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AIP mispayment

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AIP mispayment

  • 0-250

    Votes: 21 45.7%
  • 251-500

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • 501-1000

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • 1001-1500

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • 1501-2000

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • 2001-2500

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • 2501-3000

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • 3001-4000

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • 4001-5000

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • 5001+ (Ouch!)

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
I was told back in March that my 'debt' had been ratified and the 'Q' in question now accepted, i was warned that there would pay 'off-sets' and 'adjustments' for a few months until it was sorted. In April's payslip, my £3800 debt was reduced by £800 to £3000 with no effect on my actual pay, so i thought that was probably how it would go until the debt reached zero. This month however, there was no reduction and i still have a public debt of £3000 - Go figure? I have no idea what's going on and to be honest, i don't think anybody else does either!!!!
Myself and two others in my section have seen a reduction of a similar percentage. I contacted PSF to for some gen, as usual they didn't have a scooby!
Anyone seen this announcement knocking around and have any gen on what it actually means?(Got to say it's great to have this debt hanging over me, with STILL no idea what's going on!)
"SPVA have not yet actioned the Accelerated Incremental Progression (AIP) reinstatement and debt actions identified by the RAF JPA Focal Point earlier this year. SPVA hope to complete the work by the Nov 13 payroll, and cite the conflicting priorities caused by the preparation and catch-up work required for the impending Technical Refresh for the reasons behind this delay. Additional information will be promulgated if there is a change to this timescale."
We had a meeting with Cos Pers at Lossie a week ago and the AIP Audit was asked about. He has told is that the case to get it all written off has been completed and will be passed to the Secretary of State once they come back from their summer break.
On our scrolling news recently, it stated that all the work should be completed by SVPA for Novembers Payroll.
I've been strung along for 6 months now stating it will be removed this month, I won't hold my breath for November.
I was pinged by this AIP audit and after some digging, a few e-mails and a couple of phone calls it turns out that the whole mess for me was thnaks to 3 shineys not being able to differentiate between an 8 and a 9!

Surely now that they are in the higher (tehnical) pay band the least we can expect is that they can tell the differnce between two numbers, both of which are lower than 10!

Or is that me just being bitter and synical?
I was pinged by this AIP audit and after some digging, a few e-mails and a couple of phone calls it turns out that the whole mess for me was thnaks to 3 shineys not being able to differentiate between an 8 and a 9!

Surely now that they are in the higher (tehnical) pay band the least we can expect is that they can tell the differnce between two numbers, both of which are lower than 10!

Or is that me just being bitter and synical?
No such thing as cynicism, realism borne out by experience.
My AIP GPD has been taken off my payslip as a "negative payment", then paid me a massive lot of "basic Pay Arrears", then I've been hit with a huge PAYE deduction....

So it looks like mine has gone. Nice to be told what the score is though.....
My AIP GPD has been taken off my payslip as a "negative payment", then paid me a massive lot of "basic Pay Arrears", then I've been hit with a huge PAYE deduction....

So it looks like mine has gone. Nice to be told what the score is though.....

Just checked my pay for Sept and mine has been removed through similar means, basic pay arrears, GPD Non Taxable deduction, then huge PAYE deduction and increase in NI D so through them putting this 'suspended debt on my pay chit has cost me £150 this month not happy. Straight on the phone to our Higher payband brothers in handbrake house, why should i be out of pocket?????????
Let us know what they say please, nobody here seems to have a clue, nor do JPAC....
One month later and our High Payscale brothers are still none the wiser why I am out of pocket for this mess but they are looking into it. seems when they put everyones debt on in Feb they gave us the tax back for the extra pay we recieved, but instead of physically giving us the cash they just reduced your outstanding debt in aprils paychit ( CHECK YOURS NOW!) Now when they have removed the original debt by repaying you back from when you put the AIP in the tax is all to cock! who would have guessed!!!! i'll never see that money again.
One month later and our High Payscale brothers are still none the wiser why I am out of pocket for this mess but they are looking into it. seems when they put everyones debt on in Feb they gave us the tax back for the extra pay we recieved, but instead of physically giving us the cash they just reduced your outstanding debt in aprils paychit ( CHECK YOURS NOW!) Now when they have removed the original debt by repaying you back from when you put the AIP in the tax is all to cock! who would have guessed!!!! i'll never see that money again.

Ditto mate, haven't got a clue whats gone on, and nobody can tell me. Haven't even been officially told the debt has been removed!
I knew that this would all end in tears, It turns out now that the way they remove the suspended debt which I never owed them is to repay me back from the AIP was being claimed, so because I am in the higher tax bracket NOW ive paid 40% tax on the money I never owed them in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPVA and Chief Clerk now on the case. the saga continues.........
Keep us updated will you, i can't work out WTF they've done...
Another 2 months down the line and still £150 out of pocket, no reply from JPAC or PSF despite promises of getting to the bottom of it,pushed to the bottom of the intray more like as they havent got a frickin clue how to refund me. Why I should be out of pocket for a JPAC f**k up? surely an Airman should not be out of pocket for a clerical error? Do I suck up the £150 as life in a blue suit and not get little timmy a xmas present?