.
The other thing that troubles me is that the gates were opened because officers feared a crush outside against the gates. We know the dreadful consequences of opening them; we will never know what the consequences of not opening them might have been.
All that said, I am heartily glad that the lies, smears and cover-ups have been exposed and the perpetrators could now be held to account.


Warrant Officer
Can I ask one small, possibly contentious question? I saw the images at the time (I was serving in NI) of what happened when the police opened the gate. My question is - did all the fans who then 'stampeded' into the stadium have tickets to see the match?


Can I ask one small, possibly contentious question? I saw the images at the time (I was serving in NI) of what happened when the police opened the gate. My question is - did all the fans who then 'stampeded' into the stadium have tickets to see the match?

I'm no expert but I believe the general consensus is that not all had tickets but the vast majority did. This can be backed up by the fact the the "pens" next to the centre ones weren't full. The problem is that all the remaining fans went down the centre rather than being directed to the side "pens". I listened to an interview last night where the copper said that it was common practice at Hillsborough to open that gate ONCE they had closed off the tunnel to the centre "pen". This action was even given a code word named after the Supt who first used it. none of this came out in the initial inquest etc as the police lied.


Warrant Officer
I'm no expert but I believe the general consensus is that not all had tickets but the vast majority did. This can be backed up by the fact the the "pens" next to the centre ones weren't full. The problem is that all the remaining fans went down the centre rather than being directed to the side "pens". I listened to an interview last night where the copper said that it was common practice at Hillsborough to open that gate ONCE they had closed off the tunnel to the centre "pen". This action was even given a code word named after the Supt who first used it. none of this came out in the initial inquest etc as the police lied.

Thanks for that. It was a question I'd asked a lot over the years but could never find an answer to.