Ahh and so we go round in circles again... thems poor boys that want equality cos they're all hard done by because they have to run more shuttles on the bleep test than us wrafs..... there may be racing snake girls out there who can get to the mens levels but as my fella is a racing snake in his 'Manly' right and can reach over level 13... I take it that this now means that all you men should adjust your lives and get yourselves as fit as him?? No thought not!!.... bless ya's I'll bet your Mummies didn't love you as much as your sisters either did they? DT_Xtremez_42:
For years the world has bent over backwards for the bra burning hormonal dykes, the ones that have complained about all men being bad b@stards. Saying we have oppressed woman from time begining.
The country has got t1ts like Harriot Harmen coming up with all sorts of stupid ideas to "help" women get an equal standing. If we had set up white male talk lobby groups to defend our ideals there would be outrage. You lot wanted equality but now you have it you pick and choose the best bits, "ooh I have a lumpy jumper, I can't run for that long"
Either accept equality or bugger off back to the kitchen. There are plenty of birds in the RAF who can out run blokes and reach impressive scores on the fitness test but that isn't the point. The point is the fitness test is to ensure we have adequate fitness to be able to do our jobs sufficiently and recover quickly.
If you have to reach a lower target, then regarless of physiological differences , by that vitue, you have to be carried more. The stronger fitter males can lift more and go further for longer, the energizer compared to tesco's own brand. So in my enviroment you would be a dead wieght before long, can't change a main wheel, push an a/c jack etc etc time after time. But we know this isn't the case for the best part of it, why? Because the difference between us isn't as great as the fitness test would have you believe.