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What is the most strange/stupid place you have found a loose article?


We had an aircraft come back off a SAR job the other night at 2230,the pilot gave me a list of the usual waste of time niff naff snags as they do,when the co-pilot handed me a knob from a rotary lighting dimmer switch and a glib comment that the grub screw was missing. They seemed very pleased when I said that if we could not find it we would be "off state" all night until we could get clearance for flight from the SENGO in the morning. This produced comments of "Oh good we can go to the Boss's christmas drinks then". So we commenced what we expected to be a fruitless all night search,when I had what I can only describe as a flash of inspiration. I went back into ops and asked both front enders to check the soles of their flying boots (yes I know they are supposed to be anti FOD) low and behold it was stuck in the tread on the co-pilots boot! I nearly choked on my cup of tea. The best bit was their faces when I said that we were back on state, and we could now do with an all night job for them! How the hell it stayed there and did not fall out on the way in from the pan I will never know.:PDT_Xtremez_28:


Somewhere else now!
Good arrows young fella!
Our station fod prevention orrificer, who also happens to be a SAR instructor, always wore a small yellow seaking badge on the lapel of his growbag.
One day we found it in the wheel house after he'd been flying.
He still hasnt asked for it or reported it!


Good arrows young fella!
Our station fod prevention orrificer, who also happens to be a SAR instructor, always wore a small yellow seaking badge on the lapel of his growbag.
One day we found it in the wheel house after he'd been flying.
He still hasnt asked for it or reported it!

Thank you very much for calling me young! havn't been called that for years-mind you I have been in for 28 years I suppose.:PDT_Xtremez_14:


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
I found a digital camera underneath the ejection seat on top of the rocket pack once. Easy to identify the growbag seeing as it had various pictures of him on the memory stick!

Teh Wal

Flight Sergeant
One of my lads dropped a bolt into the well at the back of the nose bay (Sea King) one late night. For those not familiar with the Mighty Yellow Eggbeaters it's a 3ft deep pit of darkness at the back of a space crammed with electrical/radiophonic wizardry boxes in the nose. To reach it you've got to lie on top of said boxes and try to squeeze into a space about 14inches deep by about 4 or 5 feet long - does that make sense? - Anyway it's bladdy awkward! So after about 40 minutes of felching around with torches, mirrors and touch-feely fingertips he thought he'd located the said bolt, as per usual just out of reach! "Use the flexi-magnet thingy off the toolkit" suggests I. "Okey-dokey" says he. Ten minutes later he withdraws the flexi-magnet thingy to find that the magnet off the end is missing :PDT_Xtremez_42: Ah well, at least it was still only one loose article!! :D
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Flight Sergeant
Many moons ago one of the riggers on NMSU found a Micro Machines Stealth Fighter behind the rudder pedals of a Nimrod:PDT_Xtremez_35:

I know it must be boring on those long sorties but there must be better ways to pass the time than playing with toy aeroplanes?

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
I found a digital camera underneath the ejection seat on top of the rocket pack once. Easy to identify the growbag seeing as it had various pictures of him on the memory stick!

Was it returned with a complimentary mass moonie on it ? :PDT_Xtremez_31:
and if not why not ? :PDT_Xtremez_15:

JT 4 ever

When I was on hercs I found a total of 7 torches, 2 crates of french beer and a load of porn.... kept it all!!!.. Oh and its not all in one go!

Past Engineering

During training (many moons ago) one of the aircraft, a Piston Provost, had been withdrawn from service and given to the Training School as it used to keep nosediving and could not be trimmed. When we got the job of de-skinning an elevator we found a torch inside. The instructor took it, cleaned it up and added it to his toolkit.

Former Albert Sooty

After seeing off 3 hercs with the rest of my shift buddies whilst on VAS at Leuchars we were surprised to see one of them trundle back to the edge of the pan shortly afterwards. We went out, marshalled him back in and he shut down. It transpired that as it was about to line up on the runway, the eng managed to lose his pen in the throttle box. If I remember correctly, they were heading home for the weekend, or at least they were until the loose article incident. :PDT_Xtremez_14:


End of the taxiway at Marham after the jet had blown it out the back during a dual take off. The second jet saw it go flying past at umpteen knots, sh@t himself and told the first jet to abort.

On inspection it was the strop we used on Tonkas to tow them backwards into the HAS's using the hook. One of the linies had popped it into the exhaust bay whilst he re-fitted the safety pin, and completely forgot he'd put it there. It came out as he throttled up. The pilots walk round checks went up in length for a bit afterwards...

Also, pilot comes into rects/line control and tells the chief behind the desk "I was playing with my maglight, and it just expoded, springs and bits all over..."

The chief closed the 700, grabbed his shoulders, turned him 180, told me to give him a line torch and says "best you go find it then sir".

I loved that man for ever after that!

Found a well thumbed porn mag in the butty box more than once too after a transit flight!


I found a can of john smiths in the back of an F3 and the boss's engraved pen in the front. neither where declared b y the crew.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Many moons ago at what is now Robin Hood Airport I found a cufflink (inital M or W depending upon which way up you held it) under the rudder pedal box. Took the item to my Jengo who also happened to be station FOD officer and asked what he wished to do now. Nothing he reckoned it would be to difficult to correctly identify the rightful owner. He said it could have come from anyone not just crew he even suggested one of the lineys may have dropped it.

A liney wearing cufflinks that would be first to my knowledge to wear cufflinks at work first you need a shirt FFS.:PDT_Xtremez_42:

pie sandwich

While I was at the home of the mighty Hercules, We have found allsorts from digital camera's books mp3 players bullet's (single and a magazine worth) and a pistol that the jockey left behind.

And of course Beer and wine, even 200 tabs:PDT_Xtremez_30:


Warrant Officer
A yank pilot on 6 managed to drop his snuff box underneath the seat, how the armourers loved him for that. He was also the same jockey who banged out after losing control on a 1 V 1 training sortie, the jet crashed into the Adriatic, he was sporting a white plaster on his chin for a couple of days afterwards.


An ex-DF - in dog rescue!
once while doing a crew-in accelerometer change on an F4M, the jockey managed to knock one of the four screws into the front cockpit off the sill.

"Oh!dear!" quoth he

"You absoltue t@sser" suggested LT

after several minutes upsidedown in the cockpit I couldn't find the f'in thing.

"I know!" said jockey "what if I do the same again and knock another one off the sill, and you watch where it goes to! It's bound to fall the same way is it not?"

"Where are you going Cpl?" "I said where are you going?"

No reply from LT. I never stopped walking until back in the crewroom!

That cost him two slabs!
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after seeing in a tonka that had been landaway, i was doing the AF and found the jockeys flying jacket stuffed at the back of the front cockpit, cue one red face and a slab.


after seeing in a tonka that had been landaway, i was doing the AF and found the jockeys flying jacket stuffed at the back of the front cockpit, cue one red face and a slab.

Similarly, had a young Jockey deliver a jet from Lossie down to us. Doing the AF found a very squashed hat stuffed down the back of the ejection seat. We never saw him again, but the hat is now in the Sqn bar.


The strangest place I found a loose article is under my pillow...........let me explain.

I was working in AMF doing funnily enough doing a loose article search.

I vividly remember having my tools in a tool tidy, and at the time i didnt know, someone else put their watch in there. My mind had consciously remembered this and at the end of a long day I went to return my tools but No watch, by this time i thought it had been mine.

So off I went to the Rects controller to give him the bad news. And thus 2 days of Another loose article check ensued.

2 days later my wife asked me what i did that day, So I told her i spent all day looking for my watch on the Aircraft ro which she replied which one......The Silver omega i said. She looked puzzled and said wait a minute. And violi she magicked it out of thin air......Well actually from under my pillow......

Needless to say I went back to Rects with a crate of Ale.

There you go......Under my pillow!!!


A badly scored ½" ring spanner inside one of the rear brake drums on a matelow Bedford MK !!

WTF the salty dogs were doing in the middle of Salisbury Plain beats me.