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The Formula 1 2013 thread.



McLaren get Red Bulls head of aerodynamics for 2015.

McLaren have confirmed that Red Bull's head of aerodynamics Peter Prodromou will be heading to Woking in 2015. Prodromou previously worked for McLaren before heading over to Red Bull in 2006 where he played an integral role in the team's rise to the top of Formula One.

However, in 2015 he'll be heading back to Woking with his move coinciding with McLaren's upcoming partnership with Honda - but that "wasn't the clincher" according to McLaren's MD Jonathan Neale. He said: "We do have to remember that the contract Peter has at the moment is a Red Bull contract and I have to respect that. It's for them to talk about what his terms are and what his leave dates are.

"In terms of our position, yes we have recruited Peter, we're really excited about him joining the team but it's not a one off thing that we are doing, there are other things we are doing to strengthen our team.


One step in the right direction.


It also looks like Ross Brawn will be leaving Mercedes at he end of the year, although he did offer a half hearted denial to Eddie Jordan this morning. I personally think he will go.


Warrant Officer
Although its been annoying and dull watching Vettel win race after race and title after title I've never really disliked him. Until today, when the whiny little cnut got on the radio towards the end of today's race to instruct his team to keep the fast-closing Webber away from him. Webber never posed a threat as he got stuck behind Grosjean, but after what Vettel did to Webber in Malaysia did the little turd seriously think he'd got any right to demand compliance from the Aussie? Fcuking arrogant little bellend. :pDT_Xtremez_32:


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Makes you wonder what could have happened if Webber had tried to stretch out his tyres to the end.


Warrant Officer
Well if a 12 year old can hack into the CIA it can't be that hard to hack into a standard (McLaren) ECU without the FIA finding out.


Word is starting to have it that Mr Newey has indeed designed a traction control system for the Red Bull but it doesn't involve using the ECU, it is using the KERS system instead.
The suggestion is that they have a high resolution speed sensor watching the behaviour of the rear wheels. If the wheels start to spin up the system kicks the KERS system into 'harvest' mode which momentarily loads up the engine thereby stopping the wheels from spinning. As the wheels regain traction KERS recovery is deactivated allowing the engine to develop full power again. The system allows Vettel to floor the throttle earlier out of a corner (hence Hamilton's observatton) and the blown diffuser causes the car to squat down at the back giving grip. When the wheels lose grip the KERS system kicks in loading up the engine and stopping the wheels from spinning. Webber doesn't gain the same advantage because he's never been able to use the blown diffuser advantage as well as Vettel has.
It looks perfectly feasible and is very clever, but does it break the rules with regards traction control systems (if true)?
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'Brawn to leave Mercedes'

Team principal Ross Brawn will leave Mercedes at the end of the season, according to a report.
The 58-year-old's future at the Brackley squad has been in doubt following the decision to sign Paddy Lowe from McLaren earlier this year. Although Lowe was given the position of executive director (technical) for this season, many believed that the squad were grooming him to become team principal next year.

Brawn, meanwhile, admitted that the only way he would stay at Mercedes in 2014 is if he remains in charge, but it appears he didn't get his way.
According to BBC Sport, a source close to the team revealed that 'Brawn and Mercedes have failed to reach an agreement on a role in which he would have been happy to stay at the team.


Looks like he didn't get his own way after all.


Warrant Officer
Its been coming hasn't it?

On a different point, Aidrian Newey has been giving his take on Vettel and his dominance.........


He says:

Critics argue that a lot of Vettel's success is down to the quality of the Red Bull car, and that his main rivals Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton could achieve the same things if they had access to the same equipment.

"It's a completely hypothetical question because Formula 1 is about man and machine," added Newey. "It's just not that simple. So it's an armchair question but it's not a question that has any real meaning."

Yes, of course its a hypothetical, armchair question but its still a valid one in my mind. When an anthlete or a tennis player reaches the top of his sport, drugs cheating aside, there is no doubt where the credit lies because there's little or no question that high performance shoes or a top secret racquet are adding any obvious advantage to the individuals skill. In F1, or any motor sport, that is not the case and so its perfectly reasonable to question the scale of an achievement like Vettel's when you factor in the advantage that having the best equipment for the job gives him. Yes of course driver skill comes into it and I've seen people ask 'if the Red Bull is so dominant, why isn't every race a Red Bull 1-2?' and the answer is simple; Webber, nice guy though he is, is not a top driver of Alonso or Raikkonen calibre and can't make best use of the equipment advantage he has. Vettel is a good driver but he has been very fortunate to be in the right car at the right time (and good luck to him for being there), but nobody is going to convince me that his achievement ranks alonside other drivers who achieved world titles in cars with a lesser advantage than he has.


You ain`t seen me.
1000+ Posts
But we don`t know how much of the advantage is down to his hard work.
Setting up the car perfectly, etc.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I read something recently, perhaps linked from this thread, that suggests part of the reason the car works for Vettel is because he listens to Newey. Some drivers try and have the car changed to suit their style, the suggestion is that Vettel adjusts his driving to better suit the car. If it's true I reckon it's the mark of a driver better than his peers.


Warrant Officer
But we don`t know how much of the advantage is down to his hard work.
Setting up the car perfectly, etc.

Well, that explains why Vettel is invariably ahead of Webber, i.e. its said he knows how to make the best use of the car that Newey has given him and communicates what he wants a lot better. But it doesn't explain how top drivers like Hamilton and Alonso have observed from in-car footage that Vettel can do things with his car that they can't with theirs even if they tried


Flight Sergeant
But it doesn't explain how top drivers like Hamilton and Alonso have observed from in-car footage that Vettel can do things with his car that they can't with theirs even if they tried

Weber unfortunately was a mid stream driver...Good but not quite good enough.

As for your comments above....The only way that Das Finger won another WDC was due to the change in tires mid season and all fell right into Red Bulls hands, even Red Bull them selves said this. LINKY THINGY So it really all went down to a Pirelli cock up with the 2013 gear (that the other teams had come to terms with).


Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
But it doesn't explain how top drivers like Hamilton and Alonso have observed from in-car footage that Vettel can do things with his car that they can't with theirs even if they tried

Maybe the explanation is in your post #131 of this thread.