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Allowance review inbound...

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
Depends on your definition of fair I suppose - you clearly think that treating everyone the same is fair. I, for one, most certainly do not. I think proportionately these cuts will have less of an impact on a Wg Cdr than they will have on a SAC. Therefore I think they are unfair.

I agree they will have less of an impact on the what, 5k he takes home a month compares to my just under 2k. However if I'd of tried harder at school/since I'd of been in the RAF then maybe I'd of considered a Comission and I took could have earnt his wage and not felt the pain. This is about us losing our allowances not the pay we have all worked hard to get.

It fooks me off that it costs me so much to live out when a few years ago we were getting money thrown at us to live out. I'll be living in on my next posting so that'll be another one to add to the list of FMQ's that they will have to provide.


Higher Pay Band Shiney
What a load of absolute toss. Typically narrow minded post by someone who doesn't have a clue.

Man A that drives x distance loses the same as Man B that drives the same difference reegardless of what payband/flyingpay etc he is on. Should a teckie who has earnt the right to be on the higher payband lose some of the higher payband money just so that I feel better that he isn't earning so much? Dont be such a fool. People like you really stand out as the one's who are jealous of what said aircrew have achieved... i.e earning a better wage at school. If your that jealous of it get yourself off to Cranners.

Yes the amount of money they lose may be the same but in proportion to their income, the impact is significantly greater in one case. Get it?


What a load of absolute toss. Typically narrow minded post by someone who doesn't have a clue.

Man A that drives x distance loses the same as Man B that drives the same difference reegardless of what payband/flyingpay etc he is on. Should a teckie who has earnt the right to be on the higher payband lose some of the higher payband money just so that I feel better that he isn't earning so much? Dont be such a fool. People like you really stand out as the one's who are jealous of what said aircrew have achieved... i.e earning a better wage at school. If your that jealous of it get yourself off to Cranners.

And just how is it I don't have a clue?

Do you genuinely think that any form of specialist pay is deserved when the recipient is not performing that role?

There are (were) a good deal of financial benefits for being in the RAF, they are slowly being eroded away yet for the time being is appears that one of the biggest extras for the highest earners is still there.

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
Of course nobody begrudges a pilot flying pay when they are employed on flying duties, just as nobody begrudges a mine-clearer extra money when they are employed on clearing duties.

The difference is that in their next posting, the armourer in the stn armoury doesnt continue to receive his danger money, whilst the pilot flying a desk does.

I dont expect you to accept this, particularly as you are shacked up with a fly-boy!

I see what your saying about the non related flying duties and I agree if it's by choice... but if you're posting into a slot where you dont want to go then why should you lose the money you've worked hard to get?

Anyway my fly boy wont be working on anything other than SAR for the next few years. In his branch of the marines there are so few of them that I dont actually think there are any 'desk jobs' allocated to the Marines they are supposed to be filled by the Navy boys. :)

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
And just how is it I don't have a clue?

Do you genuinely think that any form of specialist pay is deserved when the recipient is not performing that role?

There are (were) a good deal of financial benefits for being in the RAF, they are slowly being eroded away yet for the time being is appears that one of the biggest extras for the highest earners is still there.

Where did you mention that you meant Aircrew on a desk job?

There certainly were so many brilliant things about being in the RAF and your so right it had dwindled down to us being left with naff all. But we cant be jealous of someone who has worked to get to get promoted or to get into a job where they recieve specialist pay just because our HTD has been lowered. I wish I knew when I joined the RAF what I know now and I'd of busted a gut in my younger days to go Aircrew. I can't now I have too many responsabilities as a Mother to do so.... but it doesn't make me want them to lose what they have... I just think good on them. I wish I had the oppertunity to earn x amount more a year than I do by doing a job that is more fun and not sat in an office all day. Lucky tw4ts.

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
Yes the amount of money they lose may be the same but in proportion to their income, the impact is significantly greater in one case. Get it?

yes I get it.... What has what someone is allowed to claim got anything to do with what they earn? If you feel that bad for the poor Junior ranks I'll give you my bank account details and you can give me some of your rock star wages every month!!!

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
well just as i thought living 7.5 miles from camp in SFA i was put in i will soon be expected to fork out myself to get to work !! i think not !!!
either move me to the patch outside camp or it's MT all the way to work.


well just as i thought living 7.5 miles from camp in SFA i was put in i will soon be expected to fork out myself to get to work !! i think not !!!
either move me to the patch outside camp or it's MT all the way to work.

Is 7.5 miles really unreasonable to have to pay for yourself to get to work?

Man maths estimates that to be approx £40 per month?

Playing devils advocate here as I also benefit from HTD.


Sad Reaction

Sad Reaction

To all Goaters:

I think that having been to the presentation and listened to the brief I was just as impacted as everyone on here is. Some people, because of their personal circumstances, will be more out of pocket than others. It Hurts.

However, it is also very sad that we turn inwards and fight. I have seen the Ranks v Officers clash. The Anti-Aircrew (flying pay) argument and lots more about specialist pay.

Has anyone thought that theie Airships have sites like this monitored to guage grass-roots opinion. What are they going to see from the last 17 pages of threads.......... No effect from the cuts just the usual droning about flying pay and growbags. Job done! Again.

This is not about Ranks v Officers. This review was carried out by Civil Servants who advised the treasury/MoD.

Check the on-line press for comment. NOTHING.

So we have been chopped again and nobody cares. Good News.....Wait for the announcement on pensions

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Is 7.5 miles really unreasonable to have to pay for yourself to get to work?

if i chose to live here then no but the point is i was put here, the guy who lives opposite the gate has the choice to walk/cycle.

Man maths estimates that to be approx £40 per month?

i put it at about 50 - 55 with the car i have and about 50 with the second. why two cars ? mrs mmj is also in the mob and works different shifts.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Is 7.5 miles really unreasonable to have to pay for yourself to get to work?

Man maths estimates that to be approx £40 per month?

Playing devils advocate here as I also benefit from HTD.

If you claim HTD it's on the understanding that you get yourself to work because they are helping with the servicing costs to the vehicle. If they aren't paying and they choose to put you outside of a reasonable walking distance why should you keep up the maintenance on the car you don't even need other than to get to work? We aren't civvies and I personally would have been financially ruined if I'd bought and sold houses every time I was posted over the last ten years. If I have to live in SFA I want perks to it, it's crap as it is and isn't actually that cheap if you get a decent house.


if i chose to live here then no but the point is i was put here, the guy who lives opposite the gate has the choice to walk/cycle.

i put it at about 50 - 55 with the car i have and about 50 with the second. why two cars ? mrs mmj is also in the mob and works different shifts.

I don't think you've any reason to explain yourself tbh. The RAF couldn't house you close to work through no fault of your own. Should you have to shoulder the cost? Not in my opinion.

Just to add, my personal opinion on the flying pay is that as an addition to pay through the nature of the job I do feel a reduction would have been fair. That is my opinion and one from someone who's seen both sides. I expect incoming from certain over-emotive members of the forum but it doesn't mean I'll change my mind. Tbh there are to many people here who treat their opinion as gospel.


If you claim HTD it's on the understanding that you get yourself to work because they are helping with the servicing costs to the vehicle. If they aren't paying and they choose to put you outside of a reasonable walking distance why should you keep up the maintenance on the car you don't even need other than to get to work? We aren't civvies and I personally would have been financially ruined if I'd bought and sold houses every time I was posted over the last ten years. If I have to live in SFA I want perks to it, it's crap as it is and isn't actually that cheap if you get a decent house.

As I said I benefit from HTD and I'm very grateful that I do, I estimate that it covers 80% of my fuel cost which is a massive help to the household finances. My OH works a similar distance away and doesn't receive any help so although I'm on a lower wage the fact I have HTD helps to balance that out.

I think we (the RAF) have to be very honest with ourselves say just how much we really deserve over and above our pay.

If I was a civvie reading this and seeing all those guys on £30k+ a year *** whinging that they were having their fuel costs cut by XXX% I doubt I'd have a great deal of sympathy.

*** Based on the majority of people that I see who live out tend to be at the very least guys who are on that pay level.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer

I wonder what would happen if you did not drive, or owned a car.

What if for example, you were posted to Coningsby & Lived at Digby or Cranwell.? Thats some fair cycle ride / walk.

How would the RAF get you to work..?

What if you worked shifts.?

My first ever married quarter was 6 miles away from camp. I didn't drive so I got the bus (actually 2 buses, totalling 45mins journey time) to work every day for 6 months until I passed my driving test. Of course in those days there was no personal contribution applied to HDT claims for those who lived in SFA, the only qualification being that you had to live at least 3 miles away to be able to claim anything. My point is that I considered my journey to/from work to be my problem; perhaps I'm a fool.

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
As I said I benefit from HTD and I'm very grateful that I do, I estimate that it covers 80% of my fuel cost which is a massive help to the household finances. My OH works a similar distance away and doesn't receive any help so although I'm on a lower wage the fact I have HTD helps to balance that out.

I think we (the RAF) have to be very honest with ourselves say just how much we really deserve over and above our pay.

If I was a civvie reading this and seeing all those guys on £30k+ a year *** whinging that they were having their fuel costs cut by XXX% I doubt I'd have a great deal of sympathy.

*** Based on the majority of people that I see who live out tend to be at the very least guys who are on that pay level.

Well said civvy could always have joined the RAF so they too could have benefited from HTD. Course they probably didn't want to do the time in the sandpit away from their families so they probably thought you know what you guys are welcome to your HTD or grotty FMQ's I'll go get myself a job in civvy street and choose where I live etc etc.....

Personally I feel it's also an crap that (as was pointed out earlier) we're still on capped actuals rather than just giving us a fixed rate. It will get to the stage where you will have to push people into going anywhere as we end up so out of pocket these days and especially for the younger SAC's they just cant afford to be away.
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True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Lets for example, you wanted Coningsby as you work at Coningsby, but they put you into Cranwell (16miles away) / Digby (11 miles away).

Both places are remote, and both places are rarely serviced by a bus. So the choice would be walk/run/cycle/taxi/MT transport bus, as the airman would/could not drive.

Could you really tell me that you would / could make an airman walk/run the 11 or 16 miles each morning & night.?

After all, its a Mod reason that you would not be at Coningsby, and you would of been entitled to the full HDT(Public).

When I was posted to Coningsby they wanted to put me at Digby so I put up a welfare case which was supported and I was housed at Coningsby. An airman who could not drive would have a stronger welfare case than I did. An airman who refused to drive would not have my sympathy.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Well said civvy could always have joined the RAF so they too could have benefited from HTD. Course they probably didn't want to do the time in the sandpit away from their families so they probably thought you know what you guys are welcome to your HTD or grotty FMQ's I'll go get myself a job in civvy street and choose where I live etc etc.....


Sometimes, I really despair.

What point are you trying to make with that statement? I expected better from you there RAFBird.

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RAF Bird

Stacker *********
I'm thinking the people who are about to lose their FIA will be threaders. Am I right in thinking that if there is no blocks available and they are put in rented houses they get FIA as well? But now if that rented accom is closer than 3 miles to camp they will have to drive to the mess to get their food? So Joe Bloggs who wants to live in the block cant because there isn't any... stuck in accom 3 miles away.. is for instance on stand down but yet still have to rive a total of 18 miles a day just to feed himself all at his own expense? That's pretty toss.