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How much worse is this going to get?


E-goat Head *****
On shift last night.

Walked in to find I'm the only NCO on all 4 trade desks. 2 fairy SAC's, 2 rigger SAC's, a lecky SAC and a 5 sootie SACS.

A total ****ing joke. 6 aircraft on the program and not a legal peace of fooking work done all night. Still, at least we made the program eh ......who gives a **** about legalities eh? I stamped my ferkin feet and was told to get on with it.....looks like its 18 months and out with my pension for definate. I can't stand this w@nk any longer.

We spend all our time fixing the daisy aircraft too. They leave behind a folder of work for us to do when those tossers should be doing nights and working weekends if they don't complete their work but for some reason they have the luxury of a squadron they are here to support to do all the work for them.

Rant over.......heres to 18 months, it can't go soon enough.
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Somewhere else now!
Having a turd time here as well mate.

Went in last night and there were 2 fairy/lecky Cpl's and me as the only heavy Cpl. had a JT and SAC with shed loads of work on. We has 6 sncos in!!!! 3 of em heavies!!!!
Sick of running round like a tw*t when we have sncos here who prefer to sit at the desk. Could do with a hand to be honest with supervising and the work itself.
So much ferkin work. The cabs are due service and falling apart. The one that the civvies have churned out is a bag of sh*t. Any of the other flights have a sack of crap it gets sent to us to fix. We arent the shed and we havent got the manpower to do it! We have lost 2 heavy SAC's this week to do a rebuild. Heavies are by far the busiest trade!!
Oh, theres also a lean event going on. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ring fenced here as well so no escape!
Hurry up with some more redundancies pleeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!


E-goat Head *****
Done the LEAN about 18 months ago mate. I sympathise. This SNCO has had his fill mate. Theres quite a few lazy arsed prick SNECS about mate who are still living in the cold war era who think its okay to kick back and watch telly all day and night instead of being productive. They should have made those cocks redundant and kept all the good lads but thats unfair to the lads who got it.


Somewhere else now!
I've been involved in lean before. Ran an event in 2003. Enjoyed it to be honest. I am pig headed enough to steam roller the consultants and ass licking wing commanders into my way of thinking and therefore leaned the place to suit us!
As for the snco issue. Way too many. The least number in rank on my shift any given day/night is always going to be Cpls. It means we HAVE to do the work and cant supervise and guide properly as we are supposed to.
One day after an error when the witch hunt gets someone they'll hopefully turn around and say "human factors sir"


Hey Wobbly least they can spare a heavy corporal (before anyone says anything you can all feck off with the funnies) for his 2nd guard in 4 months, you obviously don't need one there mate:PDT_Xtremez_25:


I just wish that it were a unique story you tell there wobbly, or just confined to one type...As I am sure we all do, I hear similar stories across many trades and stations, it is just not funny anymore...Are you going to PVR then? It is one of the many reasons that I decided to leave.


uber pikey

Wobbly all I can say is that I used to work on a shift until recently and it was the same $hit from the other shifts all the time.
I will be out of this post in 3 months and I am going to try my hardest to get back on my old shift. The broblems are still the same as it was when I left, yet I would gladdly go back any day, because that shift was awsome.
I know how you feel mate.


Wobbly all I can say is that I used to work on a shift until recently and it was the same $hit from the other shifts all the time.
I will be out of this post in 3 months and I am going to try my hardest to get back on my old shift. The broblems are still the same as it was when I left, yet I would gladdly go back any day, because that shift was awsome.
I know how you feel mate.

The problem is mate they want cpls who can spell you feckwit!

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I see nothings changed on Shift then Wobbly!!!

Thank fcuk I'm working next door now but can see the mighty Fat Albert World falling apart - least I'm not getting all the sh1t the shifts get!

How long before someone says - "I told you so!!"

Will be a shame to see you leave mate!


I see nothings changed on Shift then Wobbly!!!

Thank fcuk I'm working next door now but can see the mighty Fat Albert World falling apart - least I'm not getting all the sh1t the shifts get!

How long before someone says - "I told you so!!"

Will be a shame to see you leave mate!

I'll second that Billy, just shows what a crock of sh1te the jobs becoming when we're losing people of the quality of Bitburger and Wobbly simply because they can no longer stand the mess that is being made of the Air Force!


Isn't it funny how the good ones leave ('cos they know they'll land a good job) and the weaker individuals stay - treading water until pension time?

Some days I ache to be back in uniform -others I'm glad to have left. Mostly ambivolent.


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Isn't it funny how the good ones leave ('cos they know they'll land a good job) and the weaker individuals stay - treading water until pension time?

Some days I ache to be back in uniform -others I'm glad to have left. Mostly ambivolent.

Weaker individuals stay? Fcuk me Bengo, if those of us who are around the 20 year point could walk away tomorrow, I think most of us would.

I will not give the RAF the satisfaction of p1ssing me off to such a point that I have to walk away from the gratuity & pension.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I just wish that it were a unique story you tell there wobbly, or just confined to one type...As I am sure we all do, I hear similar stories across many trades and stations,

Walked into night shift to find that the rigger contingent consisted of 2 CPL's of which I was one and a SNEC. Tonights task a double main leg change we all set to with the dismantle undersigning and oversigning all over the place but trying to keep some form of legallity about the paperwork a vain hope. The SNEC quite rightly stepped back a little on the rebuild put still pitched in when he could . Indies Pah not in the book sense of the word. Leckys did their bit and job done for morning so the daisies could have the jet back. Legal not even close, thank god nothing happened to the jet cos the board of enquiry would have had field day. Oh yes nearly forgot the date this sh!t was going on 1988 yep that long ago.
Hope the next 18 months pass smoothly for you Wobbly.

Hogwarts whilst I agree with your sentiments some of the good guys do see it through to the end in the hope they might make a difference. But there are those who hang around for the pension cos they are stuck in the pension trap. Who will walk away and lose the pension not many after 17/18 years
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Weaker individuals stay? Fcuk me Bengo, if those of us who are around the 20 year point could walk away tomorrow, I think most of us would.

I will not give the RAF the satisfaction of p1ssing me off to such a point that I have to walk away from the gratuity & pension.

I probably put it very badly - sorry.

It does seem the pension trap is one of the few things prenting a major retention crisis.

Then again, my only window on the RAF these days is the Goat - and that can be a little biased.


Master of my destiny
how much worse

how much worse

I made possibly the worst decision 3 years ago by signing up to the new pension scheme., thinking I have a chance to make a difference. The way we are accelerating into doom, I am doing the number crunching and seeing what's out there. The b@stards have changed the Air Force that I joined but I can accept that; progress and changing times etc. What I can't accept is the total lack of support from this fecking goverment and the way they are destroying the Armed Forces with their cost cutting attitude, stick lean up yer @rse, I don't build fecking Toyotas. Also, I wish they'd stop picking a fight with all and sundry and take a long, hard look at the homeland! Will they change tack before it falls to a crock of sh1t? I doubt it!:PDT_Xtremez_25:
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Major Geek

Isn't it funny how the good ones leave ('cos they know they'll land a good job) and the weaker individuals stay - treading water until pension time?

Some days I ache to be back in uniform -others I'm glad to have left. Mostly ambivolent.

To quote you on another thread -
" And just to put the record straight - I didn't leave through choice - my 6 year Short-Service Commission ran out just at the time that PMA decided they weren't extending commssions ...despite my loyalty, dedication and burning desire to stay in."

Make your mind up Bengo!

Having a couple of years to do before leaving with a wad and immediate pension seems sensible to me rather than week. And I know I am capable of getting a good job when I leave, so yes I think you need to re-phrase it a bit.


To quote you on another thread -
" And just to put the record straight - I didn't leave through choice - my 6 year Short-Service Commission ran out just at the time that PMA decided they weren't extending commssions ...despite my loyalty, dedication and burning desire to stay in."

Make your mind up Bengo!

exactly - I can't decide whether I want to be back in or if I'm better off out. My mind changes daily.

...but enough of my personal demons.


Somewhere else now!
I probably put it very badly - sorry.

It does seem the pension trap is one of the few things prenting a major retention crisis.

Then again, my only window on the RAF these days is the Goat - and that can be a little biased.

Phew............steps back from a rant.............that was close!


The thing is, and it's not a dig at Wobbly or anyone else because I suspect we've all been guilty of it at one point or another but we're our own worst enemy and we know it. It's that bloody can do attitude of ours.

Time to start saying no, what are they going to do when you've already told them you're leaving?