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what does being a techie intail?

  • Thread starter Thread starter blue_eyed_girl
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Warrant Officer
Get Tae said:
TG2 Pah!
Just as bad as plumbers, its not bombs on bombs off, for fairies it black box out, black box in, easy life!!

We (TG2) are paid for what we know, not for what we do!
Just as well probably or Mrs Mong and the Monglets would all go hungry.


Yeeesss..... You can smell the TG1/2 bickering a mile off.

You'll start as an AMM. 2 years or so later, back to jolly old Cosford to do a fitters course (I can hear all the J/T's screaming at that! Ignore them - we all do!) in your chosen specialised subject. Which is either:

Heavy - Sootie/Rigger. The glamourous side of the techie world. Wielders of spanners and mallets, for that delicate "percussion adjustment" technique. Tend to smell of jet fuel and hydraulic fluid. Real Techies.

Light - limp wristed slacktards. All you need to know is "UTRF" and "NFF". Chicken bones, box in, box out, box in, box out, until you finally change the faulty box. Mincers of the First Order. Allergic to dirt, especially on their hands.

But then, I'm not biased :D


Good old TG1/TG2 moral boosting bickering, It is our only joy in life.

Anyway back to topic, if you want to be a heavy (rigger/sumpy) go for it, yes it is hard work but it is satisfying work, and it gets you out and about more often (just don't apply for Lyneham, amost of what you will do here is Role equipment, which to be honest even rock apes could fit with 5 mins training).

However, though the lights (fairy/electricals) are more cerebral in thier duties, they do have a downside, and that is the fact that I have never yet seen a TG2 WAF who did not have an ass that is bigger than the Titanic (it comes from all that time in the t-bar watching Corrie).

And if you wish to be an Armourer......well I am sure that you will soon get the hang of thier trade "song"......

*goes away singing "A, I'm an Armourer, B I'm an Armorer........"*


Im getting really ****ed off with the anti jt sentiment on this site - and you red death drinker know we are the ****in master race of techies, you wouldnt dare say that **** to my face at work for fear of me pounding your humonhous heed !

You seem to forget that all your jnco's up were once jt's so get it right up ya:PDT_Xtremez_14:

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
enginesuck said:
Im getting really ****ed off with the anti jt sentiment on this site - and you red death drinker know we are the ****in master race of techies, you wouldnt dare say that **** to my face at work for fear of me pounding your humonhous heed !

You seem to forget that all your jnco's up were once jt's so get it right up ya:PDT_Xtremez_14:

I seem to think that's an erroneous statement nowadays ES the playstation generation have graduated....God help us all....:PDT_Xtremez_08:

Martin Blank

AND WHATS WRONG WITH TG5 or 6 Techies????
or GTM's for that matter we get paid just as much as you A/C Techie boys and girls these days :PDT_Xtremez_30:

"No Air Power without Ground Power"


alternatively you could go for ground equipment, this gives better skills for civilian life but is a little unstable at the moment

I wouldn't say thats accurate. There is tons of work for ex military aircraft engineers. If they've done their licences then your looking at 25 pounds an hour ! Unlicenced your loking at about 14-15 pounds an hour, but some have shift allowances on top.
To put that into perspective an HGV driver is on 9 quid an hour for day shift.
I registered with a number of agencies in case the current job didn't work out, and I'm regularly getting offers. Most recent 25k unlicenced and Tax free, with flights and accomodation paid for. I've also had an offer from a company to go work on A380 Airbus's, and the wages for that are superb. Money isn't everything though.
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Turbo Angryman

Lies And Lies And Lies

Lies And Lies And Lies

Penguins Suck said:
right listen Blue eye bird, techie s are cr@p, they are all fat and lazeey and just change bits of aircraft and that aint hard. But as yous is a bird you cant be a rock

What a big bunch of c#ap, rocks are p#ssys or are they just c#nts I cant be sure. One thing I can be sure about is that most rocks will end up cleaning up spillages in various shops throughout the country once they have been booted out of the RAF whilst I will be changing bits of aircraft for large sums of money when I leave.
Enjoy poverty
Turbo Angryman
Angryness level 1/10


Thanks for all that, techie is only my back up tho, the career i want is wsop...brill!
oh an noodle i think i know my english seens i got an A in it?? lol anyway...


WSOp - Weapons System Operator - or in real money a Loadmaster or Air Eng.
I presume you are aware that this is a flying job in the back end of choppers, transport fleet etc., and as such, you wont be doing any engineering. The best you could hope for is doing the odd flight servicing on the aircraft whilst you were down route or away from the main base. Indeed, on some of the aircraft you may only be assisting a Ground Engineer (SNCO Engineer who flies with the aircraft) to do the relevant maintenance tasks.
I think you need to decide whether you want to fly or fix?!?! Hope this helps.


I want to fly, that's all i have ever wanted to do
Engineer is my back up if i don't get it as im interested in engineering
i would like to fly in the back of chinooks- it would be great!
I know everything about wsop (i think)
fixed wing would also be good
I'm hoping to get wsop but if not then techie for me i believe


One thing we have found out is that if an AMM wishes to cross over from their original stream (heavy/light) he/she needs to find another AMM who wants to cross over the other way (i.e. like an exchange posting), that bit doesn't seem to be well advertised at the CIO (or whatever they call themselves today). The other thing is that once TG2 personnel go through multi-skilling they then become TG1, (obviously trying to up the TG1 IQ average!). That will eventually get rid of that bit of banter, oh and by the way we didn't assimulate the "dog f%^Ker" attribute either before anyone starts!


blue_eyed_girl said:
Thanks for all that, techie is only my back up tho, the career i want is wsop...brill!
oh an noodle i think i know my english seens i got an A in it?? lol anyway...

Don't start on the qualifications thing okay, I'm more qualified than my OC Eng!!!


blue_eyed_girl said:
I have thought about being a techie in the RAF but i get told different things by different people
i have been told that it is a great job and easy to understand with easy maths but by other people i have been told it is rubbish with loads of hard maths in which is hard t understand?
what is it REALLY like to be a techie?

Being able to spell entail.......Blue Eyed Girl........bet you are blonde too...........


blue_eyed_girl said:
I have thought about being a techie in the RAF but i get told different things by different people
i have been told that it is a great job and easy to understand with easy maths but by other people i have been told it is rubbish with loads of hard maths in which is hard t understand?
what is it REALLY like to be a techie?

Hi Kiddo,
No matter what trade you would like to be as a technician you will either be classed as a very good technician or a very bad technician.As a WRAF there is no "average" There are no half-measures trust me.
I started out as a Lecky mech and left as a Cpl.It was a great time though.I`m sure you will enjoy spending all the lovely money and being very popular with all the harey-arsed lineys!!!*wink*ENJOY


suewilldo said:
Hi Kiddo,
No matter what trade you would like to be as a technician you will either be classed as a very good technician or a very bad technician.As a WRAF there is no "average" There are no half-measures trust me.
I started out as a Lecky mech and left as a Cpl.It was a great time though.I`m sure you will enjoy spending all the lovely money and being very popular with all the harey-arsed lineys!!!*wink*ENJOY

lol cool thanks for the advice! just wrote a personal statement for the RAF because my college has told me that i need to write one for university even though i am not going to university at all! so they said well write one for the career you want so i have wrote one for the RAF even though they don't ask for one...anyway if i ever needed a personal statement i now have one ready to send off ha!

I will totally enjoy whatever career i get! going to be great!


blue_eyed_girl said:
awwww cool! am i really hehe :PDT_Xtremez_31:

You REALLY dont understand the implications, do you?:PDT_Xtremez_24: