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Royal Air Force and Military News.

A forum for Royal Air Force related news. Unless articles are already in the public domain, Persec and Opsec are priority ONE.
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http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafconingsby/newsweather/index.cfm?storyid=668760B6-5056-A318-A8752E9199AA55E3 In 1994, whilst on 54(F) Sqn, my three man admin team began to cover our office from 0730-1800 Mon-Thu, because we realised that our night shift Engineers who started at 1630 had to either come in their own time to sort admin out or wait a week until they were on days - neither of which was acceptable to us. Throughout my next two postings on Sqns, right up until 2010 when 1(F) Sqn disbanded I carried on the same format. At three different locations, the PSF management told me that I was "Ar$e wiping". I saw it as "Providing a service". Sure, it was a limited service (1 person stayed late), but it was more than any of my TG17...


This was always the way...if your flight plan had a destination of Gib you knew you were routing down Portugal then hanging a left...so a non-story. However, Not able to defend the Rock? Politically there are arguments for and against in terms of Euro-membership but not the hardware or will to stand to? Surely not? You can easily see Spain's point...it's the equivalent of them occupying a good chunk of Lands End and them claiming it's so they've got a better view of a strategic shipping channel and those naughty French...should we even still be there? http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/670372/Spain-bans-RAF-plane-airspace-Gibraltar-UK-Phillip-Hammond-Brexit-EU-referendum
"The F-35 warplane still needs reboots to get the aircraft airborne, a US Senate committee has heard, and troubling problems persist in the project's security." The whole idea of re-setting the thing, [whilst in flight?] is barking; or have I missed something ? Fuller details here LINKY. :PDT_Xtremez_22:
Can one of the Mods please let me know why my fitness test post was removed please? Happy to go by the rules, but a simple message explaining why would have been nice. I think people would be interested to know about the new RAFFT regime, but playing judge and jury without explanation goes against the what the goat stands for.
MP's are talking of losing crown immunity from prosecution for deaths of service personnel in training. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36121463 "The Commons Defence Committee says the MoD should no longer enjoy crown immunity from corporate manslaughter laws in cases of gross negligence...........The lives of serving personnel are worth no less than those of civilians," said the committee..................Those responsible for their deaths must be equally liable under the law." Thoughts of the great and the good of the goat?
Plans are in motion to chop the ATC glider squadrons from 26 down to 12 and reduce the fleet down to 88 frames. There are seemingly 40,00 of the little ATC cherubs out there. So large numbers of spaceys could soon be missing out on flying experiences. With a reducing RAF surely it makes sense to have smaller ATC or is it still a vital recruiting tool. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3500365/Young-pilots-grounded-Air-Cadets-halve-flying-volunteer-glider-squadrons.html
*Swallows Pride* Ex-RAFP is rewarded for his services to the community...well done fella! So many ex-servicemen work their rocks off and never get the recognition (nor do they seek it generally) so it's great to see it happen here... http://www.gazetteandherald.co.uk/news/towns/devizesheadlines/14247508.Ex_RAF_policeman_receives_medal_for_services_to_community/
It's in the Daily Hate but no smoke without fire? I've often wondered what would be found if you scratched the surface of this giant.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3435347/Help-Heroes-shock-charity-probe-Charity-Commission-investigating-claims-soldiers-welfare-risk-whistleblowers-complain-bullying-seven-staff-quit.html