- 4,788
- 113
- 776
Still struggling to see what use a Harrier or Jag Q is these days.Techies are paid for what they know, not what they do.
Out of my 22 years, I had about 18 months in 3 separate 'back office' roles.
1) QCIT as the Unit Tool Controller but was still on standby for Afghan with a Tonka Sqn and no protection from DWR.
2) Docs Cell - only put in there to get a Mech SNCO out on the shop floor, and to (WO's words not mine) force the other NCO's who were reticent in gaining the extra auths to do so. I would put the overalls back on when it came time to auth them as I was competent in everything and would train & assess.
3) CAMO - Staff work essentially but so important to Aviation Safety and ensuring compliance from all in an MRP 145 environment.
All that I knew that could be 'accused' of swinging the lead (there probably are others that genuinely were doing that) whilst safe in a warm office were still prepared to bolster the relevant manpower roster.
Jobs like the above (apart from docs cells as they were about prior) have only come about in the aftermath of XV230 and Haddon-Cave in an environment were there needs to be competent fingers on the pulse to remind those holding the safety delegations / responsibilities of their remit.
Oh, and I did Docs Cell at XV Sqn for 18 months.