I haven't got my bike yet!! The forms won't reach the benevolent fund till the 6th may. Then if it gets accepted I will have to wait for payment and get a bike adapted, might be possible still to get one in time!!
If not i'm doing it on a tandem!!
There is a bit of truth in it, they are trying to get me back into work, well the wing commander put it like this.....the taxpayer has to be seen to be getting value for money from you!!! Now you can take this 2 ways, I know I need to be back in work as it wll help me if I go to civvi street, but I do feel pressured or rushed!!
Now I have already been told that if I want to stay in I will have to fight for it!! The reason for this is because of my engagement, I am on a 9 year contract, when this runs out they will not sign me on. As I am downgraded and you have to be fit to be signed on, in the eyes of he RAF I will never be upgraded again. This is the prob, these are the rules in peacetime, i.e civvi accident, car crash etc. With me from a warzone, there is no policy for it, and they might be sympathic to my case and keep me in.
It is very complicated, but yes they will prob keep me in to my contract ends and maybe if they won't sign me on then it will become classed as an end of tour (engagement) this might bypass the med discharge, if they do this then they will only have to pay out for a war pension. Which I suspect is the rumour you have heard. I need to be really med discharged to receive both pensions.
Sorry for the essay, it could have been so much longer, i'm just trying to summerise it all.
I haven't got my bike yet!! The forms won't reach the benevolent fund till the 6th may. Then if it gets accepted I will have to wait for payment and get a bike adapted, might be possible still to get one in time!!
If not i'm doing it on a tandem!!
There is a bit of truth in it, they are trying to get me back into work, well the wing commander put it like this.....the taxpayer has to be seen to be getting value for money from you!!! Now you can take this 2 ways, I know I need to be back in work as it wll help me if I go to civvi street, but I do feel pressured or rushed!!
Now I have already been told that if I want to stay in I will have to fight for it!! The reason for this is because of my engagement, I am on a 9 year contract, when this runs out they will not sign me on. As I am downgraded and you have to be fit to be signed on, in the eyes of he RAF I will never be upgraded again. This is the prob, these are the rules in peacetime, i.e civvi accident, car crash etc. With me from a warzone, there is no policy for it, and they might be sympathic to my case and keep me in.
It is very complicated, but yes they will prob keep me in to my contract ends and maybe if they won't sign me on then it will become classed as an end of tour (engagement) this might bypass the med discharge, if they do this then they will only have to pay out for a war pension. Which I suspect is the rumour you have heard. I need to be really med discharged to receive both pensions.
Sorry for the essay, it could have been so much longer, i'm just trying to summerise it all.