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Your best TECHIE moment.



It still happens to this day.....Freeze/Int switch on CRPMD....many a crew in snag and debrief sorted out !!....Navigator re-educated satis.

Crack on...........:PDT_Xtremez_09:

He he he he, smally learning the ropes for crew ins. Suitably embarrased his Cpl by telling the nav to flick the freeze switch, whilst he had the radome open tw@tting the DSC....

Poor fool thought he knew everything!

I remember when YOU used to cure crew-in snags just by getting out of the hit team wagon. Didn't have to go near the jet. You must have been slipping up....

Strangely enough, sometimes it takes the nav that long to realise he has pigs t1ts for fingers and corrected his mistake himself.......

Studley dangerfcuk

Flight Sergeant
Putting my name on the old "MOST" satty dish in Ali Al just before it got decommissioned and boxed up.

Then a few months later seeing it pitch up outside Flowerdown @ Cosford, newly painted and still able to see my name on it.

Studley :PDT_Xtremez_06:


Strangely enough, sometimes it takes the nav that long to realise he has pigs t1ts for fingers and corrected his mistake himself.......

Which is why you should never run to a crew in!

The crew sometimes like a chance to "fix" things on their own!:PDT_Xtremez_31:


Flight Sergeant
Large Wiltshire station in the 80's. The Cloud 'n' Clunk radar had an SI on it to replace a weakish capacitor in the captains indicator; failure could cause a short across a transformer with ensuing pong, etc. We were replacing these, as per the SI, when they came into the bay for repair.

One day we got a phone call from a very irate growbag who wanted to "... have it out with you lot ...". It transpired that they had flown all the way back from Cyprus wearing oxygen masks as the captains indicator fried away. "Why didn't you turn it off?" I asked. "Because then the whole C 'n' C would have shut down you idiot!" "No it wouldn't, the navigators indicator would assume control (you f*ckin tw*t)" He wouldn't have any of it, so I invited him into the workshop for a live demonstration with diagrams and APs. In he came, "Right, I'll show you" he said as he proceeded to make himself look smaller than a very small thing. "Is there anything else that you are unsure of the workings of that we demonstrate for you?" I asked as he slunk out of the door. :PDT_Xtremez_28:

Former Albert Sooty

I have a few memorable techie moments during my time on Albert.
Fishing my Snec's pen out of the throttle box after he dropped it in by mistake at the end of a double engine change installation run.
Doing an engine change on the SF frame in Basra on the day that Saddam was captured. That night ATC re-arranged there christmas lights at the top of the tower to read "we've caught the ba$**!d"
And one memorable funny moment. After a spate of overtorques, one poor Air Eng collected the 700 from control and joked "what happens if we overtorque the engines on this one", the reply from one very large and menacing Rigger snec in a deep booming voice "I'll cut your f*****g nuts of mate". Poor Air Eng went white and scuttled out of control. Priceless.


Watching a Tonka jockie vainly trying to run up a power set and hyd rig half p!ssed to show his new girlfriend a jet! We helped him out after about ten minutes, we'd have lost the rig otherwise!


Rex Craymer Man of Danger
Staff member
Working all night after a patient was admitted to the ward and arrested (he was very ill), patient should have gone to ITU but Dr's fecked it up so we managed him on the ward, having a Dr apologise for not listening to me after having him stay on the ward all night to help save the patients life.

Seeing the fella in Weatherspoons a few weeks later and him coming over to me with his family and saying to them 'this lads in the RAF and he saved my life'
put a tear in my eye.

What made it even more poigniant was he was a mosquito pilot during WW2 who flew a lot of dangerous photo recce missions.

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Working all night after a patient was admitted to the ward and arrested (he was very ill), patient should have gone to ITU but Dr's fecked it up so we managed him on the ward, having a Dr apologise for not listening to me after having him stay on the ward all night to help save the patients life.

Seeing the fella in Weatherspoons a few weeks later and him coming over to me with his family and saying to them 'this lads in the RAF and he saved my life'
put a tear in my eye.

What made it even more poigniant was he was a mosquito pilot during WW2 who flew a lot of dangerous photo recce missions.

Good job P93 (It must be good to see what your help has done)

But in no way does it compare to finding one little wire that had managed to keep a jet in Goose for an extra 3 months. I was on the third rescue team to try and recover it.

And anyway we all know the workings of a jet are much more complex than a silly old human body.....:PDT_Xtremez_15:


Good job P93 (It must be good to see what your help has done)

But in no way does it compare to finding one little wire that had managed to keep a jet in Goose for an extra 3 months. I was on the third rescue team to try and recover it.

And anyway we all know the workings of a jet are much more complex than a silly old human body.....:PDT_Xtremez_15:

''LIMA''??? If I remember correctly??? W/Sweep pos Tx wire?? Aaaaaaaah HAPPY DAYS!!!!! Found it by walking down the wing fat boy???

Past Engineering

Myself and a Cpl Leccie trying to find out why our F3 Flaps and Slats kept operating out of synch depending on which Hyd systems you used and when both on together, this had been worked on for some days. Despite nearly causing a fire at 2 in the morning, we finally tracked it down to one of the solenoids on the front of the HLWSCU, found one in stock, changed it by the time day shift came in it was a serviceable jet. Only problem was we where then asked to write up our fault diagnosis for the AP.

Same team asked to look into a CSAS BITE failure immediately on pressing button, again we started at the front and found that there is a configuration loop in the circuit (single cable) which makes sure the wings are forward, Flaps/Slats are up, Airbrakes closed and Taileron actuators around neutral. started continuity checking and found the culprit at the base of the fin, the cable had snapped at the terminal post.

I seem to remember Tornado crew ins when the Avionics guys get called out to sort some problem out, and like others have said it usually turns out to be finger trouble, one did not realise that if the Master Computer switch was OFF, not much worked.

My biggest laugh was on 5 sqd F3's, 5 had gone to the states and I stayed on base, the deputy Sqd Commander came back with a learner with a Flap/Slat/Wing Sweep snag. Plugged in head set, glorious sunny day by the way, and asked what the problem was, it appeared that when he selected the Flaps/Slats Down with the normal lever the wings would not sweep, conversely when he swept the wings the Flaps/Slats did not move. When requested by me he demonstrated all the problems he had and at my request did it over and over again, when asked to go through the sequence with the Manoeuvre Switch he said oh look its working now, then the deputy Sqd Commander had one of those lightbulb moments, followed by ok PE I get the message, my response was I would like to help the other person to learn how the aircraft works, unfortunately the next response I will not repeat. Back in the HAS when they climbed out the young aircrew person asked the Deputy SQd Commander what was going on, he just hit on the back of the head and said I will speak to you in private, to me he just said smart arse and walked off.


Any day is a good day when you can educate the aircrew into the workings of the kit or the aircraft. You can teach the monkey to ride the bike but not how to fix it, as the saying goes!!


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
Late 80's - Odiham.

Cpl Rigga is called out of the Trans Bay to OC ASF's office where S/L Andy ? describes to me how "he" has figured out the problem of a Puma Main Gearbox full of metalic fluff, all stuck onto a little mag plug in the shape of a large xmas tree.

S/L Andy.
"It has all come from a Shim in the Rotor shaft- the Load path has unloaded the pressure on the shim and it has and dropped into the gearbox which has mashed it all up. So we can send the Rotor Head to WHIPL for a new shim and we can re-use the Gearbox with immediate effect as there is no problem with it - Okay?"

Cpl Rigga.
"No Sir! We can't use the gearbox because all those little bits of metal may as well be magnetic as they will stick to the sides of the casing or oilways. They need flushing out or we risk them covering any one of the oil jets or Galley's, starving lubrication, and overheating or seizing the gears."

S/L Andy.
"Oh, okay then, we'll do that then!"

...and I'll bet he never mentioned me in the signal that rejected them both.

Gutersloh PCSF - A Chinny "blows up" on application of Hyd Power and I pore through the Pilots manuals (better Hyd System Diagram) to find a NRV could be the only thing to do it.
"There isn't one in the system!" says a "knowledgible" Fruit Segment.

"Well, whats this then?" finding one attached to a Heat exchanger.
He never liked me after that.

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
Putting my name on the old "MOST" satty dish in Ali Al just before it got decommissioned and boxed up.

Then a few months later seeing it pitch up outside Flowerdown @ Cosford, newly painted and still able to see my name on it.

Studley :PDT_Xtremez_06:

I am maybe a bit stupid but HTF is that a techie moment???

Surely its a vandalisation moment and you should have been done for it?

Or are you just making sure everyone knows you have been to Ali Al, you big hero you..................

Studley dangerfcuk

Flight Sergeant
Fairy snuff GT,

but please dont put me into a bracket like "hero". I am allergic to pain, death and everything in between.

Vandelism is such a crude word, I look on it as art.

But cause there was only 3 techies there, it was definately a techie moment.

Studley ::P:

Mad Pierre

Can "non" aircraft techs come and comment in this topic?

We can, but nobody would understand us. :PDT_Xtremez_31:

Best techy moments, got to be a toss up between fixing MST H1103 'West 3' at 12SU Salt Lake with a 3 inch nail (You just could not get the spares) the term 'bag of nails' was never more appropriate.

Or for real job satisfaction being the tech who brought comms to Lockerbie. An 81 SU Snec asked me months after if I had any idea why they couldn't raise anyone but TCW despite all agencies up there having HF freqs. He suggested that we were better than everyone else,
I couldn't disagree. :PDT_Xtremez_28:


Best pure techie moment was a BDR repair at El Centro after a Herc burst a main wheel. We finished the splash panel repairs with rows of drilled out Quarters instead of penny washers and it looked class - thats riggering.

Second one was feeding rates into a young honeys g-string at a t1tty bar in Winnipeg whilst drinking beer and eating a monster BLT - the techie bit?
We had c0ck all to do cos the Hercs had a tail wind and were overflying us to Edmonton instead of landing - Party On!!:PDT_Xtremez_30:


There is something kind of special though as you work balls out on a jet to get it ready for flying, only to see it off a few short moments after!

And then have it come straight back with a niff naff pishy snag like one of the Mighty Hunters coming back 3 times with the same snag only to be sh!t canned. what a waste of the finest Techie time better spent playing Uckers!!!


My mate set off the fire alarm on one of our airfield sites, promptly sprinted off to the other side of the airfield in the wagon after deciding it was better to run and live to fight another day.....:PDT_Xtremez_43:


My best techie moment was as a new rigger helping another experienced SAC fit an airbrake to a mighty Tonka, as he fitted the bleed nipple (which shouldnt be too tight) he grolleyed it in but it didnt shear so thought 'it'll be right'. Couple days later hyds was applied to the aircraft, there was a 'pop' and hyd oil everywhere, the nipple had fractured and shot out like a bullet puncturing the airbrake. Class. :PDT_Xtremez_19: