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How Many JTs Are Actualy Left?


Lynx fixing CRAB b@stard said:
Hello to everyone this is my first thread and this seems a good place to start. All those jumped up little JT wanabees walking round with those Merc badges on just gets my back up I know of a S**t load of fairy's that were getting their tapes after 2 6000's WTF is going on there. I agree with The Panther and there is NO way they can have enough experience to become a supervisor...

I'm currently working with the Pongos helping them... no let me think showing them how to keep their flying landrovers from dropping out the sky (The latest one in the sandy place is proof of their inability to do this correctly) with a couple of my fellow blue suits and their techies get there spine removed after 4-5 years and they get on their bosses backs if they haven't got after that time. You think the Merc squad is bad then try working with green suited ones for a while... HARD WORK....

Right, let’s get one thing straight first. :PDT_Xtremez_25: Not everyone who wears these badges of Mercedes, are new to the RAF! Yes, I agree they are getting everywhere, even out here in Cyprus! But some of us still had to go back to Cosford, or what ever they call, it now and do an assimilation course and before all the young JT (been in 2 years and got there course as long as they could breath! and even worse are mech techs!) say poor man’s fitter course I wish they could have been around when the (however many there were) courses of assmi plumbers were going though Cosford! There was nobody on these courses (that I am aware of) who had done less then 6 years in the mob! And some had even done 13 years or more! So stop going on about how you’re better than everyone else is. However, this does not include the old style JT’s (Mech mech, who took 9 years and merit to get there fitters courses!) you use to find on a Sqn and who were god’s. If you f**ked up they took you round the back of the hanger and “re-programmed you!”

And do not even get me started on trade group 2 Cpl's after 3years! or less!:PDT_Xtremez_25:


The Panther said:
I'm currently working with the Pongos helping them... no let me think showing them how to keep their flying landrovers from dropping out the sky (The latest one in the sandy place is proof of their inability to do this correctly) with a couple of my fellow blue suits and their techies get there spine removed after 4-5 years and they get on their bosses backs if they haven't got after that time. You think the Merc squad is bad then try working with green suited ones for a while... HARD WORK....

Mate are thoughts are with you. Done a little det alongside some pongos recently and i know what you mean mate. The Sgt pongos are the only ones aloud to do real techie work and it was very funny watching them struggle with a tail rotor rebuild. They just dont understand the whole JT thing and if you try to give them some advise they look at you like you just kicked there granny in the cnut! Fcuk knows what they do with those Apaches !:PDT_Xtremez_42:[/QUOTE]

All i am going to say mate, that Cyprus is being taken over by the pongo's! But hopefully it will back fire. You have my respect and sympathy mate. One of the lads i work with has just been posted to Germany (if that was not a kick in the teeth! I think there is only Cyprus left!) but also promoted! Staff Sgt and he is 25! nice bloke, but 25!!!


The Panther said:
I'm currently working with the Pongos helping them... no let me think showing them how to keep their flying landrovers from dropping out the sky (The latest one in the sandy place is proof of their inability to do this correctly) with a couple of my fellow blue suits and their techies get there spine removed after 4-5 years and they get on their bosses backs if they haven't got after that time. You think the Merc squad is bad then try working with green suited ones for a while... HARD WORK....

Mate are thoughts are with you. Done a little det alongside some pongos recently and i know what you mean mate. The Sgt pongos are the only ones aloud to do real techie work and it was very funny watching them struggle with a tail rotor rebuild. They just dont understand the whole JT thing and if you try to give them some advise they look at you like you just kicked there granny in the cnut! Fcuk knows what they do with those Apaches !:PDT_Xtremez_42:[/QUOTE]

Apaches don't get me started on that subject... Myself and the rest of the blues with me on this project have been nominated for so many apache courses we have lost count. But they keep changing there mind first we are on it then we are not then we are.... get the picture. We got to thinking maybe they are scared of us taking them away from them.... now that would be a bloody good idea, the only reason that more of them have not piled in is that they haven't got enough noggin to keep the 'S' they are always on the ground..

We had two Jelly Tots on this team on boy oh boy did we have problems with the rank conversion... well we all did really even our CT he was equated to a SSGT... that made his day... NOT AS for the Merc boy yet again we have 2 of them on the team and that was even funnier because all the information they had been given including rank flowdiagrams didn't include their badges... much fun had by all.


Scooby said:
Right, let’s get one thing straight first. :PDT_Xtremez_25: Not everyone who wears these badges of Mercedes, are new to the RAF! Yes, I agree they are getting everywhere, even out here in Cyprus! But some of us still had to go back to Cosford, or what ever they call, it now and do an assimilation course and before all the young JT (been in 2 years and got there course as long as they could breath! and even worse are mech techs!) say poor man’s fitter course I wish they could have been around when the (however many there were) courses of assmi plumbers were going though Cosford! There was nobody on these courses (that I am aware of) who had done less then 6 years in the mob! And some had even done 13 years or more! So stop going on about how you’re better than everyone else is. However, this does not include the old style JT’s (Mech mech, who took 9 years and merit to get there fitters courses!) you use to find on a Sqn and who were god’s. If you f**ked up they took you round the back of the hanger and “re-programmed you!”

And do not even get me started on trade group 2 Cpl's after 3years! or less!:PDT_Xtremez_25:

Mate I'm not saying ALL Merc boys are shi? but the fresh out the box wet behind the ears things that Cosford pumps out don't do what it says on the tin... and we all know it. I've got three very close mates who where old mech/mechs and were offered the choice to be Guinea Pigs on the first fairy AT courses that Cosford dreamed up. Takes the pi** when they spent 16 months at Cosford while they fu**ed around with the course and only did 2 months shy of the FT course.... well and truely sold a lemon.... Still they should all be charlie papa limas now anyway :@)

The last JT

2 jt's left on my shift.:PDT_Xtremez_09:

it is a good rank, everyone can see you've been in a while and they tend to treat your better than the average SAC. Don't know how much longer this will last as i keep getting asked where my tapes are, people will start to assume your crap at your job, your a trouble maker etc.

What is all this bo**ocks about no JT's left by 2007? promotion or compulsory redundancy? Someone even said to me demotion to SACT, i soon told them to ram it!
Personnally i can't see the problem i got sold a lie by the AFCO that i would be a mech/tech only to be told 6 months into my course that i was one of the SAC (t). No dramas there for me at least, i was 23 had gone through an apprenticeship as a welder before i had joined up so when i arrived at my sqn i just made tea held torches and tried to be useful.

The unfortunate bit is that the RAF had to prove that their new system worked so promoted lots of SAC (T) over JT's to prove that their courses worked. Now the same will happen to the last of the SAC (T) when the new FLEMS (or what ever they are called) appear and the RAF need to prove that this new system is the best thing since sliced bread.

For me i did 5 and a half years and got promoted, from BTA 07 for the number geeks amongst you and 2 years as an un paid CPL. I am now triple traded (pti now to add to my hate filled life) and hate my life so in the next twelve months will leave to go off shore and join the gowing band of RAF techies out there. God it must be like a mini det.

At the end of the day you me and the station cat aren't special, get used to it as we are just an officers route to their next promotion. You don't believe me then look back at all the half cocked ideas they have come up with DE's Super Techs, Apos, Mech/ Techs. Mech/Mechs, Flems, SAC (T)s and now Flems again but don't call them that as this is a brand new idea honest.:PDT_Xtremez_14:

Give it time and the wheel will do full circle. (not the mercedes wheel type which i never got as they couldn't decide fast enough what to give me)

So enjoy having nearly no responsibility and a good wage, one day it will change and then maybe just maybe you will wish you were back having all the things you have now. I for one sure do.


There are 3 left at my place including me.
I'm a firm believer in now asking the bloke i've been preventing from f*cking up for the last 3 years, exactly how i do my job now that he's my supervisor it's great fun.

Johnny Chiseler

i'm a JT too! Isn't that nice?

Did you enjoy being a JT? How was the JT experience for you? Forward your comments to OC LEAN & BEngO, OC Bitter cnuts, OC PAY2000, OC PVR, OC AFPRB, etc, etc,etc, and anyone else who believes SACs on FT courses were not not hard done by from Pay 2000.

As a serving JT I find it predictable that I have forgotten why I started writing this reply, I have been drinking for quite some time. What have I been dribbling about?


Top tip for those JT's still here..........





Lots of cash and no stupid OOA's




Hi i'm an ex SACT who is a corporal now! As an ex pongo, its well common to see people in for 4 years with their tapes, but equally i did see a few 22 year privates too(My RSM was 35 years old...I'm nearly that now as a chalks!). End of the day no one had a choice recently how they joined up, i actually signed on as a tech tech, but got my start date delayed... In the short term that was crap, but its payed off in the long run. Took 5 assessments to get my tapes, so slower than most JTs, and last year i've heard the figure of 85% promotions in the fairy trade were from JT. Which is as it probably should be, but people are still people, and JT or not, if your not upto the job, tough!

Johnny Chiseler

DrunkenMonki said:
Hi i'm an ex SACT who is a corporal now! As an ex pongo, its well common to see people in for 4 years with their tapes, but equally i did see a few 22 year privates too(My RSM was 35 years old...I'm nearly that now as a chalks!). End of the day no one had a choice recently how they joined up, i actually signed on as a tech tech, but got my start date delayed... In the short term that was crap, but its payed off in the long run. Took 5 assessments to get my tapes, so slower than most JTs, and last year i've heard the figure of 85% promotions in the fairy trade were from JT. Which is as it probably should be, but people are still people, and JT or not, if your not upto the job, tough!

I think you've missed the point that JTs have to do 3 years in rank to become eligible for promotion, that is 3 years of being at the operational standard (JTs were judged by the air farce to be equivalent to Q-OPS upon gaining the rank of JT), as opposed to the SAC-Ts 3 years in the rank of SAC, where it should have been 3 years from Q-OPS to keep it fair. There is a basic fault with the system there.
So it did take at least 7 years from attestation for a JT to become eligible for promotion as opposed to 4 for SAC-Ts. It isn't as simple as being good enough for the job, there was plenty of good JTs caught in the time trap (and plenty of crap ones who picked up). Still, never mind. :)


Tashied Goatee
DrunkenMonki said:
Hi i'm an ex SACT who is a corporal now! As an ex pongo, its well common to see people in for 4 years with their tapes, but equally i did see a few 22 year privates too(My RSM was 35 years old...I'm nearly that now as a chalks!). End of the day no one had a choice recently how they joined up, i actually signed on as a tech tech, but got my start date delayed... In the short term that was crap, but its payed off in the long run. Took 5 assessments to get my tapes, so slower than most JTs, and last year i've heard the figure of 85% promotions in the fairy trade were from JT. Which is as it probably should be, but people are still people, and JT or not, if your not upto the job, tough!

I have limited knowledge and know of only a few SAC(T) who have been promoted. None of them deserved it (in my opinion!).

The one we have working with us now is a real tube....he can just about tie his own shoelace...ask him to help you on a job...better to take a monkey with you.

I came throught the mech/JT route and was one of the last on time promotion...been a cpl for 12 years now and on run down...18 months to pension time :PDT_Xtremez_19:
Johnny Chiseler said:
I think you've missed the point that JTs have to do 3 years in rank to become eligible for promotion, that is 3 years of being at the operational standard (JTs were judged by the air farce to be equivalent to Q-OPS upon gaining the rank of JT), as opposed to the SAC-Ts 3 years in the rank of SAC, where it should have been 3 years from Q-OPS to keep it fair. There is a basic fault with the system there.
So it did take at least 7 years from attestation for a JT to become eligible for promotion as opposed to 4 for SAC-Ts. It isn't as simple as being good enough for the job, there was plenty of good JTs caught in the time trap (and plenty of crap ones who picked up). Still, never mind. :)

SAC(T)'s can't be deemed Fit for promotion until they have passed their Q-OPS. The bright ones got theirs done in the shortest time allowed which was 3 years from attestation if my fading memory serves me correctly. (18 months plus the errm thingy minus the hypotenuse:PDT_Xtremez_35: ) So if like me you got all your courses done and signed up on time as i joined in june, my first assesment that counted for anything was after 3 and a half years. It is a mute point as a couple of my mates who got one of the final assim courses instead of a Fitters course are now 2-3 years behind where they would like to be (and probably should be) as they did 2-3 years as a mech with those assesments counting for nowt.

Johnny Chiseler

PaddingtonStare said:
SAC(T)'s can't be deemed Fit for promotion until they have passed their Q-OPS. The bright ones got theirs done in the shortest time allowed which was 3 years from attestation if my fading memory serves me correctly. (18 months plus the errm thingy minus the hypotenuse:PDT_Xtremez_35: ) So if like me you got all your courses done and signed up on time as i joined in june, my first assesment that counted for anything was after 3 and a half years. It is a mute point as a couple of my mates who got one of the final assim courses instead of a Fitters course are now 2-3 years behind where they would like to be (and probably should be) as they did 2-3 years as a mech with those assesments counting for nowt.

Yeah.....but the SACs were eligible as soon as they had 3 years in rank and obtained Q-OPS, JTs were effectively OPS for at least three years before becoming eligible. Geddit? Goddit? Good!

Bored now, had this conversation too many times. I don't hold a grudge against SAC-Ts, it wasn't their fault, it is obvious to anyone who knows me that I just didn't make the grade!

I just want to leave, if that's ok (I have a feeling it'll be alreet).

Please address any further comments on SAC-Ts/CPLs (delete as applicable) to their mummys.


Tashied Goatee
Johnny Chiseler said:
Yeah.....but the SACs were eligible as soon as they had 3 years in rank and obtained Q-OPS, JTs were effectively OPS for at least three years before becoming eligible. Geddit? Goddit? Good!

Bored now, had this conversation too many times. I don't hold a grudge against SAC-Ts, it wasn't their fault, it is obvious to anyone who knows me that I just didn't make the grade!

I just want to leave, if that's ok (I have a feeling it'll be alreet).

Please address any further comments on SAC-Ts/CPLs (delete as applicable) to their mummys.

Yo chiseler....

You know damn well you'll be missed....who else has such sarcasm and whit and still know what the fcuk they are talking about...ok maybe grunt (well he thinks so anyway)....lol....have a good one :raf:
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How could they be? as they would need 3 recommended for promotions AFTER their 3 year point to make the board. Unless you were a fairy in which case you seemed to get promoted just for turning up on time and wearing your wedgewood shirts in an airmanly fashion.

So i hope you geddit? gottit good! :PDT_Xtremez_25:

In any case it means f*ck all as i'm off out the door and heading to the north sea, might even go back to welding, as the few years of that i did before i joined up is better than how this pish is turning out. By all accounts the north sea is turning into a little RAF det.

Ben Dwonin

its a shame about getting less and less JT's because the deadwood folk make our promotions more readily availiable. so this ones to you, making our careers go further.


Gotta admit, on my TMT (5 bloody weeks...) There were some shocking SAC(T)'s. One leckie (assim.... hmmm....) tried to do a power on con check, he was there for a while longer than the 5 week minimum. In 15 years he had NEVER done any aircraft work at all. At least in my 6 years i worked solid Tonca. Quite a few guys have got promoted, got substantive, then jacked the RAF cos they dont want to wait 17 years as a corporal for pension! I'm just stupid though, plus i now work outside my trade boundaries, so i have no idea what the future holds. Only 16 years to go....

15-2 Conkers

I'd just like to say that CHISLER....................... YOU SIR ARE A BOTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

have you seen my baseball, lets babysit all you fcuking new SACT cos to be fair apart from the assimilated ones who we're real techies just missed fitters courses, most of the new SACT's are $hit but think their amazing cos they're practically DE's just with half a fitters course that leaves the JT's and Cpls having to teach you the rest of your trade on our fcuking SQNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET IT:PDT_Xtremez_25: :PDT_Xtremez_32: :PDT_Xtremez_25: :PDT_Xtremez_32: