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ATM Promotion


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
I can only speak for the weapons trade, but the majority of JTs left that haven't been picked up are either a) useless fcukwits that couldn't open a can of beans that was already open or b) good tradesmen who have been "bad" boys in the past or had mediocre assessments for whatever reason early on in their career.

I've only come across one SAC(T) who got picked up after 5 years in the mob, and he's fcuking awesome at his job, a great NCO and should probably be a Sergeant before his 10 year point.

I have, however, come across plenty of JTs who moan like fcuk that they should be promoted because they've served x number of years in the RAF and are "good at their primary task". NEWSFLASH! You are PAID for being good at your job. What the RAF is looking for is a little extra, something that marks you out from your peers. Serving 10 years means fcuk all if those 10 years have been wasted.

What I find especially amusing is that a lot of these JT "gods" that are left are the new style JTs that were guaranteed a fitters course - so how the fcuk does that make them any different to an SAC(T)?

I've been doing a Corporals job (bar the paperwork signatures) for nearly 2 years now, I got a B+ on my last assessment (which I was happy with) but to be honest, who cares about it all anyway?

If you are ambitious and want to do well, staying in the RAF and hoping for a promotion to supervisor/team leader in 10 years probably isn't the best career move you could make.

Funny old thing, the useless and lazy amongst us stay in because it's money for old rope.
atm promotion

atm promotion

definately 24 in first 6 months im 1 of them total of 41

got my jmlc and atsc course dates

but no sign of when im being picked up:PDT_Xtremez_42:


Flight Sergeant
well done mate, I read the board was very competitive you must have had some storming assessments. Well done again.

Dai Random

What winds me up is the fact they have to give acting ranks to SAC(T)/Jt to go out to Theatre, yet there is nothing being done to help the poor folk who get ask with one weeks notice! How is an SAC(T) acting cpl ment to handle the pressure of Supervising etc when they havent even had a chance to take a s^"t before they leave for brize!! I think its Shocking and should be illegal!! If something happens and they over sign a job that eventually causes a problem with an aircraft, the people how asked them to do acting will come down on them like a ton of bricks!!! Sorry if this thread doesnt make sence i'm getting pi$53D off the more i think about it!!! If there is a need to do acting in theatre then there should be a cpl slot made to cover it!!! (calm down dai)


Techie & Proud
Well im sure I mentioned this in another posts, we have AAMS returning from Tossford and AAMs are leaving training and going straight back on to Fitters courses, in order to churn them out quicker. Not all but a few , like the good old days if you was good on your mechs course you went on to a DEs course. The same is happening and the way I see it in a few years time the SAC(T) will be the chaps shafted by promotion because we want to see the system for AAMs work they need CPls AAMs ont he line to show the new guys it dont take long to get promoted.

I got that shafting when the SAC(T) came in many many years back, I just fear for the good techy SACs out there that they are going to get very much the same.

Real Slim Shady

I can categorically state that no AMMs have left their BTT and returned to FT without serving a 1st tour of approx 18 – 24 months. In the future, there is a possibility that a minority of AMMs will serve a short 1st tour and return to FT ahead of their peers.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
Well im sure I mentioned this in another posts, we have AAMS returning from Tossford and AAMs are leaving training and going straight back on to Fitters courses, in order to churn them out quicker. Not all but a few , like the good old days if you was good on your mechs course you went on to a DEs course. The same is happening and the way I see it in a few years time the SAC(T) will be the chaps shafted by promotion because we want to see the system for AAMs work they need CPls AAMs ont he line to show the new guys it dont take long to get promoted.

I got that shafting when the SAC(T) came in many many years back, I just fear for the good techy SACs out there that they are going to get very much the same.

Point of order...they are not fitters courses...only JT's did them...


Techie & Proud
I can categorically state that no AMMs have left their BTT and returned to FT without serving a 1st tour of approx 18 – 24 months. In the future, there is a possibility that a minority of AMMs will serve a short 1st tour and return to FT ahead of their peers.

Ok well if you can confirm that then I take that back , that only comes from a newly arrived person on the Squadron who just done his 14 months training (whatever avionic triaining lasts)


Somewhere else now!
I can categorically state that no AMMs have left their BTT and returned to FT without serving a 1st tour of approx 18 – 24 months. In the future, there is a possibility that a minority of AMMs will serve a short 1st tour and return to FT ahead of their peers.

But they are looking at offering the sh1t hot AMMs the opportunity to skip the 18 month front line and go straight into further training.

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
But they are looking at offering the sh1t hot AMMs the opportunity to skip the 18 month front line and go straight into further training.
So it'll be off one pulse line in the sausage factory straight onto another, and there are some who'll say we aren't just pushing them through to keep the numbers up.

What I have to ask is who thought you could take an idea that works when producing Toyota Corollas and use it to produce the future aircraft mechs/techs? If real colleges tried to do this I'm pretty sure they wouldn't last long, but then since when has Tossford been a real college?
Well im sure I mentioned this in another posts, we have AAMS returning from Tossford and AAMs are leaving training and going straight back on to Fitters courses, in order to churn them out quicker. Not all but a few , like the good old days if you was good on your mechs course you went on to a DEs course. The same is happening and the way I see it in a few years time the SAC(T) will be the chaps shafted by promotion because we want to see the system for AAMs work they need CPls AAMs ont he line to show the new guys it dont take long to get promoted.

I got that shafting when the SAC(T) came in many many years back, I just fear for the good techy SACs out there that they are going to get very much the same.

where to start, your ignorance knows no bounds on this one, i was on the 1st fitters course (further training course) and left cosford 6 months ago, i am no longer an AMM (not AAM) since i passed out and now im a SAC (t) just like the rest, theres no such thing as a corporal AMM! hence the reason we have to do our TAT's again, we all retrade from AMM to A tech m once we pass out.
Originally Posted by civvy in disguise
hence the reason we have to do our TAT's again, we all retrade from AMM to A tech m once we pass out.

redo your TAT's? Someone's having you on there mate, I left my FT course about three months ago and have done nothing of the sort. Do you think all the lads who did their multi-skilling had to redo their TAT's as well??
Pot calling kettle, pot calling kettle....

You were not on a fitters course.

i know i wasn't on a fitters course, hence why if you read my reply you'll see that i put (further traing course) immediately after it, as i was trying to point out the ignorance of the previous poster in calling it a fitters course,

it seems its easy to quote only part of someones post to support your incorrect view