True Blue Jack
Warrant Officer
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I believe that the decision not to put blue suits in the JPAC was made a long time beore the current DCDS (Pers) was in post. Remember, JPAC is run by AFPAA and EDS and to put blue suits in is an expensive option for them. You may recall when blue suits worked for EDS at Innsworth before JPA came into being, blue suits were having to record all their diverson time as the company wanted to make sure that they got their pint of blood from them.
Personnally, I don't think that the wg cdrs got it wrong - I think all units are struggling at the moment.
The general lack of Service knowledge in the JPAC is one of the things that is undermining the whole JPA project. I don't know if you have paid a visit to either of the Enquiry Centres; if you haven't it is well worth the trip. A greater level of service from the ECs than we have enjoyed so far would vastly ease the burden on my small corner of the RAF; I am sure the same is true for everybody.
HS, you are so right. I've had OC PSFs who didn't have much of a clue what went on in Gen Office (I've also had some very good ones), but almost without exception they have forgotten much of what they may have learned by the time they take up an OC Admin/OC BSW appointment. Plus, of course, the Stn Cdr's priorities for OC BSW are invariably infrastructure and security.
Even so, a year or 2 before go-live, before we knew what we know now, I think most of us would have agreed with the decision to keep the clerks at the sharp end.