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Times Report - Cut to the Bone?

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I wonder who the 2500 dudes not essential to current ops will be?

Also the gaywacs has come through this unscathed, at least publically...It's almost as if the recently announced deployment was pushed through to stave off any immediate cuts...

From a work perspective this is one of the most depressing days I've seen, much more so IMO than the last big announcement a few years ago..
after meeting with CO MR2 phased out 31march 2010 MRa4 x1 will arrive as planed Feb2010 DF for the rest no forecast!!!!!
Meetings tomorrow for ground crew and aircrew to give more info reading into it we'll loose 250 blue suits. wait out
I wonder what odds the bookies will give me on the RAF not actually existing by the time the centenary comes around in 2018.

Anybody up for joining the new and improved Joint Defence Force.
Air Wing, Sea Wing, or Ground Wing?

Why buy 22 new Chinooks that wont arrive for 4 years when the yanks and us are looking to start withdrawall from afghan in 2012??
I wonder what odds the bookies will give me on the RAF not actually existing by the time the centenary comes around in 2018.

Anybody up for joining the new and improved Joint Defence Force.
Air Wing, Sea Wing, or Ground Wing?

Why buy 22 new Chinooks that wont arrive for 4 years when the yanks and us are looking to start withdrawall from afghan in 2012??

Bit optimistic mate, based on past procurement of just about everything! :PDT_Xtremez_34:
The number of Service personnel, who are not critical to current operations, will be reduced by 2,500. This will be achieved by slowing recruitment and preventing extensions to service rather than through redundancies.

I was wondering a while back why I hadn't been offered 22 even though I exceed the criteria. Here's hoping I pick my tapes up next year then.

Here at Witt just where are we going to house it all? Both personnel and assets? Does this mean 5001 and 2MT are going?

Today at the brief he mentioned that there would still be a JFH (Much smaller of course) and I'm sure he included something about it being made up of a Squadron of Light Blue and a Squadron of Dark Blue? Anyone else at the brief hear the same?
I wonder who the 2500 dudes not essential to current ops will be?

Lets get ride of some of these bloody civil servants occupying jobs that could be held by a blue suit. they may get paid less than us (as they keep reminding us) but in the long run they must cost more and they cant be sent to the frontline and as soon as you ask them ot do something remotely outside their contract they cry off to their union rep and go on strike, leaving a blue suit to fill the hole enabling business to carry on as normal.

I shall now step off the soapbox, NEXT.....
I had to chase mine down through PSF as one part of my promotion courses didn't trigger properly... It came in the end, but if you are worried, get chasing soonest!
Looks like I'm in the same boat. Just done AML and been told not to hold my breath. Wankers,:PDT_Xtremez_25:
Why buy 22 new Chinooks that wont arrive for 4 years when the yanks and us are looking to start withdrawall from afghan in 2012??

Because anybody with half a brain knows that we will still be there in 2032. All that is happening is the RAF SH force will go all Chinnook when the Puma is gone (Which is what the Air Staff wanted to do all along, Merlin was forced on us by the Tories just to allow the Navy buy of the things). RAF Merlins will go to the Navy to replace the Sea King Mk 4 in the Commando air assult role.
It's not just Cott thats closing down in the next couple of years, Lyneham will be closed by 2011 also.
Got the tapes, done the courses and no offer so I'm taking it as a big FO as of end of next year then.

There is no automatic offer of 22yrs service following promotion anymore. As of april this year you now have to apply for your 22 by gen app on selection for promotion. Furthermore as part of cost cutting you probably didn't or wont receieve the fabled blue letter from Command congratulating you on your selection for promotion.

It's all Poo.
Have had the same issues, did both courses but as a change in the title of one it does not automatically show on JPA you are substansive, been chasing for weeks and been told its sorted but now its waiting on an offer as been chasing PSF about that as well now but no joy
Mayhaps the purse shufflers will have other ideas about not signing peeps on, that will just create another little black hole somewhere on the longer career front. Could be a hidden agenda with the 'new response' to the beep beep can't quite make it brigade. Seems that any previous medical condition that prevented olympic sprinting practice has miraculously cured itself in the last few months meaning you can try and huff and puff up and down, fail and be hoofed out in 180 days. They seem to have forgotten resettlement with that timeline.:PDT_Xtremez_21:
Has anyone thought that 22 shiney new helicopters will require at least 44 pilots and probably over a hundred or so engineers plus all the add ons to operate safely. With more people PVRing than going to Odiham or Benson where will they get these numbers or are they just going to be added to one of the squadrons already operating them ?
Has anyone thought that 22 shiney new helicopters will require at least 44 pilots and probably over a hundred or so engineers plus all the add ons to operate safely. With more people PVRing than going to Odiham or Benson where will they get these numbers or are they just going to be added to one of the squadrons already operating them ?

It doesn't matter what squadron they get added to mate - simple fact is there aren't enough people to man them!

All they'll do is sit back at Odiham gathering dust, I doubt there will be a massive increase in numbers out in the 'Stan short term.

Long term...who knows? Maybe the RAF will just become a helicopter only part of the Army?

God knows what these morons are thinking!