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ATM Promotion


Bucc Boy

If you hang on for a couple of years, promotion prospects for sacs is going to be vey good. This months cheif clerks bulletin shows we are 600 TG1 sncos short. So if they promote 600 cpls they must promote 600 sacs. Problem at the moment is they havent got 600 sacs. When the AMMs start to come through to fill the gaps at junior level they can then push through massive wave of promotions so a little bit of patience and you should be alright.

Lets be honest, this is going to end in tears. Although our non techie brethren, along with the senior RAF management, do not believe there is a problem, it is staring them in the face and shouting.....'Listen you c0cks!! Essential experience is leaving and there is nothing to replace it with!!'

Imagine going into PSF and asking for help with a leave pass, just to be told 'sorry we can't help you, all our leave pass experts have left. I know I'm the Sgt but I've only been in 4 years and am well and truly in at the deep end'. I know that wouldn't happen but the principle is the same. You can't just solve the problem by promoting people into the vacant slots when they are not ready for the position!


Techie & Proud
We have plenty of SAC(T)s ready for promotion , only problem is they not getting picked up , and its only a matter of time before the new AAMs get promoted ahead of them to show the system works , nothing better than a nice new shiny face in RAF News about a AAM whos the best. It is the biggest disgrace and farce out there , as an older head Im ashamed to lie to my guys but even lies does not get past them now . Such a shame and Ill be honest how can i act like a reasonable NCO when we have nothing to give back. It is the biggest mess in the armed forces and its just getting worse and worse. I really hope we can get somebody in to lift the troops as i dont think Mr Torpy is cutting the mustard


We have plenty of SAC(T)s ready for promotion , only problem is they not getting picked up , and its only a matter of time before the new AAMs get promoted ahead of them to show the system works , nothing better than a nice new shiny face in RAF News about a AAM whos the best. It is the biggest disgrace and farce out there , as an older head Im ashamed to lie to my guys but even lies does not get past them now . Such a shame and Ill be honest how can i act like a reasonable NCO when we have nothing to give back. It is the biggest mess in the armed forces and its just getting worse and worse. I really hope we can get somebody in to lift the troops as i dont think Mr Torpy is cutting the mustard

There are plenty of decent JT's ready for promotion too! STILL!!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
There are plenty of decent JT's ready for promotion too! STILL!!

Send them to BBMF and put them on display, there cant be many JT's left kicking around that have deserved promotion within a sensible timescale. Granted some good ones will have been overlooked for one reason or another. As for the rest they might as well give them SAC (T) rank tabs to stop them looking out of place.


Send them to BBMF and put them on display, there cant be many JT's left kicking around that have deserved promotion within a sensible timescale. Granted some good ones will have been overlooked for one reason or another. As for the rest they might as well give them SAC (T) rank tabs to stop them looking out of place.

There are more of us than you might think. I work with another 4 of five. All worthy of promotion just unfortunate with the recent promotion stats.

I won't be giving up my rank tabs for those ones without a fight!


Flight Sergeant
we've still got 6 in our place, wonder if the last one will be stuffed and put in a museum?:PDT_Xtremez_30:


thats not including TG1 JT's who as we know are missing out on promotion. Why these guys with a wealth of experiance are staying in, god only knows.

Captain Gatso

There are still JT's

There are still JT's

I am a bit shocked reading this thread that there are still JT's not being picked up for promotion. Granted there are some Feck wits out there, that still do not know what a combination spanner and what an easy out does. However I knew some blokes that were absolute dynamite at there job. Last I heard was not one of them had been selected for promotion. I commented a long time ago on another thread that being one of the last JT's to come out of Cosford was a negative to being promoted. As the POWERS THAT BE wanted to prove that the SAC(T) scheme could work, and what happend, that scheme went the way of the Dodo just like the fitters courses. If the RAF wants to keep experience, they should be more proactive in keeping the experience in. Sadly it seems, they are still not listening.::/:


Somewhere else now!
ATM Cpl to Sgt blew the predictions out of the water on the last board.
They predicted 40 in 6 months and got to number 85 by 4 months. Mind you, it seemes to have stopped there.

I found out that Sgt to CT in ATM is looking at 83.

Also SAC/JT TG1 are going to be offered 22 years. Its on the Feb Chief Clerk/PSB bulletin on the ACOS website.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
Last year I missed out by single numbers for promotion from JT to CPL. This year I've dropped back some 200 places which I am most disillusioned by. I know I am good at my job as well along with the usual leadership qualities etc. In fact half the time I'm doing a CPL's job because they keep sending me another useless Navy ****wit to babysit who apparently is meant to be my supervisor.

My appraisals are hardly lacking either, 4th High Rec in a row and the lowest grade I had last time round was a B+, even then there was only 2 of them. That apparently scored me a 33/60. So **** only knows whats on these 4 year SAC(T) reports. Sounds like some think they **** gold.


was a bit gutted to find out when i phoned pma that is was a B grade!!
acting now for 2 years.....2 rec's 3 high rec's and a spec this year........well you know the new version of a spec....excp.
not sure if it got there on time though.....they were very late being sent away .....cheers FS!!
Any ideas dudes??
and 4 boys from behind my course and 2 very crap workers just got tapes.....funny old thing...they only have 1 year to serve!!
an ideas??


Hand the acting tapes back to your WO and tell him why you are doing so. Mention that you will be concentrating your efforts on getting quals for civvy street as this is the umpteenth year you've been overlooked, and you don't feel the RAF values your efforts as an engineer. Therefore you'd rather not have the extra responsibility on plastic tapes, as you feel you've done enough to prove yourself in the rank. Also mention you'd like to see the Chf Clk to find out why you've been overlooked and get the dates confirmed on which your assessment arrived at PMA, whether it made pre-boarding etc.


Techie & Proud
Well I just heard from a recently returned AAM whos back from Techie training , AAMs are now bi-passing the 18 months in the real air force and going straight to techie training.

If this is the case then forget promotion for the older guys , you need to promote the newbies first to show the system works.

How many times have I seen the same thing over the last 20 years , I was on the end of 15 years before i get promoted yet Trade group everyone else but 1 gets promoted in 3 years . Grips my tits and makes my blood boil


Flight Sergeant
A lot of the time, the recommendation for promotion doesn't matter as much as the write up. I've seen people get good scores but poor write ups, so they are marked down. If you haven't been on an sjar course, go on one, they are at your ed centre. The people that run it tell you what they look for, and there was a lot people who thought they were getting good 6000/sjar, however they weren't.
Examples as to why you were good enough was a big thing that they kept banging on about time and time again. They felt this was one of the biggest things missing in lots of 6000/sjar especially those who had been given high/very marks. Your objectives need to be filled in as well, 90% were empty, these are your chance to speak to the board. Objectives that kept being repeated year in year out but not taken, with no explanation as to why were looked on dimly by the board. Pointless t-bar secondary duties were touched on a few times.
Get on one of the sjar courses and look through as many presidents reports (on acos manning) as you can. I learned a lot through them, there were a lot myths from people, including ROs, that were put to bed. I think more RO's need to go on the report writers course, I think good lads aren't getting picked up because they don't know what the boards are looking for. I think that sjar course should be compulsary for everyone, anyone know if it's covered in training?
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This thread could have been written ten years ago, when I left, and probably ten years before that as well. It seems a timeless problem.

I was a TG2 JT and left due to no promotion prospects in 99. This lack of promotion prospects was down to Options for Change and the Betts Report.

Seems nothing ever changes...

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
A lot of the time, the recommendation for promotion doesn't matter as much as the right up. I've seen people get good scores but poor right ups, so they are marked down. If you haven't been on an sjar course, go on one, they are at your ed centre. The people that run it tell you what they look for, and there was a lot people who thought they were getting good 6000/sjar, however they weren't.
Examples as to why you were good enough was a big thing that they kept banging on about time and time again. They felt this was one of the biggest things missing in lots of 6000/sjar especially those who had been given high/very marks. Your objectives need to be filled in as well, 90% were empty, these are your chance to speak to the board. Objectives that kept being repeated year in year out but not taken, with no explanation as to why were looked on dimely by the board. Pointless t-bar secondary duties were touched on a few times.
Get on one of the sjar courses and look through as many presidents reports (on acos manning) as you can. I learned a lot through them, there were a lot myths from people, including ROs, that were put to bed. I think more RO's need to go on the report writers course, I think good lads aren't getting picked up because they don't know what the boards are looking for. I think that sjar course should be complusary for everyone, anyone know if it's covered in training?

Duffman please do not take this personally as it isn't an attack nor is it an ILLBW pedantry, just an example. From your posts I surmise you have taken the said SJAR course to your credit, and you think that you have written decent assessment write ups? I totally agree with your well thought out post, but it is let down by some schoolboy errors that straight away drop its impact, I guess that this must be the same in the pre-board assessment read. I used to like the way the assessment went to the typist at least then there was a human spell/grammar check, I personally won't release an assessment/SJAR unless it's been red penned at least once, preferably twice. So once a piece of writing's impact has been dropped thereafter its worth is dropped as well.
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Duffman please do not take this personally as it isn't an attack nor is it an ILLBW pedantery, just an example. From your posts I surmise you have taken the said SJAR course to your credit, and you think that you have written decent assessment write ups? I totally agree with your well thought out post, but it is let down by some schoolboy errors that straight away drop its impact, I guess that this must be the same in the pre-board assessment read. I used to like the way the assessment went to the typist at least then there was a human spell/grammar check, I personally won't release an assessment/SJAR unless it's been red penned at least once, preferably twice. So once a peice of writing's impact has been dropped therefore its worth is dropped as well.

People in glass houses eh chap?

I seem to remember learning i before e except after c at school...:PDT_Xtremez_15:

[Edit] Beat me to it SW!

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Ok Ok I'll take the hit. I added the last bit after I'd spell checked the rest in word, but the point is still valid as pointed out by both mine and Duffman's examples... Now bugger off and play with your mate ILLBW...::P:

PS.you both missed that pedantry was spelled wrong as well:PDT_Xtremez_30: