Being frugal by nature (tight) I collect what seeds I can from the plants in the garden and so far most things are fine. Decorative poppy seeds (not the class A drug type) , lavateria and trailing nastursiums all drying out ready for next year. Later on in the year I shall save the seeds from inside my peppers and chillies. Doing this means I haven't had to buy seeds for a long time. Some things are coming to an end but the lillies are just about bloom if I can keep the lily beetles in check. Evil little blighters and as I am finding hard to get rid of. Not all is well in the veg patch though, carrots are nearly ready, some have started to bolt but cutting back on the TLC has helped. (Thanks Gem) but the "in the ground" spud harvest would have to improve to get to poor. Dug one up as a test this week as the tops have died back and are going brown. Result just 6 tiny spuds all a little smaller than a golf ball very disappointing. Hoping for better in my spud bins. Runner beans coming into full crop now and there are loads of them, second lot of radish about ready to. Chillies and cayenne peppers in the conservatory doing well but the bell peppers are not so good as I have been fighting a losing battle with the greenfly all summer. Outdoor toms miles better than the indoor ones even though they are the same variety.