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How much worse is this going to get?

airframe doctor

I agree...

I agree...

I agree with you totally Wobbly its the same situation here in Tonkaland.
Too many pricks who are a waste of oxygen pulling the strings & SNEC's who think they are above even supervising a task.
With all the scrotes that are joining up unwilling to learn, take on advice and sometimes even think for themselves I believe the old style/days are long gone and highly/probably unlikely to ever return.
Lack of manpower and supervisors and much needed quality spares are all adding up to either a complete mental & physical burn out of the willing guys still serving or several catastophic accidents in a short space of time.
It is time to say enoughs enough and NO!!!
I too am just waiting for the day when I get my gratuity and pension details.


The thing is, and it's not a dig at Wobbly or anyone else because I suspect we've all been guilty of it at one point or another but we're our own worst enemy and we know it. It's that bloody can do attitude of ours.

Time to start saying no, what are they going to do when you've already told them you're leaving?

Best quote I have read on here so far mate..!!!!!!!!!.....can do......!!.....the 'working the weekend' weapon always comes out too doesnt it !! At least when we bust our balls for the corps...our management sew them back on.....so we can bust em some more !!
Nice to read that its not just the illustrious swing wing arrows of death sqns that are flying on lies !!! Give us the tools we needed and we probably wouldnt know how to operate as effectively!!!!!!


E-goat Head *****
Its quite amazing that we have not had a single person who is amazed this is happening. From just this thread alone we see the same things happening in Wokka, Fat Albert and Tonka world. Scary!!!

Browns book will be out soon. "How to run the armed forces on a shoestring" To$$er!!!


Wobbly it's been a shoestring airfoce for years mate.
First they took away our overseas (Germany) postings, then our spares, then our second line facilities and now the manpower.


My arrisss, it will never work, we just need to prove it. Unfortunately however, the purse strings are controlled by the treasury and lean was IMHO just a way of trying to make things work with less money. The 'less money' was already going to happen, sod all any of us could do about it, so we only have the government to blame. And the sooner they see the 'great' British armed forces going to rack and ruin the better, cos it will have been their fault, not ours.


Somewhere else now!
Its quite amazing that we have not had a single person who is amazed this is happening. From just this thread alone we see the same things happening in Wokka, Fat Albert and Tonka world. Scary!!!

Browns book will be out soon. "How to run the armed forces on a shoestring" To$$er!!!

Also seen in Harrier land and Sea King world..............

Just to go back to the point someone made about hunting for undersigs and oversigs. That has been the norm since i joined up 15 years ago. Only problem now is that I sign in the right hand column!

I am sick of going to work these days because I know that at some point I'll start moaning and whinging about something and I hate myself for doing it as well. How the hell are we supposed to mentor and encourage the fresh breed?

I keep saying its got to get better somewhere along the line, but will it? Really?


It happens everywhere i've been, you are right wobbly all this illegal practices should stop right throughout the raf. F*ck the growbags they always seem to get what they want and all we get is the sh*tty end of the stick and putting our own livelyhoods on the line for them.

Could this be the start of a "UN*ON":PDT_Xtremez_42: of sorts, a work to rule for our own sakes and in the hopes a growbag doesnt become a hole in the ground.


E-goat Head *****
Also seen in Harrier land and Sea King world..............

Just to go back to the point someone made about hunting for undersigs and oversigs. That has been the norm since i joined up 15 years ago. Only problem now is that I sign in the right hand column!

I am sick of going to work these days because I know that at some point I'll start moaning and whinging about something and I hate myself for doing it as well. How the hell are we supposed to mentor and encourage the fresh breed?

I keep saying its got to get better somewhere along the line, but will it? Really?

I do the same thing, and I too have turned into a whinging old fart who whinges because I'm totally frustrated and fecked off with the way things are going and know that no matter what I do it won't change a damn thing. Money is what its all about. Iv'e got an idea.......lets give all the money to immigrants and foreign aid and let people who are paying for all this go to hell. Labour policy.......a bunch of dickheads in charge? You bet.
Is that burning hair I smell?

Is that burning hair I smell?

I do the same thing, and I too have turned into a whinging old fart who whinges because I'm totally frustrated and fecked off with the way things are going and know that no matter what I do it won't change a damn thing. Money is what its all about. Iv'e got an idea.......lets give all the money to immigrants and foreign aid and let people who are paying for all this go to hell. Labour policy.......a bunch of dickheads in charge? You bet.

Greetings Wobbly me old mucka from "Bargain Bucket Airways"
I agree totally with your last post. With regards to the latter part aren't we doing that already? Alternatively we could spend absolutely millions on a camp refurbishment or two and then close it or give it willingly to the Army. I too have a potential solution to your dilemma that would greatly increase your enjoyment whilst at work. I tried it and it works!
Firstly find an aerosol of some descript, it must be highly flammable, a reliable lighter is required preferrably a zippo, then trawl the work place looking for unsuspecting individuals to try your new invention out on. The day positively flies by and you drive home with a large grin on your face and can't wait for the ensuing day! :PDT_Xtremez_42:
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Master of my destiny
how much worse

how much worse

Its quite amazing that we have not had a single person who is amazed this is happening. From just this thread alone we see the same things happening in Wokka, Fat Albert and Tonka world. Scary!!!

Browns book will be out soon. "How to run the armed forces on a shoestring" To$$er!!!

I'm afraid the shoestring went after the VSA on footwear!

Jokes aside, it's perhaps comforting in a perverse sort of way that the same problems appears to be Service-wide and not restricted to one Base/Sqn/Shift etc.


our place is falling apart aswell just got rid of 1/4 of the manpower now they want to split us to 4 shifts and get another jet aswell as all the other sh1te that go's on

the meltdowns under way, run whilst you still can

fugmeister general

its amazing that all the bleating and whinging that people do at work everyday falls on deaf ears. the manpower situation aint going to get anybetter and here at the fat albert camp we alone are going to loose an extra 130 people that are in overborn post due to EFA. that still harp on about 24/7 how the hell do they think we will manage when we only just meet the flying programme now, decision like these I sh1t them everyday. i believe it is the to$$ers that control us ie the bosses of the sections, flt lt & above all they see is there career caption and how I can make myself look good when appraisal time comes around. i beleive that they need to go down the range so the boys could do some target practice for all the bad decisions and waste of time things they have us do.

it would not be right just to slag them off !!!! how about the stores system you order a bit and low and behold its an inability item !!!! but hold on the moment you go state on the item they magic one up out of there arse and it lands on your desk. always amazes me how and why this happens maybe they are related to the dark side. i just wish this was not the case and the world was all rosey but it aint and i agree there with wobbly that the time will come when the good lads that are coming upto pension age will leave and then lets see what is written on here, i think it will be a lot worse than now thats for sure.


E-goat Head *****
It gets better.

Today we have the powers that be say that we not only have to carry out the cross dressing IP before we go on MSAT we now have NO choice but to become self supervised. They are push push push without realising that we cannot spare people to carry out OJT as that would double the time it took to carry out the job.

Why is it that these tw@ts cannot implement things one at a time? They always seem to invent extra sh!t to pile onto us as its obvious we have nothing better to do.

So now they expect us to self supervise (I already am mind) ourselves, work two trade desks, write twice the amount of 6000's (approx 16) due to no other NCO's available due to cut backs, without the luxury of the old SNCO extra leave entitlement. Great!!!

Living the dream, living the dream :PDT_Xtremez_42:



I've been out of trade for a while now (pre-JAP, and a fairy), but can't you still refuse to self-supervise? Just having the Q doesn't mean it HAS to be used. (and what can they do - fire you?)


Flight Sergeant
It gets better.

Today we have the powers that be say that we not only have to carry out the cross dressing IP before we go on MSAT we now have NO choice but to become self supervised. They are push push push without realising that we cannot spare people to carry out OJT as that would double the time it took to carry out the job.

Why is it that these tw@ts cannot implement things one at a time? They always seem to invent extra sh!t to pile onto us as its obvious we have nothing better to do.

So now they expect us to self supervise (I already am mind) ourselves, work two trade desks, write twice the amount of 6000's (approx 16) due to no other NCO's available due to cut backs, without the luxury of the old SNCO extra leave entitlement. Great!!!

Living the dream, living the dream :PDT_Xtremez_42:


There used to be a get out clause in self sup, used to be a imited self sup as a mech in the bay, the only reference i can find now is in the jap100a-01 chap 4.5.

Didn't think they could force you to be a self sup.

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
Why is it that these tw@ts cannot implement things one at a time? They always seem to invent extra sh!t to pile onto us as its obvious we have nothing better to do.

The cynical side of me says because if they don't they might not get noticed, miss out on the next prime posting/step up the ladder. ::/:

The more reasonable side of me agrees :PDT_Xtremez_31:


It gets better.

we now have NO choice but to become self supervised. [/Whingemodeoff].

Don't you have to agree to carry out a task as a SS? ie, at the end of a 12 hr night shift, you aren't going to want to/ feel capable of carrying out as a SS a very complicated task, are you?

I think Zammo said it best, "just say no"
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Somewhere else now!
A self supervision task should be given by your line manager. You can refuse as well. And you could also refuse on the grounds of H&S if you are eloquent enough to put into those type of terms (I would imagine so being a SNCO!)
If you are your own line manager, dont task yourself!!
Sounds like the latest buzz-words of human factors might be useful too!!

Whats MSAT by the way?