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Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
ASTOR or Sentinel R Mk1 to give it it's proper designation IS being maintained under JAP regulations by RAF engineers.

It has been for the past 9 months, and will continue to be.

There are currently NO licenced engineers on 5 Sqn.

If anyone wants further information (most of it out of date) about this aircraft and what it does:


The following is the only information in the public domain about the Beechcraft 350ER to be purchased by the MOD:


This is not the forum to discuss information regarding this project.

I feel a barrage of abuse coming on......... but unless it is in the 'public' domain....... Beadwindow.


MLT, The original question I posed was because of an advert placed upon a very prominent aviation site which asked for Licensed engineers with Global Express type ratings for "base" maintainence supervisory post(s) at Waddington.

It has thrown into question many aspects of the aircraft regarding servicing and maintaining it.

There will be no abuse thrown.

But just take a look back at all the replies and see the confusion about RAF policy when it has been crossed with civvy policy.

Good links there so thanks.



Talk Wrench,

I have read the other posts regarding this thread, and your original question was answered a long time ago.

The original question I posed was because of an advert placed upon a very prominent aviation site which asked for Licensed engineers with Global Express type ratings for "base" maintainence supervisory post(s) at Waddington.

In my last, and only previous post:

The Squadron is supported at 2nd Line by Raytheon.

And Threewheeledtechie answered your question:

I can only assume that they would ask for a licenced engineer with the relevant type rating, as because this is a new a/c for the RAF, it is the only recognised qualification for experience on this type.

A very good question that you asked, and I do not doubt that this will rear it's head again when the FSTA comes into service. With PFI's looking like the way forward for the MOD to finance future projects, the JAP 100A-01 will have to merge slightly with CAA regulations as these aircraft look like they will definately remain on the civil register.

Again though as stressed in a previous thread, anyone in a blue suit given a licence is very unlikely to be below the rank of Sgt.

My last thread was there to try and stop the rumour and conjecture about a future platform and to put the licencing talk onto the thread where it belongs.


Flight Sergeant
ASTOR or Sentinel R Mk1 to give it it's proper designation IS being maintained under JAP regulations by RAF engineers.

It has been for the past 9 months, and will continue to be.

There are currently NO licenced engineers on 5 Sqn.

If anyone wants further information (most of it out of date) about this aircraft and what it does:


The following is the only information in the public domain about the Beechcraft 350ER to be purchased by the MOD:


This is not the forum to discuss information regarding this project.

I feel a barrage of abuse coming on......... but unless it is in the 'public' domain....... Beadwindow.


MLT if you have any concerns about the content of a thread please feel free to PM them to a moderator, who will decide whether your concerns have any foundations. Until then please refrain from informing people what they can and can't talk about.




Absolutely no concerns over what has been said only what might be said. Sorry for jumping the gun. Just tried to clear up a few points and point people to information that is freely available.



Again though as stressed in a previous thread, anyone in a blue suit given a licence is very unlikely to be below the rank of Sgt.

It'd be suicide to give a sgt, potentially coming up to his 22 year point a licence. You'd get no return for the investment. Corporals at about their ten year point would surely be a better idea? Although, in the current climate of no morale I think you'd lose anyone with a licence shortly after they qualified.


I can’t wait for the FSTA and A400M to come in (A400M will be a 145 maintained aircraft) the rules reg’s and training are going to have to change – does that mean that he A400M school destined for Brize will then have to be a 147 approved site? If we are to maintain to 145 regulations

Sorry sumps, A400M is not 145 maintained at ML1 (first line). Although the training offered by AMSL for the initial trainees in Seville will be along 147 lines, no UK attendee will get a Pt 66 licence. In all likely hood it will be flown under mil-ops and not JAR ops anyway, same as a C130J has full FAA certification but is flown under Mil ops so does not require Acceptable Means of Compliance of Part 145/Part 147 and JAR 66 maintainers.

Along a slightly different track, the reason that the CAA has not given any credit for prior learning is that the pass mark for the Pt 66 exams is in the region of 75%. (please feel free to correct me) Most acedemic institutions that give HNC's and HND's only pass at 60%. So the CAA cannot comply with EASA unless all these institutions come together and -
A) raise the pass mark to 75%
B) ensure sight of the exam papers and content of the course is given to the CAA

as neither of these two things will happen for a long time dont get you hopes up of trying to get APL from the CAA for HNC's/D's
(this info came from the guy at the CAA in charge of training issues.)

I do not know what will happen with FSTA, but I think it will be interesting to say the least.
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Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
Hi Y'all!
Just had a cursory glance at Def Stan 05-2006 (Thanks to Sumps) and it is NOT much like Pt145 at all!
It is a very simplistic view of the "real" thing, missing whole sections of Part 145 out. e.g ther is no definition of what is "Depth" maintenance and therefore, what is "Forward" maintenance. (nice terms, by the way!)

However, I did notice that it is derived from ED 2043/2003, and not ED 2042/2003, and there are other differences within the text that make it not as tight to the lines as the Vietnamese version (which is also not accepted by EASA)

I also note that:
  • ALL service personnel are considered qualified as there is no Part 66 yet.
  • The phrase "Military Release Certificate" leaps from the pages
  • Military CAT B1, B2 and C personnel are also mentioned.

    In my view, (in MY view) this first brief glance supports my "theory" of non-acceptance of MIL certification standards but, as I iterated before, there may be an easier route to similar civvy qualifications in the offing, off the back of this move towards similar processes and systems.

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
It'd be suicide to give a sgt, potentially coming up to his 22 year point a licence. You'd get no return for the investment. Corporals at about their ten year point would surely be a better idea? Although, in the current climate of no morale I think you'd lose anyone with a licence shortly after they qualified.

The Volunteer Application notice has hit the streets (on the ACOS manning web page). Sgt to FS (poss Cpl). B1 or B2 (not type). 8 Months at Barry. 1 year type training (6 months in States). Lincs for posting (I wonder were!)

Engineers to go with aircraft to sandy places. The off putter for the family guy.:PDT_Xtremez_32:

Will save you £750 on Barrys cost however...:S

And Astor experience to boot.
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JAR 145 Job Opps...

JAR 145 Job Opps...


Look at the PMA/ACOS UK Volunteers web-site on the jolly old intranet:

http://www.pma.innsworth.raf.r.mil....ForVolunteers/Airmen/VOLUNTEERS AIRMEN UK.xls

UK Volunteers

TG: 1 & 2
Trades: A Eng Tech/A Tech (M)/Eng Tech A/Eng Tech P/A Eng Tech A/P/A Tech (AV)/Eng Tech AV
Rank: Sgt-FS (or Cpl on PSL).
Job Description/Duties: Volunteers for employment as Engineers on new ISTAR capability. This capability will perform its role in-theatre. Engineering personnel employed will be required to work in accordance with JAR engineering regulations and procedures. Supervisory engineers will require full JAR licensing, including a period of immersion in a JAR 145 engineering environment. In addition, some personnel will be expected to take up management roles and positions appropriate to their rank and experience with the Unit's engineering chain of command. Any volunteers who already have full or partial JAR licenses will have this recognised, with rewards negotiated on a case by case basis.
Cardiff Course (duration approx 8 months) commencing early 2008 at Barry College, Cardiff Airport (accommodation at St Athan) leading to Part 66 B1 or B2 licence without type. Type conversion will follow the Cardiff course and will last 12 months based at Aldergrove or Waddington (to be decided) and will include a period of up to 6 months in the USA.
Final employment as B Licensed Engineer is likely to be in Lincolnshire. Cpls on PSL are eligible to apply.
Personnel should volunteer by email to AIR-MAN-32A1B2 detailing Rank, Surname, Number, Trade. Due to the nature of the course recent academic study would be beneficial but is not essential.
For further information on the post contact Maj Baxter, SO2 FD HQ DEME(A), GPTN 94251 2863.
Email AIR-MAN-32A1B2 by 12-Nov-07
POC: Sgt Valente


I believe the jobs have already gone as the guys doing the course are in the mess at St Athan - I see them each day for the last couple of months.
They are on a retainer to keep them in 3 years once they complete their licenses - golden handcuffs i believe.
Chatting to them they are of the opinion that the course is not the best organised one they've attended - they're having to work for it.


ACOS manning vacancies board is advertsiing for more people (TG 1 & 2) to do their licences at Barry for placement on ther ISTOR porgram - closing date is the middle of november i believe.:PDT_Xtremez_15:


Its for a new ISTAR asset not Astor. I know many people have thought it's for the Sentinel but it's not. Closing date is 12th Nov.