I have a feeling that the most vocal are probably thinking this is their year, and don't want to commit, there are always the deluded bunch as well, usually the same bunch!Disappointed at the shear lack of bites to this quote.......
I have a feeling that the most vocal are probably thinking this is their year, and don't want to commit, there are always the deluded bunch as well, usually the same bunch!Disappointed at the shear lack of bites to this quote.......
Disappointed at the shear lack of bites to this quote.......
I have a feeling that the most vocal are probably thinking this is their year, and don't want to commit, there are always the deluded bunch as well, usually the same bunch!
As one of the "more vocal" members of this forum
I would just like to say I am being quite because I am on guard duty.
I have also come to the realisation that it would not ruin my life if it didn't happen so why stress about it.
Guard duty? That's all the more reason to be on here. Where else do you get more time to waste away your life in the RAF?
OOooh, that's harsh!Where you work dailyDT_Xtremez_28:
Now that the list is on the streets anyone gonna let us know if they are happy/sad/perplexed/well jel or absolutely incandescent with rage?
Guessing not - too busy celebrating or (more likely) angrilly grunting to themselves? DT_Xtremez_14:
No 33 for me but only 11 months left in so resettlement for me!!!!Bit of both - happy with being an A grade, not too happy with the number (75).
No way!Was told at this location the top 15 are almost entirely ex11's!!! Not sure how true that is tho?
Apparently none from 90SU in the top 25.
How many from Tossford?
Considering the news is out, everyone must be happy with the result because this is quieter than an Iranian girls school!!