1. Dressing the new FLMs up in full oxygen charging kit to fir a Buccaneer lox pot and making them wire lock it with the charging gloves on that went past the elbow.
2. Best hitch hiking lift was on a Friday night from Watford Gap Services to my doorstep in Doncaster.
3. Best hitch hiking car was an Aston Martin DB4 owned by some guy who did national Service, took us up to 140 mph on the M4 in 1972!
4.Miss Mally at Wildenrath leading the sing song.
5. The SWO's mirror at Marham, when you went into his office you had to stand in front of it so he could see how long your hair was at the back.
6. Booking a haircut with the barber before you went to see the SWO, so that when he said you needed a haircut you could say I've got an appointment booked sir, he'd phone and check too, and then cancelling it on the way back.
7. Going up to Pimple Point at Halton at midnight and flashing a torch so the lads in the block believed you'd been there.
8. Doing oxygen and nitrogen bottle changes by hand, no cranes to lift them on and off in those days.
9. The aircrew asking the Sqn WO if they could possibly have an aircraft for a training flight on Friday afternoon and being told NO in no uncertain terms.
10. Taking a trade promotion board exam as opposed to promoting someone measured on the amount of secondary duties he does.
11. JAFS and JAMPs at Goose Bay (Just another f**king squadron & Just another moaning permy).
12. Winter carnival at the Goose, a week on the p*ss if ever there was one!!