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The RAF - No room for 'Guys'


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
That makes sense, but FOR SOME it is the salutations that are the problem the ranks.
Are they ever. Got bollocked by a (Flight Ops so a Nonner) Female Flt Lt a few years ago for referring to the Sqn WO as The Wobbly because, 'It was not professional and derogatory to his Rank'.....

Somebody 'may' have then left a printout of the Dunlops Dangling Jack Speak mentioning Floppy Sausages, Dhobi Dust and Wank Chariots on her desk overnight with nothing more said......🤣👍


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Change AC to Erk,
LAC to Leading Erk,
SAC to Senior Erk.
SAC(T) to Junior Technician,
Warrant Officer to Warrant,
Commissioned Ma'am to Zob,
Commissioned Sir to Zob.




Statement from the MOD.

The report found the Marham radar controller's workload at the time was "high" and "an opportunity to provide additional support" had been missed.
All F-35 operators have been mandated to read the Airprox report into the incident "as a case study to help improve awareness of the importance of lookout as much as the continued need to follow good airmanship practice", the report said.

Aaaaagh, I've been triggered. How long until the scene below is reality>



Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
I believe Norwich's ATC is far busier than Marham's...but I stand to be corrected!


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts

Statement from the MOD.

The report found the Marham radar controller's workload at the time was "high" and "an opportunity to provide additional support" had been missed.
All F-35 operators have been mandated to read the Airprox report into the incident "as a case study to help improve awareness of the importance of lookout as much as the continued need to follow good airmanship practice", the report said.

Aaaaagh, I've been triggered. How long until the scene below is reality>

View attachment 1011739
Had something similar in a Cafe Nero round about the time some scum bags life being cut short last year was being used by a certain population demographic to justify looting and pillaging.

'What would you like?' (Purple haired, morbidly obese 'Milly Taunt'....

'A kids hot chocolate, a rocky road and a black coffee please'

'We don't do them but we do do an Americano.'

'Same thing, black coffee please'

'You mean Americano?' (Glasses dropped and her beady eyes looking down her fat fucking nose at me)

'Really? I just want a Black coffee without the accusation of anything nefarious or I go next door'

*Huge sigh* Cracks on with the task but refuses to acknowledege anything other than the bare basics of 'customer service'.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Had something similar in a Cafe Nero round about the time some scum bags life being cut short last year was being used by a certain population demographic to justify looting and pillaging.

'What would you like?' (Purple haired, morbidly obese 'Milly Taunt'....

'A kids hot chocolate, a rocky road and a black coffee please'

'We don't do them but we do do an Americano.'

'Same thing, black coffee please'

'You mean Americano?' (Glasses dropped and her beady eyes looking down her fat fucking nose at me)

'Really? I just want a Black coffee without the accusation of anything nefarious or I go next door'

*Huge sigh* Cracks on with the task but refuses to acknowledege anything other than the bare basics of 'customer service'.
A former work colleague at his previous employ explained that he and everyone else there was expected to ask for a "coffee without milk" and not a "black coffee" in the company break area.


A former work colleague at his previous employ explained that he and everyone else there was expected to ask for a "coffee without milk" and not a "black coffee" in the company break area.
Is the word black now deemed offensive? How are we possibly supposed to keep up with this pace of ever changing terminology without being thrown to the wolves?

If Amber Rudd had referred to Diane Abbot as a "woman of colour" rather than a "coloured woman" That would that be completely different but somehow also exactly the same?

Pulling quotes from various articles confuses me further.
"On the flip side, I have African sisters who don’t want to be labelled as ‘black woman’ or as a ‘woman of colour’ but simply a woman. I also have Indigenous sisters who define themselves as Indigenous and not as a woman of colour and other Indigenous sisters who have fair skin and define themselves as a black woman and a woman of colour."

Then there's these lists.

Whilst I am trying to understand and make the right choices, I am being bombarded from all directions with outrage but seeing little in actions other than news articles stoking the flames in the press.

We're heading into a dystopian world such as that in movies where people rarely even talk to their immediate neighbours let alone people of other cultures.

One thing I miss out in civvy street is when walking around camp saying hello to all and sundry no matter what they looked like.
World is going mad.


Is the word black now deemed offensive? How are we possibly supposed to keep up with this pace of ever changing terminology without being thrown to the wolves?

If Amber Rudd had referred to Diane Abbot as a "woman of colour" rather than a "coloured woman" That would that be completely different but somehow also exactly the same?

Pulling quotes from various articles confuses me further.
"On the flip side, I have African sisters who don’t want to be labelled as ‘black woman’ or as a ‘woman of colour’ but simply a woman. I also have Indigenous sisters who define themselves as Indigenous and not as a woman of colour and other Indigenous sisters who have fair skin and define themselves as a black woman and a woman of colour."

Then there's these lists.

Whilst I am trying to understand and make the right choices, I am being bombarded from all directions with outrage but seeing little in actions other than news articles stoking the flames in the press.

We're heading into a dystopian world such as that in movies where people rarely even talk to their immediate neighbours let alone people of other cultures.

One thing I miss out in civvy street is when walking around camp saying hello to all and sundry no matter what they looked like.
World is going mad.
Well said Cornish, it's a nightmare and it needs to stop now. No matter what you say you are perceived as upsetting someone, I just want to go back to when just being polite to people was enough.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Is the word black now deemed offensive? How are we possibly supposed to keep up with this pace of ever changing terminology without being thrown to the wolves?

If Amber Rudd had referred to Diane Abbot as a "woman of colour" rather than a "coloured woman" That would that be completely different but somehow also exactly the same?

Pulling quotes from various articles confuses me further.
"On the flip side, I have African sisters who don’t want to be labelled as ‘black woman’ or as a ‘woman of colour’ but simply a woman. I also have Indigenous sisters who define themselves as Indigenous and not as a woman of colour and other Indigenous sisters who have fair skin and define themselves as a black woman and a woman of colour."

Then there's these lists.

Whilst I am trying to understand and make the right choices, I am being bombarded from all directions with outrage but seeing little in actions other than news articles stoking the flames in the press.

We're heading into a dystopian world such as that in movies where people rarely even talk to their immediate neighbours let alone people of other cultures.

One thing I miss out in civvy street is when walking around camp saying hello to all and sundry no matter what they looked like.
World is going mad.
Would it be a fair observation to say that what is occurring in these strange, hysterical times is almost by design?

By dividing and by confusing the majority of the populace into a bewildered silence, those pushing their agenda win their arguments.

I do believe that a fight back against this ridiculous wokeness is gathering traction simply because people who believe in fairness don't like being dictated to.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Just don’t use any term, most people don’t have to describe people in their daily activities by their ethnicity.

When ordering food in any establishment I find it best to use the language of the menu, if you don’t align with their values and menu language then there’s plenty of other coffee shops that would be glad of your pennies.

I’ve asked for a black coffee/americano in Pret, Starbucks and Micky Ds in the past week and no eyebrows were raised or stares made indignant.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Black can't be offensive, can it? Otherwise we would have 'Persons' of colour lives matter' or 'coloured persons' lives matter' wouldn't we.... And the MPCMA ('Music of Persons' of Colour Music Awards') etc.

I'll settle for 'Lives Matter'


Has anyone actually upset anyone at work?

I can see Spearmint might have got a bit of shit off the Starbucks lassie (I'd have asked to see her manager and got a free black coffee) but I personally only ever hear of this shit second and third hand.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Has anyone actually upset anyone at work?

I can see Spearmint might have got a bit of shit off the Starbucks lassie (I'd have asked to see her manager and got a free black coffee) but I personally only ever hear of this shit second and third hand.
I haven't myself but i have a BAME colleague who, when serving in the army, (relatively recently) experienced some very unpleasant remarks about which army he should be in... This is someone who had a C17 trip back to Birmingham on stretcher of which he has no memory & was lucky to arrive alive......


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
Has anyone actually upset anyone at work?

I can see Spearmint might have got a bit of shit off the Starbucks lassie (I'd have asked to see her manager and got a free black coffee) but I personally only ever hear of this shit second and third hand.
I can say with certainty it was the only time this has happened to me and only because of (I'm assuming here) a social misfit's misguided attempt to further an agenda dreamt up by the sort of cretins who inhabit Fourchan, Reddit or Tumblr.

As for work wise, I behave myself and know my audience if I want to say something against the grain like there only being two genders but 62 mental illnesses (aka terms that describe gender identity and expression). 🤣👍

ady eflog

Harrier Mafia
1000+ Posts
I haven't myself but i have a BAME colleague who, when serving in the army, (relatively recently) experienced some very unpleasant remarks about which army he should be in... This is someone who had a C17 trip back to Birmingham on stretcher of which he has no memory & was lucky to arrive alive......
cant use BAME anymore, its offensive.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
cant use BAME anymore, its offensive.
Oh right, i will go and flagellate myself later & keep calling him my mate...... Meanwhile, while lefty liberals torture themselves (and the vast majority of the UK public) over appropriate terminology to use, organisations such as Faceache & titter (other social sh1te platforms exist) will make millions allowing people to publicly use far worse terms with far more spite & bile than most of us would ever dream of using...... And, oh the irony, the same lefty liberals will be using those self same platforms to stir up their own storms of outrage......


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
"I’ve asked for a black coffee/americano in Pret, Starbucks and Micky Ds in the past week and no eyebrows were raised or stares made indignant."

"Black can't be offensive, can it? Otherwise we would have 'Persons' of colour lives matter' or 'coloured persons' lives matter' wouldn't we.... And the MPCMA ('Music of Persons' of Colour Music Awards') etc."

The art of "racism" isn't really in what is said - but how the complainant perceives what they heard. There are racists out there. But 90% of ALL people are not racists or part of a racist institution. Moreover, 90% of ALL people try not to make racist remarks but have an in-built capability to inadvertently trip over their tongues.