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Neighbours' war with wounded soldiers' families

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Saw this in yesterdays Daily Mail

Disgusting! How can these people live with themselves? ...... snobby pillocks!


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well impressed.. well done the blue team and everyone who supported the application...

*awaits the appeal from the residents now...*
:PDT_Xtremez_30: :PDT_Xtremez_30:
well done to all who have worked hard to get this result
WTG all involved !!!! Especially well done to all the Arsse guys/gals (and goaters) who went there and handed out leaflets and actually talked to the locals.


Crack one open.................:PDT_Xtremez_09:

P.S. can SSAFA inform us of when the first planned RAVE is please ........:PDT_Xtremez_28:
and SSAFA have no time restriction. SWEET

I doubt an appeal would be launced, as the council said, they didn't want to have sit here agiain in two years time with how high emotions are over this. Can you see them wanting to do this again for an appeal
no doubt madmo will be along shortly with the facts but I'm almost certain they can have no griunds for appeal considering they made no objection to the application.