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How Many JTs Are Actualy Left?



I jumped ship as a JT in 04 after 15 yrs. I to considered signing on to 22, but to be honest I would have been doin the same job I was when promoted, except with more hassle and a measley 150 quid a month extra. And I was due to go to the reptile house down south for 4 months.
So I joined the police, and commuted my pension. I retire at 52 on two thirds of my final wage plus about 90k in cash, provided some fooker don't shoot me first.


Got 2 of each in my place, including a JT who has 4 years till his 22. JT best rank in the RAF!


Two left in my building, but the building is to be leaned.

As an side, I got my 22 as a JT, boss was livid that I didnt get promoted, shouted at PMA, 6 months later, lo and behold, tapes in my cornflake packet.


ah to be a JT again! being a cpl is fooking crap. if theyd offered me extension to 22 id have snapped it their hand off and sat back like a true fat lazy techie! aaaah :PDT_Xtremez_28:
and to be quite honest they can stick this multi skilling pish up their shiney arses. that could be the start of a new thread...


Proud to do 12 years and never got beyond JT. They wouldn't promote any of us to corporal unless we had two "9"s and a spec rec cos you did something really bum licky. I was offered 15 but the excitement got the better of me and I had to leave. Don't know why I waited so long?


Are there enough of us for a revival of the JT mafia?


Sorry to p!ss on everyones' parade, but my out date as JT (cos there ain't gonna be no tapes flying my way unless I win the lottery and by some, in which case there'd be a giant FU in the post to the Staish) will be 2021.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, that's correct 2021.Just to save anybody else the trouble of working it out, I did join up in 1999.
Sorry FLT but that means I (although not competetively) beat you hands down.

But to try and help you in the quest to find out how many are left at the moment, I know there are only 4 on my shift in sleepy wilts. Quite a few around the camp though.

We'll all be boxed up and sent to one camp soon so that the Maffia can be reformed and nobody else need know about us. We'll just a rumour around other camps like trolls and fairies. Plenty of stories but nobody's ever seen one.


I wonder if as our number gets smaller, does the power of the JT mafia get stronger? There are 3 of us in my place and I'd estimate there's 20ish at Lincolnshires premier big wing.

We could end up like the masons or something.......hmmmm now I'll wake up.....JT's with power???? A fairy tale me thinks.

Anyways, there must be some benefits to being a member of the backbone of the airforce. Call me narrow minded, but I certainly wouldn't mind spending the rest of my career as a JT.....the pay's good and the pitiful pay rise that comes with getting your tapes these days isn't worth it.

Oh well....life in a blue suit continues......:PDT_Xtremez_35:


desert_dodger said:
Sorry to p!ss on everyones' parade, but my out date as JT (cos there ain't gonna be no tapes flying my way unless I win the lottery and by some, in which case there'd be a giant FU in the post to the Staish) will be 2021.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, that's correct 2021.Just to save anybody else the trouble of working it out, I did join up in 1999.
Sorry FLT but that means I (although not competetively) beat you hands down.

I'm impressed! beat me by two years.

well done for getting signed on to 22 as a JT so recently. When did you finish your FT course?

The Panther

Theres three of us in my bay and we like to think we still have special powers. Just had the AFI here and word is they want to drop personnel to 41,000. What will they do with us? , as i keep hearing they want rid of the rank.


that's correct 2021.Just to save anybody else the trouble of working it out, I did join up in 1999.
Sorry FLT but that means I (although not competetively) beat you hands down.
sounds like crap to me ...........allway thought you had to be in the last year of a 15 engagment before they let you sign on to 22 .............unless its a jt in a mong trade like GEF ...............must be as no way would be a jt in an aircraft trade as could not join in 1999 and then go back to do a fitters course as they stopped round about 2000/2001 and everyone after had to do there mercedies mech course....................
student-grant said:
sounds like crap to me ...........allway thought you had to be in the last year of a 15 engagment before they let you sign on to 22 .............unless its a jt in a mong trade like GEF ...............must be as no way would be a jt in an aircraft trade as could not join in 1999 and then go back to do a fitters course as they stopped round about 2000/2001 and everyone after had to do there mercedies mech course....................
I joined in Jan 99 to go on a fitters course in 2001 that finished in Dec 2002 and i passed out as a JT!! There was one more course behind mine too in the plumber world. Back to the original post there are 16 on my Sqn with 4 or 5 of them doing acting unpaid jobs.


three on wokka heaven, one waiting on tapes.

is it me or has all the respect for the best rank in the air force been totally obliterated by this jumped up want to be technicians with the circles of doom.

lets face it, the good old days of a JT showing a young cheeky sprog mouthing off the way of the JT, has been taken away from use in the most horrid of ways..... do you remember the first time you meet that JT who put the fear of god into you, that one JT was the reason you wanted to go back to the hell hole of cosford, so you could influence someone that way ..... to become a JUNIOR TECHNICIAN ....bloody officers again.

there aren’t many of use left now and there is a date for use all to be gone just not sure when it is, many rumours are abound about it. anyone know for definite? lets just hope the next board in November actually promotes the JT's and not the wanna-be technicians. as we have to do three assassinations before we get on the boards unlike them.....

we have all seen them, one year as a tech and promoted to cpl, scary as they still haven’t got a clue about what there doing. or there full of arrogance which is the most frightening thing in our world of JT's.

The Panther

I remember when you were doing bloody well to get your cpls up after 4-5 years as JT, i would be happy to wait as it means you have gained alot more experiance in trade. The p*ss take is watching the merc generation getting promotion in three, WTF? Im sorry but three years is not enough experiance to become a supervisor in any technical trade. Be afraid, be very afraid.


student-grant said:
sounds like cr@p to me ...........always thought you had to be in the last year of a 15 engagment before they'd let you sign on to 22 .............unless it's a JT in a mong trade like GEF ...............must be as no way would it be a JT in an aircraft trade as could not join in 1999 and then go back to do a fitters course as they stopped round about 2000/2001 and everyone after had to do there mercedies mech course....................

Thanks for such an endearing and positive reponse. It's nice to know that you must be talking bullsh!t if you happen to be able to do things that aren't considered "the norm". I think you'll find that the last fitters couse started in Feb 2002, that course was ET* 74, my course was ET* 70. Feel free to ring Cosford and check.
Also, as a Mech Tech your fitters course was a given within 2 years provided you weren't a complete mong.


SAC(T) ha ha ha

SAC(T) ha ha ha

The Panther said:
I remember when you were doing bloody well to get your cpls up after 4-5 years as JT, i would be happy to wait as it means you have gained alot more experiance in trade. The p*ss take is watching the merc generation getting promotion in three, WTF? Im sorry but three years is not enough experiance to become a supervisor in any technical trade. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Hello to everyone this is my first thread and this seems a good place to start. All those jumped up little JT wanabees walking round with those Merc badges on just gets my back up I know of a S**t load of fairy's that were getting their tapes after 2 6000's WTF is going on there. I agree with The Panther and there is NO way they can have enough experience to become a supervisor...

I'm currently working with the Pongos helping them... no let me think showing them how to keep their flying landrovers from dropping out the sky (The latest one in the sandy place is proof of their inability to do this correctly) with a couple of my fellow blue suits and their techies get there spine removed after 4-5 years and they get on their bosses backs if they haven't got after that time. You think the Merc squad is bad then try working with green suited ones for a while... HARD WORK....

The Panther

Be Depressed or is it Best?

Be Depressed or is it Best?

I'm currently working with the Pongos helping them... no let me think showing them how to keep their flying landrovers from dropping out the sky (The latest one in the sandy place is proof of their inability to do this correctly) with a couple of my fellow blue suits and their techies get there spine removed after 4-5 years and they get on their bosses backs if they haven't got after that time. You think the Merc squad is bad then try working with green suited ones for a while... HARD WORK....[/QUOTE]

Mate are thoughts are with you. Done a little det alongside some pongos recently and i know what you mean mate. The Sgt pongos are the only ones aloud to do real techie work and it was very funny watching them struggle with a tail rotor rebuild. They just dont understand the whole JT thing and if you try to give them some advise they look at you like you just kicked there granny in the cnut! Fcuk knows what they do with those Apaches !:PDT_Xtremez_42:


Fcuk knows what they do with those Apaches !:PDT_Xtremez_42:[/QUOTE]

Send for the cavalry?:PDT_Xtremez_30: