If He's who I remember, He was at Locking late '88 - 1990ish. Used to hide behind trees to give us bolloc*ings !... He did used to have a bit of a sense of humour when out in the Flowerdown Rugby Club
Slighly off thread
Remember arriving at Locking with Dave M a fellow MTD in a wagon to drop off some kit
It was a Friday night back before the RAF worked weekends we had come from Cranwell via West Drayton to drop some kit of and then hoofed it to Locking in a Bedford TM
A long day I jumped out with tie off and sleeves rolled up and addresses the duty CPL
Alright mate...........
Whoosh Mate Mate Mate (getting louder and redder) and then he proceeds to rip me and Dave to shreds whilst sliding about the floor round us on his tackety boots
Says to Dave wheres your fooking belt Dave lifts his belly and points underneath to his belt I start laughing which dosen't help
Anyway an hour later a completly changed man rang for a taxi and gave us downtown advise like he was our best mate
Met him at Halton and he was a good lad he started to say something about my kit and Dave (small world) who was there too went look weve all been here before so we had a good laugh about it
Swinderby arrived Jan '87 Garland VC block
Flight 18 red towel (IIRC got the photo somewhere)
Passing out on a freezing cold day padre banging on about the Herald of Free Enterprise
Fly past by lightnings IIRC it was advertised as the last official public flyby before they were scrapped
Some Lumpy Jumpers and lads from our flight passed out in jumpers because they couldn't get number ones for them
And then to Saints........