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Your best TECHIE moment.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
As I am only an RAF aircraft engineering technician (with an HNC in Aero Eng, LCGI and in the process of gaining IEng status) and have only 21 years of military aircraft experience I couldn't possibly comment as I have obviously forgotten everything I have ever learned.

Until I get my uneducated finger out of my ar$e and become a proper licensed engineer I am afraid I cannot possibly comment on any techie moments as I have never manage to send serviceable aircraft into the skies, be they either passenger or death bombers because I do not hold any aircraft licenses.

Oh well....................................................

erm, I guess that was aimed at me then Get Tae.

Please read some of my other posts regarding licensing and stop being angry with me.

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
erm, I guess that was aimed at me then Get Tae.

Please read some of my other posts regarding licensing and stop being angry with me.

No mate not aimed at you personally, stop being so sensitive.

Its OK because it will be gone shortly and so will I probably.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
I'm sorry but tonka blokes are not best chums with the navy like harrier homs.

back on topic apart from the tywraps and hi torque bits. My best bit was launching raids and getting the jet back in one peice.

At least I left before the Harrier force became Sh1te

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
No mate not aimed at you personally, stop being so sensitive.

Its OK because it will be gone shortly and so will I probably.


Get yerself out there Get Tae. It's a slog mate but worth it. I hated the fact that I had to take a maths and physics exam. AGAIN. But, I realised that I had forgot sh!t loads.

You've got it mate, so do it.

Best regards.



Nothing better than coming in one morning to find swing shift have snagged the foot motors for being low on the GR4.

After slapping the liney if he had raised a snow, rigger TC should be next for letting him. A real rigger would let it do a trip FFS.


For a smally, knowing where to look in the books to actually make an informed descision rather than blindly following a certain Cpl I worked with. Managed to cure a snag that had been coming back and coming back over a period of 2 months all by looking at the right info. Insty66 should remember that one well (as I handed him the print and said "THAT is why we'll be changing this bit of kit")

Despite my advancing years I do remember that! ::P:

I prefer the crew-ins where you walk up to the jet, up the steps, put the switch in the right position, give the growbag "that" look and walk off. It makes de-briefs so much easier!


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
I'm sorry but tonka blokes are not best chums with the navy like harrier homs.

back on topic apart from the tywraps and hi torque bits. My best bit was launching raids and getting the jet back in one peice.

Oi! I resemble that remark!

Does finding a mobile phone in the rear cockpit of a T-Bird count as a great techie moment?:PDT_Xtremez_28:

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
Noticing my chargehand had been caught out by our lovely C/T known as Harry the barstud.
Cutting and replacing the wirelocking while Harry was reaming George in the office.
The look on Harry's face as George rechecked the now correct wirelocking and red faced had to apologise to George for his error.
The look on George's face as he saw me return the snips and wirelocking pliers to the toolkit !
The taste of the cold beer he bought me in the CS club to say thanks at lunchtime. :PDT_Xtremez_28:


Can "non" aircraft techs come and comment in this topic?

At a particular NONE flying unit very northern AD outpost...using the silver foil technique (now all fully meshed IC on the boards, all hot swaps plugnplay!!) to make the path to enable the scopies to work whilst the boys were playing hunt the cuddly bear.
Not so good when being clocked by a height finder...fkcn sore head afterward.

Hey TW...Which part of the fatherland are you in? Im down here in Sunny Bavaria, close to Ulm. Days to do for the Octoberfest!

fyi: Eurpcopter in Donawourth are looking for good rotary fleet eng types.

GT: Good luck with your new life. Wish you all the best.:PDT_Xtremez_30:


Been far too long to remember many specific things, but the one thing I will NEVER forget was on my first trip to Cyprus with 56 Sqn...

The Chief tells me to take this handful of strings with an eye crimp at one end and get my arse out onto the burning hot pan... Once there I was to climb up into the cockpit and screw them onto the frame on the front of the cockpit.... I was so convinced it was a wind up that I was close to tell him to **** off and wind someone else up... Only the fact that a Corporal I knew and trusted said he'd come and help made me think they werent lying... and getting my arse kicked or worse !

Once out in the blistering heat, he explained to me what Yaw strings were ;)

Who'd have thought that multi million pound jets needed a piece of string on the front to help them shoot a banner ! :)

They didnt explain about the string when at the careers office when I signed up as a Flight Systems Techie !!!!



The new Dirk Diggler
After putting the power on a Harrier, I managed to electrocute a JNCO who was wiring up an LRU. The reason it's my greatest techie moment is he is a right c03k.


Warrant Officer
Greatest moment has to be taking the p!ss out of the SWO at Colt, and getting away with it, but then again he was a Rock!!


Despite my advancing years I do remember that! ::P:

I prefer the crew-ins where you walk up to the jet, up the steps, put the switch in the right position, give the growbag "that" look and walk off. It makes de-briefs so much easier!

I remember when YOU used to cure crew-in snags just by getting out of the hit team wagon. Didn't have to go near the jet. You must have been slipping up....


Tashied Goatee
I prefer the crew-ins where you walk up to the jet, up the steps, put the switch in the right position, give the growbag "that" look and walk off. It makes de-briefs so much easier!

It still happens to this day.....Freeze/Int switch on CRPMD....many a crew in snag and debrief sorted out !!....Navigator re-educated satis.

Crack on...........:PDT_Xtremez_09:

Captain Slog

Trekkie Nerd
While as a J/T on Vulcans, diagnosing a hydraulic failure with only the debrief from the aircrew and info from the recovery team and without even seeing the aircraft. Getting sh1t loads of abuse from a certain crew chief who thought he was Gods gift to the Air Force and then having the priceless joy of seeing the look on his face when I was proved right. He thought I was a new J/T on the aircraft when in fact I had been on the bomber 6 years, 1st and 2nd line. However, suffice to say after that he tried to make my life a misery - cnut!

PTR Hoar

My best techie moment must be telling budgie not to go near any bits of kit and to just sit on the tinterweb, has saved the tonka fleet millions in r3/4 bits of kit!
Any1 who has worked with this biff knows what im on about, hell just look at the post he made!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Long after I crossed over from being a techie I'm leaning against the window, headset on and radios on low waiting for the aircraft next to join us in engine's lit so we could go somewhere much nicer...only thing was it was taking much longer than normal for the other Nim to start...in fact they are looking fairly stationary...radios sparks up with '2 won't start and it looks like this *tech shpeel here*'...Fuego wakes up on hearing the symptons as he's only ever seen it once, whilst abroad and it was a beatch to work out...I wait for another 10 mins whilst folk scratch their heads then spark up on intercomm that in a past life I may just have come across this fault but I'll need to go over to the other jet to point at stuff and generally run the snag....

Needless to say the snag was sorted...we all got to Hickham that night...the techies on our jet were chuffed to fook that one of the air crew had 'got one over' and I had the excuse to get really really tiddly that night...like I needed one.