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Allowance review inbound...



Anyone else think this is just another great way of getting people to jump before they're pushed?

P1ss everyone off to the point that PVR rates rocket and rub your hands when you don't have to pay out for any redundancies!

I did enjoy the fact that OR's retention bonus has been halved whilst golden hellos (Reserved for Orificers?) as yet, remain untouched! Cnuts!


Anyone else think this is just another great way of getting people to jump before they're pushed?

P1ss everyone off to the point that PVR rates rocket and rub your hands when you don't have to pay out for any redundancies!

I did enjoy the fact that OR's retention bonus has been halved whilst golden hellos (Reserved for Orificers?) as yet, remain untouched! Cnuts!

From what I remember - Golden Hellos are for targetted trades (mainly army) - there are DINs on the intranet that show exactly who qualifies for what, but as an example, an AGC Clerk gets £1250 for completing phase 2 training if he has 3 GCSEs A-C - the majority of trades seem to have similar awards


Anyone else think this is just another great way of getting people to jump before they're pushed?

P1ss everyone off to the point that PVR rates rocket and rub your hands when you don't have to pay out for any redundancies!

I have a nasty feeling there will be a LOT of PVR's going in on 1st of March, when people get the nod that their rank or trade is not going to be inline for a redundancy payment.


From what I remember - Golden Hellos are for targetted trades (mainly army) - there are DINs on the intranet that show exactly who qualifies for what, but as an example, an AGC Clerk gets £1250 for completing phase 2 training if he has 3 GCSEs A-C - the majority of trades seem to have similar awards

Ah right, I stand corrected! Cheers!

I'm sure that'll take a hammering some time soon then!

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
If you read my post again, and carefully this time, you will see that I said income. Not earnings like you intimate, income. I'll try to make it really, really simple for you:

Take £100 from the income of a SAC.

Take £100 from the income of a Wg Cdr.

The proportionate effect of the reduction (£100 from approx £1500 and £100 from £3000 for example) on the SAC is worse. Do you get it now?

As I also said it depends on the definition of fairness. The reference to rock star wages is meaningless and infantile. Grow up.

Get off your high horse big lad... I get what you mean. All I'm saying is it doesn't matter what rank/payband you are if your losing £100 it's still fooking sh1te!


OK I'm one of the ex service fraternity. I have a company car and you think it is cheap, well dream on.
I have to pay 20% tax on the benefit (set by car value using a Tax Office Calculation). Mine is set at £6,037 per year, so that is £1,200 extra tax.
They then deduct £6,037 from my allowance bringing the 40% start rate from approx £43,000 down to £37,000 so I end up paying 40% at a lower threshold. If I opted for a fuel inclusive company car, it is even more expensive. I could return the car and collect my P45, sit back and get back some of the tax I paid over my 40 years working, that is if I had not been financially prudent in my earlier years.
And you think that I don't? However, it is always better to argue a case from the basis of fact rather than rumour.

This 'we get p*ssed on while the officers get away with everything' misses the point.

If you look at any of the allowance changes that will not be implemented across the board you will see that the axe falls harder on the more senior. ie:
LOA - reductions are greater at chf tech - WO and sqn ldr-air mshl.

RRA(L) stopped for all those sgt and above but retained for cpl and below (wef 1 Apr 12)

Watch you dont break your neck when you fall out of that ivory tower of yours!!!!


Flight Sergeant
Singlies living in the block had been claiming for driving to work on a daily basis because the Sqn they work on is over a mile away from the block on the station ring road. FFS how do you get HTD for that.
Lazy fekkers.

You don't claim it or even ask for it, it's added automatically on posting.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
It seems from both here and the forum at my unit that the most emotive subject is the removal of HDT for people who are allocated a house away from their place of work.

I can see Unit's having to provide MT for all personnel within a 9 mile radius, including the use of Sqn vehicles and duty drivers for people at the likes of Marham & Lossie who work a good 2-3 miles round the airfield in the HAS sites. As of 1 May, it is no longer acceptable to consider it the individual's problem to get to work from a place he/she has no choice, whilst another individual lives within the magical mile.

I dont know whether or not it will work, but there should be a review of the grading system for SLA/SFA, whereby 1-8 points are now deducted for "excessive travel" for those who live 2-9 miles from their place of work. This would then compensate them in reduced charges.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
It's a nice thought Mutty but I really don't think it will happen. The wording in the DIB says that 9 miles is a "reasonable distance to expect people to travel". Whether or not we agree with it (and despite appearances to the contrary, I don't agree with it), that is now the way of things.

On the bright side, I think a secondary effect of this change may be to encourage people to car-share. Even though I did my bit to add to the problem, I used to shake my head in despair at all the people who drove in their own cars between Tattershall and Coningsby every day. To do otherwise would have meant we were fraudulently claiming HDT!


It seems from both here and the forum at my unit that the most emotive subject is the removal of HDT for people who are allocated a house away from their place of work.

I can see Unit's having to provide MT for all personnel within a 9 mile radius, including the use of Sqn vehicles and duty drivers for people at the likes of Marham & Lossie who work a good 2-3 miles round the airfield in the HAS sites. As of 1 May, it is no longer acceptable to consider it the individual's problem to get to work from a place he/she has no choice, whilst another individual lives within the magical mile.

I dont know whether or not it will work, but there should be a review of the grading system for SLA/SFA, whereby 1-8 points are now deducted for "excessive travel" for those who live 2-9 miles from their place of work. This would then compensate them in reduced charges.

Dream on if you think station MT will provide transport, they simply don't have the capability to do it.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
It's a nice thought Mutty but I really don't think it will happen. The wording in the DIB says that 9 miles is a "reasonable distance to expect people to travel".

A 9 mile pushbike ride in the middle of July may be reasonable, but what about a 9 mile bike ride in the middle of January after a 10 hr night shift?

By paying HDT from mile 2 onwards, the MOD have acknowledged that through no fault of their own, an individual has been forced to live away from their place of work. Because those people were being paid to travel in, it was their responsibility to purchase a mode of transport.

Now, the same allocation criteria is being applied, but the compensation is being withdrawn, so as I see it, it is now down to the employer to ensure the employee can get to work. Just saying "lift share" isnt good enough - supposing his lift lets him down, or he lives in SSFA? As a potential OC PSF, what are you going to do when one of your young airmen cannot make it in because he lives too far away to walk in, or public transport means the first bus only gets him there by 1030?

I'm all for saving money where it can be saved, but this move just smacks of total penny pinching, hitting those who can least afford it. If anything, it should have been loaded on to private HDT, capping the payment at 35 miles instead of 50. There are probably more people commuting 35-50 miles from a private address (through choice) than there are claiming HDT (Public). IMHO, a 50 mile commute to work is too much - an extra 10 hours per week of your life spent behind a wheel.
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I'm all for saving money where it can be saved, but this move just smacks of total penny pinching, hitting those who can least afford it. If anything, it should have been loaded on to private HDT, capping the payment at 35 miles instead of 50. There are probably more people commuting 35-50 miles from a private address (through choice) than there are claiming HDT (Public). IMHO, a 50 mile commute to work is too much - an extra 10 hours per week of your life spent behind a wheel.

yes but these people are not getting their housing for peanuts, not taking up the married quarters that the mod sold off, people choose to live in married quarters often because its cheaper than living in the local area so why should they not have to pay more to get to work rather than penalising those that pay more for not taking up married quarters.


What other jobs pays HTD??? Answer none, I know you may have not chosen to live in MQ but in time when the dream ends for us all in the comfort of the military and we have to find another job, then what? The shelf stacker at Tesco does not get petrol.....! I think (which is dangerous!)We get paid well and the benefits are a plus in any job.

Stuck it up and get one with it


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
What other jobs pays HTD??? Answer none, I know you may have not chosen to live in MQ but in time when the dream ends for us all in the comfort of the military and we have to find another job, then what? The shelf stacker at Tesco does not get petrol.....! I think (which is dangerous!)We get paid well and the benefits are a plus in any job.

Stuck it up and get one with it
I'm speaking here as a civvy. In civvy street you have a choice in everything you do. Be it your job or where you choose to live, you can live as near or as far from your job as you want that is your choice. Your firm don't put you in a house and say make your own way and you pay for it. Look at radio 5 live they are moving to Salford quays from London and everybody is being paid handsomely for the move. I've said in a earlier thread I'll be mightily hacked off if my place of work stops my secure lead, it amounts to £300 a month.


Dream on if you think station MT will provide transport, they simply don't have the capability to do it.

Ours does - but no-one on the MQs gets HTD. Which do you thinks costs (or should that be costed) more ! Wonder how long it will last now......
