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Pay rise?

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The Masked Geek

I also think that it isnt just the radar that keeps the aircraft apart. It may have something to do with the pilots, or even the odd controller sticking their oar in. :PDT_Xtremez_14:

And how does the controller know where the aircraft is?

The Masked Geek

After reading the part of your post that you typed in white ( which just goes to show how unbelievably nails that you are) I conclude that you are in fact determined to spout sh1te.

Which part did I type in white? Oh, that's right, I didn't. C0ck.


Flight Sergeant
Basic Service is a wonderful thing, control without surveillance Radar.

That, and a pair of fcuk off big binos.


r0jaws, please explain to us all how these miracle workers kept the a/c from smashing each other up. Did they send up one at a time and have specific ETD/ETA's. Or perhaps, with the range of a watchman, a nearby camp offered their services to guide them in to the local area for the goldfish bowl boys guided them in safely?

Or, could it be the help of the TACAN, ILS, PAR, DRDF? All of which could help with guiding your fly boys in for the much needed fluffing or whatever you a/c boys do...

"What's that old chap? Inclement weather. Shoot, can't fly!"


The Masked Geek

I think the bottom line is that we techies, no matter what the trade group, have been short changed.

I even started a thread recently which highlighted the exact nature of the short changedness in comparison to our admin brothers.....

Didn't see many aircraft techies complaining then...


Flight Sergeant
And how does the controller know where the aircraft is?

Off Topic
Maybe the picture is sent over the wonderful tactical data-link systems that are fitted to sh1tloads of platforms that is fed down to a ground station.

Don't think that a ground based radar is the be all and end all.
Off Topic

You and TW are having a good slanging match though.


Flight Sergeant
r0jaws, please explain to us all how these miracle workers kept the a/c from smashing each other up. Did they send up one at a time and have specific ETD/ETA's. Or perhaps, with the range of a watchman, a nearby camp offered their services to guide them in to the local area for the goldfish bowl boys guided them in safely?

Or, could it be the help of the TACAN, ILS, PAR, DRDF? All of which could help with guiding your fly boys in for the much needed fluffing or whatever you a/c boys do...

"What's that old chap? Inclement weather. Shoot, can't fly!"


Off Topic
Well if you really want to know then there are several options for getting our aircraft on the deck in crappy conditions with no Radar whatsoever.

TACAN, ILS and PAR are (hopefully) all still available so we can get Area Radar to put the aircraft onto the centre-line at anywhere upto 17 miles depending on weather, give some identification turns, and crack on as usual.

As to general LARS, Basic service doesn't require any form of surveillance, we can get by with position reporting and using DF to fix an aircraft's approximate position although we can't obviously provide any info on conflictors we can tell them what we know about aircraft movements in relation to fixed geographic locations, ie Para dropping, or AC routes and last reported heights.

Either that, or we punt all our trade elsewhere and bugger off home for any early bath.
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The Masked Geek

Off Topic
Well if you really want to know then there are several options for getting our aircraft on the deck in crappy conditions with no Radar whatsoever.


I think you can take PAR out of your equation if you have "no radar whatsoever". :PDT_Xtremez_14:

Anyway, I'm off to bed. I'll leave you to it.


E-goat Head *****
What the hell has all this crap fairy ****e got to do with a pay rise?

Back on Topic please.


Flight Sergeant
that is how the scores are as at today.

when the JSJET do their thing they are undoubtedly shown the worst/hardest job in a trade to get the highest score possible

perhaps TG1s current score is lower than it really should be as when the job evaluation has been done in the past there was nothing to aim for.

So when was the last TG1 job evaluation carried out?

I can tell you it is not in the last 20 years. They have not bothered because as you say, there was nowhere to go.

If all these super dooper trades score so highly, I am sure they won't mind if my trade actually has a bloody evaluation?

In fact, fcuk it, don't bother, I have given up and my notice is in. I will however still fight for the lads that work for me to be sorted, especially the AMM's currently on low pay band.

Feel free to talk bollox among yourselves though while the Air Force becomes one which is unable to carry out the basic task of putting aircraft in the air because everyone capable of doing it has fcuked off.


E-goat Head *****
Here Here mate. If you have no techies left then you have no air force. No point in everyone else being here if theres no serviceable aircraft to fly.

You only have to look whats going on here at Lyneham to see how messed up thing are.

The HIOS team here are civvies that get paid around 30 grand a year (if they have Q's) for doing the work of an SAC. Thats on a 5 day on 5 day off shift pattern. When you look at that against a SNCO on high pay band at about 35-36 grand a year then serving past 22 years is dumb. I may as well just bin it at 22 and join HIOS and get 30 grand a year plus my 10 odd grand a year pension and be 4 grand up from the off.

Bonuses of becoming a civvy working for the MOD.

I get to stay in the MOD environment without all the associated bollox.
I wouldnt have to spend 6 months away from my family each year
I wouldn't have to do SJARS
I would't have to do guard commander
I wouldn't have to do fitness tests
I would get paid overtime if I worked over my alloted hours.
I would get Christmas and New Year off (Ive worked the last 8)
I would be able to laugh at the lads still in :)
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Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Here Here mate. If you have no techies left then you have no air force. No point in everyone else being here if theres no serviceable aircraft to fly.

You only have to look whats going on here at Lyneham to see how messed up thing are.

The HIOS team here are civvies that get paid around 30 grand a year (if they have Q's) for doing the work of an SAC. Thats on a 5 day on 5 day off shift pattern. When you look at that against a SNCO on high pay band at about 35-36 grand a year then serving past 22 years is dumb. I may as well just bin it at 22 and join HIOS and get 30 grand a year plus my 10 odd grand a year pension and be 4 grand up from the off.

Bonuses of becoming a civvy working for the MOD.

I get to stay in the MOD environment without all the associated bollox.
I wouldnt have to spend 6 months away from my family each year
I wouldn't have to do SJARS
I would't have to do guard commander
I wouldn't have to do fitness tests
I would get paid overtime if I worked over my alloted hours.
I would get Christmas and New Year off (Ive worked the last 8)
I would be able to laugh at the lads still in :)

Spot on Wobbly - same up here at Cottesmore (with BAe).

However, many people do stay in and put up with all the above - God knows why you teccies do, but you do.

As an aside, you state that spending 6 months per year away is one of the factors. Are you aware that the Dec 08 Personnel Bulletin showed that the average time between DWRs for non-first line SNCOs in TG1 (Excl Armourers) is 10 years! I showed that to my WO Eng, who commented something along the lines of "Well, at least once Herrick has finished, what manning I'm left with after ACOS has raped me wont be going OOA!"

It seems many of your TG1 SNCO bretheren are creaming in at your expense mate!


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
lol at the coppers, admin, geffries and armourers answers

it's ICT Specialist

and yeah, that was a bit of a shock to all the TG1 in the audience too...

So how will EOD fair? If mine clearance EOD scores in the top band, surely EOD should score level 2?

Captain Gatso

This is all sounding very depressing, alot of folks here who are the experience and dare I say, the soul of the Airforce are starting to give up. Can I blame you lot for thinking this, of course not. After years of being constantly f**ed over by the powers that be. I wish you all the best Weebl mate. That must have been a very hard choice for you to make. Reading through some the posts here, the Airships seem to have finally realised that they are potentially in deep sh*t on the TG1 and 2 front. Unfortunatly it's a case of closing the barn door after the Horse has bolted. How much experience would have gone by the time this so called pay review has taken place, or even been implimented. All I want to know is where did all this start to go wrong? and why no one up in the ivory towers of the MOD saw the writing on the wall.