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Lossie AMF


Master of my destiny
Hey -as they say its life in a blue suit - you knew there would be a chance you'd have to be posted around various locations when you took ther queens shilling![/quote]

Which was deducted from your first wage packet!!

It's also a fact that some years ago, the minimum disturbance rule was established so personnel could put down roots etc.:PDT_Xtremez_28:

airframe doctor

Ferk me, must be a different XV from the one I used to be on then.......................

Off Topic GT either you have had too much sun recently or you're mind is fading due to your age. You have to remember that it depended entirely on which shift was on at the time as to what was "S" the next day.:PDT_Xtremez_30:

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
Off Topic GT either you have had too much sun recently or you're mind is fading due to your age. You have to remember that it depended entirely on which shift was on at the time as to what was "S" the next day.:PDT_Xtremez_30:

Now you mention it I do, B shift was best if I remember correctly!!!:PDT_Xtremez_19:

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
I do however remember the two wee trips I had in between Sqns in Lossie AMF as good times.

94 - 95 as a sootie with Mick Rob*****, Glen Wal****, Kev New***, Paul Rob****** and many other good guys. We had a 'cake day' on a friday when everyone took it in turns to bake a cake and bring it in, there were some rather burnt offerings.

Then in 99 - 00 as a rigger on Alex Lo**'s team, good times again but happy to get a swap onto XII(B).

Certainly if it was still open I would quite happily go back, shame really...........




As one of the ‘lucky ones’ to eventually get my dream posting to Norfolk, having spent most of my RAF life at ISL, I have to disagree with a few points made on this thread.

As has already been said, if a Sqn had relocated, then that would have been a unit move, lock stock and barrel - with the odd posting swapping going on to ensure a few were happy with the outcome. However, with DAMF at ISL, as we know, this was not the case. It was decided to move the stations assets instead of DAMF
This was not a PMA decision as has been mooted already, but an engineering officer decision. And that’s a fact!
PMA and the remaining Sqns are now the poor feckers who are left to put up with and also sort out the mess created by these so-called ENG Execs!
Decision makers my arris!
And in case you weren’t aware, CMU now have the most experienced snag-busters doing 2nd line mundane work….so nobody’s happy now at either stn!
Now there has to have been great management skills to create that almighty fcuk-up eh?

If only they had gone for a DAMF unit move…then they’d have had the experience required at both locations????

That’s just another reason for my PVR tag!!!
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airframe doctor

CMU now have the most experienced snag-busters doing 2nd line mundane work.

Off Topic Some good points there Edzar, shame we are not allowed to use our experience any more with regards to "snag-busting":PDT_Xtremez_37: due to the fact that any problem encountered has to factored then programmed into the schedule by some bloke in a suit with his own office, who appears to have no knowledge about Tornado whatsoever!:PDT_Xtremez_06:

I'm going to hell soon, I'm sure of it for comments like those. Still got to be better than CMU I suppose.Off Topic
I did not realise that there had been a purge to marham from amf. As an ex meas ISL bloke, I am sure there would have been a few lads who had set themselves up to serve their time and retire/remain in moray, which offers a better lifestyle to many families than their 'home' towns. I loved Lossie, though I had no intention of staying beyond the 3 years I was there, it always seemed that folks could engineer postings and promotions to remain there or on occassion move west to ISK.
Now, I understand I am well out the loop, but I reckon pushing out the longest in post would be uprooting some of the most settled folks there - life in a blue suit etc. - but a real shame.

I just hope ISL goes from strength to strength and will remain integral to the RAF and hopefully the chaps/chappesses who have had to shift at great upset get the opportunity to return.

good luck folks


i only managed to do 18 months at lossie but they were good times :PDT_Xtremez_30: i had a choice of move to ARF :PDT_Xtremez_42: or a Baffoon sqn, it was a tough choice!!:PDT_Xtremez_31:

GRANTown not in spey area

CMU now have the most experienced snag-busters doing 2nd line mundane work.

Off Topic Some good points there Edzar, shame we are not allowed to use our experience any more with regards to "snag-busting":PDT_Xtremez_37: due to the fact that any problem encountered has to factored then programmed into the schedule by some bloke in a suit with his own office, who appears to have no knowledge about Tornado whatsoever!:PDT_Xtremez_06:

I'm going to hell soon, I'm sure of it for comments like those. Still got to be better than CMU I suppose.Off Topic

You heard anything yet?

feckinG RANT

You lot all need to get a grip man! What fairer way was there to do things? Volunteers were asked for, I believe 6 came forward. The remaining numbers came from longest at Lossie. Granted there was no doubt some that got away for what ever reason but really, unless you were on of the one's that only just made the chop then you have absolutely no reason to complain!

For the record, I spent a long time at Lossie and I am now at Marham, was I pleased? Hell no, but to be honest, I'm not a sad Muppet that bangs my gums hoping things will change. They won't! Get on with it, make the best of a bad deal and move on! To quote Tracy from BB, deal with it!

By the way, a source close to me has told of several vacancies on 12B, might be a shock for anyone that has only worked on toy town XV(R) but on the plus you do get some Gucci desert DPM thrown in to the deal, which I have to say is good clobber for T In The Park! Personally, I'd rather fry my own bollocks in a pan and eat them than go back on a 1st line Tonka Sqn!



Master of my destiny
You lot all need to get a grip man! What fairer way was there to do things? Volunteers were asked for, I believe 6 came forward. The remaining numbers came from longest at Lossie. Granted there was no doubt some that got away for what ever reason but really, unless you were on of the one's that only just made the chop then you have absolutely no reason to complain!

For the record, I spent a long time at Lossie and I am now at Marham, was I pleased? Hell no, but to be honest, I'm not a sad Muppet that bangs my gums hoping things will change. They won't! Get on with it, make the best of a bad deal and move on! To quote Tracy from BB, deal with it!

By the way, a source close to me has told of several vacancies on 12B, might be a shock for anyone that has only worked on toy town XV(R) but on the plus you do get some Gucci desert DPM thrown in to the deal, which I have to say is good clobber for T In The Park! Personally, I'd rather fry my own bollocks in a pan and eat them than go back on a 1st line Tonka Sqn!


Now then newbie, to come on your first post and spout absolute sh1te is laughable. Just to set the record straight, you'll find (if you did your homework) that XV Sqn is the hardest working ( for the techies at least) of all the Tonka Sqn's, no spin, just fact.:PDT_Xtremez_28:
Now realist I'd agree that XV(R)se used to be the hardest working sqn up at lossie, I'd argue that post redundancies and the set up of ARF it's possibly one of the cushiest places on the station currently. Not having a dig but the place seems to have survived the best in terms of manpower numbers at least. I know there was an experience drain with the set up of CMU but that was felt stationwide. And the SNCO slots there seem to be getting filled up quite rapidly atm. Unlike the resulting JNCO slots in ARF.


Master of my destiny
Now realist I'd agree that XV(R)se used to be the hardest working sqn up at lossie, I'd argue that post redundancies and the set up of ARF it's possibly one of the cushiest places on the station currently. Not having a dig but the place seems to have survived the best in terms of manpower numbers at least. I know there was an experience drain with the set up of CMU but that was felt stationwide. And the SNCO slots there seem to be getting filled up quite rapidly atm. Unlike the resulting JNCO slots in ARF.

I'm not going to argue about ARF, it is a good concept that quite simply hasn't been manned properly. As far as XV being cushy??? You have been snorting cocaine or something!! The task hasn't changed, we are severely hurting manpower wise (as everyone else) and every day is another hurdle. Latest chuckle was 6 foot requesting that we move a jet from one end of their hangar to the other.
Its all relative. When I say cushy I mean marginally less crap. I have done my time on XV(R) back in the recent past before the reduction in Jets. And know it was a frigging nightmare. I'm not saying you're all sat there with your feet up, just that you have a few more guys than the ops sqn's and speaking to a certain new leckie snec you have been doing very well with reagrds easy fixes recently.

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Now then newbie, to come on your first post and spout absolute sh1te is laughable. Just to set the record straight, you'll find (if you did your homework) that XV Sqn is the hardest working ( for the techies at least) of all the Tonka Sqn's, no spin, just fact.:PDT_Xtremez_28:

Please include the (R) next time...LOL
XV(R) was just a flying extension of AMF anyway...lol

airframe doctor

You lot all need to get a grip man! What fairer way was there to do things? Volunteers were asked for, I believe 6 came forward. The remaining numbers came from longest at Lossie. Granted there was no doubt some that got away for what ever reason but really, unless you were on of the one's that only just made the chop then you have absolutely no reason to complain!

For the record, I spent a long time at Lossie and I am now at Marham, was I pleased? Hell no, but to be honest, I'm not a sad Muppet that bangs my gums hoping things will change. They won't! Get on with it, make the best of a bad deal and move on! To quote Tracy from BB, deal with it!

By the way, a source close to me has told of several vacancies on 12B, might be a shock for anyone that has only worked on toy town XV(R) but on the plus you do get some Gucci desert DPM thrown in to the deal, which I have to say is good clobber for T In The Park! Personally, I'd rather fry my own bollocks in a pan and eat them than go back on a 1st line Tonka Sqn!


Oh **** a BB fan!!!
No wonder you are now at CMU, you were probaly unanimously voted ****** of the week at you previous section, come to think of it it was probably an hourly award with your name etched on it for all eternity.
Fry your bollocks at will, you probably couldn't hack it on an OCU let alone a 1st Line Sqn.
Nice introduction by the way, take it you didn't read the rules or are you so far up your own ringpiece that you didn't feel the need to???
Over to you sir, be interesting to hear your pitiful reply!!!

GRANTown not in spey area

Oh **** a BB fan!!!
No wonder you are now at CMU, you were probaly unanimously voted ****** of the week at you previous section, come to think of it it was probably an hourly award with your name etched on it for all eternity.
Fry your bollocks at will, you probably couldn't hack it on an OCU let alone a 1st Line Sqn.
Nice introduction by the way, take it you didn't read the rules or are you so far up your own ringpiece that you didn't feel the need to???
Over to you sir, be interesting to hear your pitiful reply!!!

couldn't hack it on an OCU let alone a 1st Line Sqn.

Which 1st line sqn would that be then? I don't think so Nurse XV!!!!


Master of my destiny
Its all relative. When I say cushy I mean marginally less crap. I have done my time on XV(R) back in the recent past before the reduction in Jets. And know it was a frigging nightmare. I'm not saying you're all sat there with your feet up, just that you have a few more guys than the ops sqn's and speaking to a certain new leckie snec you have been doing very well with reagrds easy fixes recently.

We also have 50% more jets than the op Sqn's!:PDT_Xtremez_28: