I suspect that if Alistair (Captain) Darling produced a £150,000 Christmas bonus for every man, woman and steward in the RAF then 80% would come onto e-Goat and moan that they needed a bigger leave entitlement to spend it all.
Actually we would use it as a small deposit on a house. Most people admit money was tight way back when and treated differently but from what I can see they where happy, a lot of people serving upto and past thier pensionable point is a clear indication of that, it was said earlier money isn't everything unless all else has gone. What is keeping people in now, not a lot, usually the pension trap or clearing debts before the feck off.
I am sceptical of TBJ, talking of sectret little plans, laying foundations and how it will be so much the better if we get the funding. In his next breath its all about robbing peter etc. Sorry but I think your full of sh!t on that occasion, firstly talking as though your in the know but awaiting funding then talking how your going to solve the issue anyway, big changes get leaked to the press before a white paper or review, not to the goat by some body ''in the know''.