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Pay Rise 2009

They could release their tension by punching a smug shiney in the face of course. That's if they can find one of the workshy, overpaid 'popstars'.

Just go to the gym or bar on a Wednesday afternoon when they're supposed to be "training" I bet you'll find one then. After all these years of half days on wednesday you'd expect they'd be fully spammed up by now, wouldn't you?
In the words of Max (from the brilliant Max and Paddy): How dare You!

I have not long been promoted, also stuck in an AIP, just worked out that from what I was on before promotion to now - which includes, higher pay band, anual pay rise + AIP = 22.2% kerching!

Just thought I would share that with you all. By the way, for the record I don't believe we (TG17) should be on Higher Band and was amazed that we got there, however, that said l will glady take my 39.5K and thank the Trade Sponsor for all his hard work etc etc, maybe other Trade Sponsors should do what they get paid for?

Anyway, off to perform on TOTP!
