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TG 3 and their constant Whining (From a TG11 perspective)

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My fellow Peanuts

I am feed up with the constant whining and moaning that is going on on various sights on this might goat.

How are you finding the assimilation to the new TG, personally I have not come across my resentment from the TG3 bods to your face, but the moment you turn your back, they are at it. (NOT i must add the persons with whom I work)

Please give me your thoughts and let me know that i am not the only one that is feed up with,

"They have not got the skills, They don't know the basics etc FFS:PDT_Xtremez_14:

(Mods please feel free to move this to the correct forum if this is wrong)
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I know where you are coming from on this one,

As i have stated on various threads. My experience is that the more grown up techs have no problem with it. Its only the whiners, and every trade has them, that have a problem.

The adult ones see it is the way forward, not just for us but for them.

I personally work with several techs, we all get on fine, we ask each other if we need help when we get out of our comfort zone. Feck me, talk about inventing the wheel.

Fair enough, the goat is a good a place as any to have a whine, but I will be glad when we all just get on with it. Does anyone still talk about telegraphist and telephonists? No..not at all. Same on the Tech side AF etc

FFS lets just all get on with it, its here, its staying...deal with it
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Exactly, it is wrong of my to tar all with the same brush, but I am getting feed up with reading what is clearly drivel

We are not engineering qualified and if there are any members of our trade that think they are,remember that you only did 6 months trade training and NOT 18 months.

We will not be working on the Radar or will be let loose unsupervised on any kit that requires an in-depth knowledge.

However, we are the experts in Networking and Management, so lets work together and make this trade one to be proud of.

Finally, there are some outstanding TG3/11/4 members on this site and I would love to hear your thoughts on this.




Hi peanuts. About time you started fighting back!!! I personally have found its the younger generation that have a major problem with the whole TG4 thing. Us with a

little bit of time behind us, have on the majority just accepted and moved. Peanuts are never going to be techies and vice versa, I can't type 40 words a min(not even

four come to think of it!!!) You've hit the nail with the network etc side, that is tg4, there's going to be good tradesman on both side of the fence. The only thing that

grates, is 'which I've heard on a few occasions' I'm now a tech, wanting to go on tech level course - radar etc. This is not what TG4 is for. With all respect, techs on

the majority have a more basic technical aptitude, and we've done a hell of alot more training in the trade. On the money side though, I'm more than happy, can never

begrudge anybody more cash(maybe coppers), and just think of the jump you boys have from SAC to Cpl!!!!!!

P.S. Took me 7hrs to type this fuc*er
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The only thing that grates, is 'which I've heard on a few occasions' I'm now a tech, wanting to go on tech level course - radar etc. This is not what TG4 is for.
Im with with you on this one LuvTG3. I have heard this twice now, and both times it was the last time that person said it in front of me!

I submit, that the people who says this are the throbbers within the trade, the ones who will PVR/see out there time/admin burdens. As I said previously every trade has them
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I am a ex tg3 tech, now tg4 what a course that was!!! I have over the past 5 years worked along side TG11 both in Cyprus, the Falklands and here in the UK. I have had a great time working with them, yes you will always get the odd few that think that they are Techs they soon learn that 30Kv can be dangerous!! I think that we should all be proud of where we came from be it 3 or 11. As was mentioned earlier its the younger guys that seem to have the problem. There has always been great banter between the two and long may it continue. Those days at Locking playing football in PT against a TCO course was always a good laugh, then after the game we would all go down to pub together.

I think that moving to cosford that was lost, the radio school always seems to be looked at as the "ugly sister". When i did my fitters course you were at times made to feel like c**p by the other trades. But hey they are soon coming to you in the falklands saying "i can't email my family can you help?"


Am I allowed to rant in here Meathead? (since I got told off for it in the other one lol (and my post got deleted)) lol

What's p**sing me off at the moment is when you try and suggest something to a "techie" regarding fixing a computer, they basically turn round and tell you to wind your neck in because you dont know what your talking about, then 3 hours later they come and ask you for help.

Is it really that difficult for them to accept that some of us may actually know what the f**k we are going on about. And why do they have to get a Q so they can go on ops never understood that.

Cant be ar**d to rant anymore, might get told off again lol::/:


Thoroughly Nice Chap
Just a thought Comms Lad and Meathead - You have just gone on a rant and in the past have had a few pops with regard peanuts. Do you think that this thread will end up in the fight club?

If you want to fight then take it into there... Fill your boots. Keep the fighting out of the general forums. Understand my good fellows?

Wing boy

Just a thought Comms Lad and Meathead - You have just gone on a rant and in the past have had a few pops with regard peanuts. Do you think that this thread will end up in the fight club?

If you want to fight then take it into there... Fill your boots. Keep the fighting out of the general forums. Understand my good fellows?

I dont think its that bad salty considering they are both "peanuts" anyway

I never liked the name peanuts..


Guys, this thread was an opportunity for us to express our feelings about how the trade has evolved.

If you want to express your views then feel free to, however remember that other trades/members do read these pages.

That said, this must not dissuaded us from speaking our minds, however uncomfortable this may make people feel.


And why do they have to get a Q so they can go on ops never understood that.

As a tech, belive me there is nothing worse than sitting through hours of powerpoint and slides to learn how to operate a bit of kit. But it has to be done, the Q means that we are safe to work on the equipment. I am sure that without it people would soon be getting upset if they couldn't fly home from det because the RADAR is U/S. Because everyone does the same course for a type of equipment our line managers then have an idea of the level of understanding that people have when it comes to a type of equipment.

Hope that this helps a little


And why do they have to get a Q so they can go on ops never understood that.

As a tech, belive me there is nothing worse than sitting through hours of powerpoint and slides to learn how to operate a bit of kit. But it has to be done, the Q means that we are safe to work on the equipment. I am sure that without it people would soon be getting upset if they couldn't fly home from det because the RADAR is U/S. Because everyone does the same course for a type of equipment our line managers then have an idea of the level of understanding that people have when it comes to a type of equipment.

Hope that this helps a little

No worries and thanks, Im just used to OJT without doing the actual courses lol
Best one was before I went on det going to do a course at Tossford and being asked if I had done my Win NT course, I said no and they were like oh you were supposed to do that as a pre-requisite for this course. Winner lol
As for the people complaining about us upsetting the techies, sorry thats it really


Thoroughly Nice Chap
Guys, this thread was an opportunity for us to express our feelings about how the trade has evolved.

If you want to express your views then feel free to, however remember that other trades/members do read these pages.

That said, this must not dissuaded us from speaking our minds, however uncomfortable this may make people feel.

You misunderstand. The biggest hint I can give is that the best form of discussion involves good, balanced and reasoned argument. It does not require expletives to be used etc.


Originally Posted by SirSaltyHelmet
You misunderstand. The biggest hint I can give is that the best form of discussion involves good, balanced and reasoned argument. It does not require expletives to be used etc.

I totally agree

look you two, its not my fault ok I cant help the expletives, but that said I shall try and keep them to a minimum. Lol

If you remove the expletives from my first post in this thread you will see that it is a balanced point of view when you compare it to some of the stuff that is written about us peanuts in the eng tech el forum.


FFS everyone knows there is only one trade group in the RAF and thats Trade Group 1 so stop whingeing and shuffle some more paperwork.......................

Pull pin and retire.

Thanks for that imput lol, thats a new keyboard you owe me, as this is now covered in coffee!!:PDT_Xtremez_42:


look you two, its not my fault ok I cant help the expletives, but that said I shall try and keep them to a minimum. Lol

If you remove the expletives from my first post in this thread you will see that it is a balanced point of view when you compare it to some of the stuff that is written about us peanuts in the eng tech el forum.

Sound like you suffer from Tourettes whilst typing LOL:PDT_Xtremez_30:
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