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Training cell workload to get worse

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
This is a warning to all you poor souls who work on squadron liney training cells. You are soon to get quite busy with your new shiney AMMs. As I have mentioned elsewhere the course is going to be chopped to 15 days with more emphasis being put on marching, god bothering, human factors (which they will undoubtedly become themselves with minimal training) and other such drivel. If you don't believe me then I would suggest you arrange a visit to the early learning centre to see what your trade sponsor thinks AMMs should be learning. Perhaps you would then like to air your oppinions and hope and pray the trade sponsor listens.

I may possibly post the new profile for the course from day one when it's fully ratified and b@stardised to see people think.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
This is a warning to all you poor souls who work on squadron liney training cells. You are soon to get quite busy with your new shiney AMMs. As I have mentioned elsewhere the course is going to be chopped to 15 days with more emphasis being put on marching, god bothering, human factors (which they will undoubtedly become themselves with minimal training) and other such drivel. If you don't believe me then I would suggest you arrange a visit to the early learning centre to see what your trade sponsor thinks AMMs should be learning. Perhaps you would then like to air your oppinions and hope and pray the trade sponsor listens.

I may possibly post the new profile for the course from day one when it's fully ratified and b@stardised to see people think.

My god! Chopped to 15 days! when I 1st read it I thought it said chopped by 15 days, then I read it again and relised it said chopped to 15 days! This is disgraceful and bloody dangerous! :PDT_Xtremez_25:


15 days what? Trade training as a whole, or line training flight? Expand please or put up a link.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
My god! Chopped to 15 days! when I 1st read it I thought it said chopped by 15 days, then I read it again and relised it said chopped to 15 days! This is disgraceful and bloody dangerous! :PDT_Xtremez_25:

I am hoping that was a typo from Fat useless techie ! :PDT_Xtremez_15:

If 15 days is the case they might as well send them straight to the Sqn from the AFCO....


I hope the whole course won't be 15 days, :raf: if it is the poor buggers will be less qualified than a chock. :PDT_Xtremez_42:

Harry B'Stard

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Training reduction.

Training reduction.

I do hope they don't reduce the training for AMM's to only 15 days.

But then again, they are planning to remove all real life aircraft from techie training when it moves to south wales.:PDT_Xtremez_21:

Apparently you can learn absolutely everything you need to know on a computer or death by powerpoint!:raf:

I bet it'll be a different story when they tell the pilots that their training is to be done completely on simulators and they won't touch a real aircraft until posted to a fast jet unit!



You absolutely cannot train an aircraft techie without aircraft! What a bleeding stupid idea! People need to get over that initial anxiety of being near a working jet, but also need to pull aircraft to bits to get used to them, quite aside from trade training. How to de-panel, wire husbandry, zonal cleaning, wire locking in b@stard places, how can you learn these from a computer? Oh dear me, maybe i'm better off in my nice safe software house.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
You absolutely cannot train an aircraft techie without aircraft! What a bleeding stupid idea! People need to get over that initial anxiety of being near a working jet, but also need to pull aircraft to bits to get used to them, quite aside from trade training. How to de-panel, wire husbandry, zonal cleaning, wire locking in b@stard places, how can you learn these from a computer? Oh dear me, maybe i'm better off in my nice safe software house.

Well put DM ! There is no substitution to hands on the real thing, PFCU changes on a Jaguar and refitting a bag tank on a JP that somebody else removed taught me a quick lesson.

pie sandwich

Shall we run a book on how many jets fall out of the sky :PDT_Xtremez_42:

No bets will be paid, all money will goto the help the fat ex liney fund

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
FLT is refering to the line training element of the AMM course being reduced to only 15 days I believe. The rest of the course whilst it too is being hacked about amounts to quite a bit more than 15 days. Still not long enough for me though. For comparison and for the old blokes with long memories the original 1960's/70's FLM course was about 8 weeks long.


Rebel without a clue
FLT is refering to the line training element of the AMM course being reduced to only 15 days I believe. The rest of the course whilst it too is being hacked about amounts to quite a bit more than 15 days. Still not long enough for me though. For comparison and for the old blokes with long memories the original 1960's/70's FLM course was about 8 weeks long.

And to put that into perspective, the AMM course started at 26 weeks!!:PDT_Xtremez_42:

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
I can confirm that the line bit is being chopped to 15 days, not sure how much is being removed from the rest of the course though. Needless to say the farcical development, god squad and Ped won't be touched or reduced though.

It would be nice to hear from some AMMs what they think of the whole shebang as the ones I've spoken to think it's complete lunacy, but then again what would they know?

Will standards be lowered to get the kids through? Will the failure rate go through the roof? Will instructors be expected to give up their weekends/evenings to give the kids ETT? Answers to someone who is responsible for this whole debacle please.


Flight Sergeant
I can confirm that the line bit is being chopped to 15 days, not sure how much is being removed from the rest of the course though. Needless to say the farcical development, god squad and Ped won't be touched or reduced though.

It would be nice to hear from some AMMs what they think of the whole shebang as the ones I've spoken to think it's complete lunacy, but then again what would they know?

Will standards be lowered to get the kids through? Will the failure rate go through the roof? Will instructors be expected to give up their weekends/evenings to give the kids ETT? Answers to someone who is responsible for this whole debacle please.

What is this bit all about then. I always thought RE was taught at school and isn't a huge importance to the forces.

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant

That is Force Development which is separate from the god botherers. Has it's good points, but then again it has it's bad points.

Stand by for more info on the subject to be leaked over the next few weeks.

Captain Gatso

This is a warning to all you poor souls who work on squadron liney training cells. You are soon to get quite busy with your new shiney AMMs. As I have mentioned elsewhere the course is going to be chopped to 15 days with more emphasis being put on marching, god bothering, human factors (which they will undoubtedly become themselves with minimal training) and other such drivel. If you don't believe me then I would suggest you arrange a visit to the early learning centre to see what your trade sponsor thinks AMMs should be learning. Perhaps you would then like to air your oppinions and hope and pray the trade sponsor listens.

I may possibly post the new profile for the course from day one when it's fully ratified and b@stardised to see people think.

You have got to be F**king kidding here. If this is going to be the norm then what's the point of AMM's going to Cosford in the first place. When is this stupidity going to come to an end. You can't expect hard pushed squadrons to take on the training of these new Boys and Girls, the squadrons would fall apart in a matter of days. It just goes to show that the senior folks are more interested in the public image of the Airforce then anything else. Would the last person in the Airforce please turn out the light before they leave.


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
This is a warning to all you poor souls who work on squadron liney training cells. You are soon to get quite busy with your new shiney AMMs. As I have mentioned elsewhere the course is going to be chopped to 15 days with more emphasis being put on marching, god bothering, human factors (which they will undoubtedly become themselves with minimal training) and other such drivel. If you don't believe me then I would suggest you arrange a visit to the early learning centre to see what your trade sponsor thinks AMMs should be learning. Perhaps you would then like to air your oppinions and hope and pray the trade sponsor listens.

I may possibly post the new profile for the course from day one when it's fully ratified and b@stardised to see people think.

We already do everything for both RAF and RN trainees on the JFH OCU so I'm not suprised really. Probably something to do with schoolhouse being rolled out across the RAF shortly. OCU's are going to be very very busy!


You have got to be F**king kidding here. If this is going to be the norm then what's the point of AMM's going to Cosford in the first place. When is this stupidity going to come to an end. You can't expect hard pushed squadrons to take on the training of these new Boys and Girls, the squadrons would fall apart in a matter of days. It just goes to show that the senior folks are more interested in the public image of the Airforce then anything else. Would the last person in the Airforce please turn out the light before they leave.
then it's more room for our arab friends.... DCAE does stand for Defence College of Arab Engineering....::/:
*walks away before getting too cynical*
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