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How Many JTs Are Actualy Left?


Johnny Chiseler

15-4, Stonks! Nay, Nay and thrice Nay!

15-4, Stonks! Nay, Nay and thrice Nay!

15-2 Conkers said:
I'd just like to say that CHISLER....................... YOU SIR ARE A BOTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

have you seen my baseball, lets babysit all you fcuking new SACT cos to be fair apart from the assimilated ones who we're real techies just missed fitters courses, most of the new SACT's are $hit but think their amazing cos they're practically DE's just with half a fitters course that leaves the JT's and Cpls having to teach you the rest of your trade on our fcuking SQNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET IT:PDT_Xtremez_25: :PDT_Xtremez_32: :PDT_Xtremez_25: :PDT_Xtremez_32:
If I'm a botter, then you are the bottee! (That would be one who is botted up the bottom by a botter (Roger's Profanisaurus Rex, 2005))

As for the rest of your meandering drivel, I think we may see eye to eye on that one but only if you're really flexible!

Fight Club!

And that's Mr Chiseler to you!
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1 for his knob

1 for his knob

15 - 2
Get off this thread you wannabe JT, you ex-sac tech dead sparrow pre-maddona.
You are nothing more than a Bottee of grand proportions.
And your trade isn't Eng Tech Uckers.
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Can I just put one thing straight, only someone who completed there second stint at Halton/Cosford on a Fitters course is a Jelly Tot. If you were an assimulated SAC(T) then you're not one of us. Saying you missed out on a Fitters course doesn't allow you to use the almighty rank, and be known as part of the backbone of the Royal Airforce that is the JT.

May I suggest that if you're not of the four-bladed variety then you cannot comment on being a JT etc. I don't care if you missed out on a fitters course, or one of the more moderd SAC techs, you're still not a JT and have no right to associate yourselves with our class.

I myself am very proud to be a Jelly Tot, but alas the rank has no respect anymore. When I was young airman, JT's were looked up at. These days the RAF is full of gobby young SAC's (Merc badge holders) who regard themselves equal. And to top it all off, you're not even allowed to chuck them into the EWS's.

rant over!:PDT_Xtremez_25:


As a slight aside - the RAF is bound to have yet another review and re-introduce the JT rank within the next couple of years. If the JTs who have signed on for 22 hang around and don't get promoted then they'll be flavour of the month again! Alternatively the subject of Lance Cpls in the RAF may come around again in which case we'd have about 3 ranks (J/T, SAC(T) and L/Cpl) of people all with the same level of responsibility. I suspect that the complete clusterf**k of the current junior rank structure(?!) is down to new officers coming into post and justifying their existence by making changes.

Johnny Chiseler

Squashed said:
As a slight aside - the RAF is bound to have yet another review and re-introduce the JT rank within the next couple of years. If the JTs who have signed on for 22 hang around and don't get promoted then they'll be flavour of the month again! Alternatively the subject of Lance Cpls in the RAF may come around again in which case we'd have about 3 ranks (J/T, SAC(T) and L/Cpl) of people all with the same level of responsibility. I suspect that the complete clusterf**k of the current junior rank structure(?!) is down to new officers coming into post and justifying their existence by making changes.
Well said that man.

There was a mention in another thread of L/Cpls in the RAF and the point was raised that if the rank of L/Cpl were introduced, would we, the master race of Junior Magicians, have to proceed though another rank before finally being judged worthy enough to be Cpls?


Flight Sergeant
I saw something at Wokka land on Tuesday that is probably quite rare these days. A gaggle of four JT's (accompanied by two chaps with wheels on their shoulders)/.

A Gaggle.... hmmmm

What is the collective term for JT's


Flight Sergeant
Off Topic

i know it's off topic, and an admin can quite rightly move this post to it's own thread if necessary, but why do you consider JT to be the best rank in the RAF?

Off Topic

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
skevans said:
Off Topic

i know it's off topic, and an admin can quite rightly move this post to it's own thread if necessary, but why do you consider JT to be the best rank in the RAF?

Off Topic
Having been through every single rank - including Jnr & Chf Tech I can confirm that whoever said JT is the best rank was absolutely fnucking correct twas the best 6 years of my career to date - and as you are asking it is clear that you will never know why - or deserve to


nomoney said:
Can I just put one thing straight, only someone who completed there second stint at Halton/Cosford on a Fitters course is a Jelly Tot. If you were an assimulated SAC(T) then you're not one of us. Saying you missed out on a Fitters course doesn't allow you to use the almighty rank, and be known as part of the backbone of the Royal Airforce that is the JT.

May I suggest that if you're not of the four-bladed variety then you cannot comment on being a JT etc. I don't care if you missed out on a fitters course, or one of the more moderd SAC techs, you're still not a JT and have no right to associate yourselves with our class.

I myself am very proud to be a Jelly Tot, but alas the rank has no respect anymore. When I was young airman, JT's were looked up at. These days the RAF is full of gobby young SAC's (Merc badge holders) who regard themselves equal. And to top it all off, you're not even allowed to chuck them into the EWS's.

rant over!:PDT_Xtremez_25:

May I ask you, on how many years of service to queen and country you are basing your facts on? The reason I am asking, is if you look at my previous thread, you will see my opinion on this subject!

Because I think that you are one of the JT’s I was talking about, by that you do not sound like an old style JT!! However Respect is something you gain, not get because of your rank badge!!!! Or becasue people in front of you got it! Depends on the individual! :PDT_Xtremez_25:
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Hu Jardon said:
Having been through every single rank - including Jnr & Chf Tech I can confirm that whoever said JT is the best rank was absolutely fnucking correct twas the best 6 years of my career to date - and as you are asking it is clear that you will never know why - or deserve to

Good point well made. AC for 10 months training, JT for 3 years, Cpl for 8 yrs 2 months. Would have stayed JT for longer if I could have seen into the future! Actually, there was no future to see into then, that's why I demobbed.
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Johnny Chiseler

Best rank?

Best rank?

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a J/T.

I can tell whoever I like to go fcuk themselves (I can't go any lower than J/T) and as I have always expected to get fcuked around, any good jobs/dets, etc, that do come my way, are treated with an attitude only found in fellow magicians.

As techies, J/Ts have been over-trained and undervalued in recent years, which has led to an attitude of disdain from the SAC-Ts (BTW you do know that SAC-T isn't a rank, eh? SAC!), until they realise that J/Ts are actually quite useful, when it comes to the OJT phase of the SAC-T training, including B-Tec assignments and little things like actually fixing the fcuking aircraft!

I've seen some good SAC-Ts overlooked, much like us remaining J/Ts and some sh1t ones picked up, purely for botting the chief! Trigger, you know you're a fcuking botter! As does your whole fcuking squadron, by all accounts.

As for me, I'm taking my inefficient, too in-depth, over-trained, undervalued, fat arse, offshore! yeah it's a whole 6 months of the year away from my family but for those of us who have done some time on ops squadrons, that's the norm anyway. Did I mention the massive pay rise and ultimate promotion? The grass is greener, have the strength of character to value your skills.

As a side note, a few charlie papas have said, over the last couple of years, when a J/T is asked to do a job, he'll either say 'get fcuked, that's a sh1te job!' or he'll say 'alreet, no probs'. An SAC-T on the other hand will most likely say, 'err, I haven't done that before, I'm not sure..........can I go out with xxxx? Or......I can't do that, I don't know how.' or whatever. There are a lot of good SAC-Ts but the simple truth is that with all the attititude and confidence in the world, you will never escape your underlying lack of basic trade knowledge. (I refer not to the asimilated techs but the 'one course does 'em all' botters)
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Johnny Chiseler said:
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a J/T.

I can tell whoever I like to go fcuk themselves (I can't go any lower than J/T) and as I have always expected to get fcuked around, any good jobs/dets, etc, that do come my way, are treated with an attitude only found in fellow magicians.

As techies, J/Ts have been over-trained and undervalued in recent years, which has led to an attitude of disdain from the SAC-Ts (BTW you do know that SAC-T isn't a rank, eh? SAC!), until they realise that J/Ts are actually quite useful, when it comes to the OJT phase of the SAC-T training, including B-Tec assignments and little things like actually fixing the fcuking aircraft!

I've seen some good SAC-Ts overlooked, much like us remaining J/Ts and some sh1t ones picked up, purely for botting the chief! Trigger, you know you're a fcuking botter! As does your whole fcuking squadron, by all accounts.

As for me, I'm taking my inefficient, too in-depth, over-trained, undervalued, fat arse, offshore! yeah it's a whole 6 months of the year away from my family but for those of us who have done some time on ops squadrons, that's the norm anyway. Did I mention the massive pay rise and ultimate promotion? The grass is greener, have the strength of character to value your skills.

As a side note, a few charlie papas have said, over the last couple of years, when a J/T is asked to do a job, he'll either say 'get fcuked, that's a sh1te job!' or he'll say 'alreet, no probs'. An SAC-T on the other hand will most likely say, 'err, I haven't done that before, I'm not sure..........can I go out with xxxx? Or......I can't do that, I don't know how.' or whatever. There are a lot of good SAC-Ts but the simple truth is that with all the attititude and confidence in the world, you will never escape your underlying lack of basic trade knowledge. (I refer not to the asimilated techs but the 'one course does 'em all' botters)

It's f*ck all to do with trade knowledge and more to do with type knowledge, i got taught by some of the best jelly tots the RAF have seen on tonkas, were they promoted, yes in the end, did they bang out at the first redundancy oppurtunity, of course, we are talking about smart people here. What a lot of people fail to see is that YOU lot were thought of as thick ill trained gimps till you got "some time in". Flems saw you as queue jumping half trained gimps, you think of SAC (T)as the same. Even with only 7 years in the MOB i know which SNEC i prefer to face in an arguement and isn't an ex FLEM. Stop living in the land of milk and honey, you were once about as much use as a chocolate fire guard till you actually learnt something, and to be honest you don't learn F*ck all till you get out of training and get on a SQN or ASF and do a pile of jobs. The amount of courses you did is immaterial.

Case in point, a great JT loves his job very capable however spent his whole career on wokkas and gets posted to me on Tonkas, he can teach me the whole world about rotor head tuning etc, pity that it's naff all use with HLWSCU's and FSDU's et al. Is he pish at his job, not a chance he would be one of the first people to ask to do a job, good hand skills willing to learn and a diamind guy at the bar. :PDT_Xtremez_28:

The other question to ask is how many are you are Mech/mechs and earnt the right to be jelly tots and how many are Mech techs who shambled through the system and waited to go back on your fitters course. Are mech/ mechs better JT's as they earn't their course as opposed to 18 monther JT's

Johnny Chiseler i'll see you off shore maybe, hope your entire working life hasn't been in the RAF.

Johnny Chiseler

I'm not hungry, I don't fancy a bite from your sh1t sandwich.


PaddingtonStare said:
The other question to ask is how many are you are Mech/mechs and earnt the right to be jelly tots and how many are Mech techs who shambled through the system and waited to go back on your fitters course. Are mech/ mechs better JT's as they earn't their course as opposed to 18 monther JT's

Hear hear!

So come on then who is a mech mech and who is a mech tech, 18 month wonder? Because i am sure the only JT's left now are the mech tech ones??
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I was a mech mech as I didn't have a GCSE in English but got made a mech tech after leaving cosford, proberly a paper work glitch but i'm not complaining.:PDT_Xtremez_42: :PDT_Xtremez_06:

The Panther

Hear hear! So come on then who is a mech mech and who is a mech tech said:
Mech Mech and Proud, raised by old school badass JTs, still a JT now. On my fitters course there where two mech techs and they where shi* and i would guess there still shi* now too !