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Out of the mouths of babes

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Mrs Wal has just traded in her umpteen year old Ford Fiesta for a shiney new Peugeot. She got home about an hour ago and was stood looking down at the key fob in her hand, impressed with the remote lock/unlock device on it.
"Does this work on batteries?" she asks.
"Yup" says I.
"Oh" says she "...well I'm b*ggered if it goes flat, how do I get in the car?"

Years ago, a sister in law asked me, if the video was plugged into a B&W, would it still record in colour!

I once met a woman, who kept plugs in every socket, so that the electricity would not leak out.
I once met a woman, who kept plugs in every socket, so that the electricity would not leak out.

Some years ago I was talking to a Medical/Social worker who told me that, before she was taken away to be looked after, a patient of hers was found to have stuck brown paper over the sockets for exactly the same reason.
Nooooo! You only put the plug half way in. That way it only uses half the electricity. Simples!
My very blond flat mate and I were talking to a couple of Brazilians yesterday afternoon, but their English was non existent, and their Spanish difficult to understand, they started chatting in Portuguese...Up pipes the blond one, "Oh, POB, It's like they're talking a different language!"

I couldn't breathe for laughing, and am still giggling now. She is so p!ssed off with me that I didn't get breakfast in bed this morning...
visiting Bath for a day out with the family. The wife and I decide to take the boys to see Jane Austins house. My 8 year old.....not too exited at the prospect of visiting someones house pipes up, 'how far is it?', about 5 mins walk, we tell him, he then asks................'is she in?'.
We have a coal fire in our Quarter and just there the missus said "Look there's a blue flame in the fire, have we got gas now?" R-tard.
My sister-in-law visiting a village, said to this old boy in the pub, "Have you lived here all your life?"

He replied, "Not yet dear!"