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Neighbours' war with wounded soldiers' families

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Saw this in yesterdays Daily Mail

Disgusting! How can these people live with themselves? ...... snobby pillocks!


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Is anyone who's going to listen online be able to record it as a media file??

Can't listen tonight, but would love to hear the procedings.
Is anyone who's going to listen online be able to record it as a media file??

Can't listen tonight, but would love to hear the procedings.


It says on the website "Using the Index Points tab can help you to jump to points within the webcast.

While the webcast is running you can also use this area for a number of other features listed below."

To me it sounds like the webcast will be available to view even after it is over....
Cheers TM, just managed to log on and can hear fook all.

It's ok neither can I...can't see or hear anything :-(((((((((( Even tried in Firefox and that keeps dumping...looks like I'll be watching later as well !!...Grrrrrr
86 letters of objection, over 660 letters of support and 43299 signatures on the petition. Recommendations for permission have now been reviewed with respect to the huge amount of support and it's now recommended to grant permission. The speakers (two for support) are ongoing now. None who objected are speaking as they claimed they feared they would become a target

Fingers crossed and everything else crossed this does get passed
Just watching now and i just wanted to say the lady who spoke for the house whose husband was at headley court........Good on yer girl!
This is looking good, I think we will win.

I must say I never thought I would get so excited about a council planning meeting!
if you are getting probs still upgrade to the latest version of media player, worked for me,

It is looking very good at the moment. I noticed the residents actually admitted to being too scared to speak.

Not only nimbys but wimpy nimbys
I am chomping at the bit here, just say YES god d^m it!!!!!!!
1hr 10 min into it so far