I'm amazed at what you guys have achieved. It's truly outstanding. Like i've said before, thank you just really doesn't seem enough! I really hope you understand how much this means to me.
I was well enough to have a couple of days up at Coningsby to visit my boys with my older brother (thanks Skip for driving
) It was fantastic to see everyone and made me remember exactly why i'm fighting this and going to win! Thanks also for the framed Jag picture.. Luckily people have signed this in a fashion where I
am able to display it....
Cheers Moose for taking over the cooking at the BBQ, saving us from Conrad's hot dogs a'la hello Mr toilet seat, where's the damn sink!!!
Smithy (someone might have to point him this way...) Sorry I didn't make it over on Wednesday morning... I managed to get some pictures taken though. I hope they were what you wanted and you're happy with them.
A MASSIVE thank you to the guys on BBMF who gave me a donation of £185:00 there and then. A donation from the T-bar and a collection bucket.
Thanks to Matty and Giles also for running the Coningsby 10K dressed as Tweety Pie and Sylvester.... Warning: I have pictures and video!!! :
JEngO.... Although you look kinda cool now with a freshly shaved head, I never realised it was shaped like a 50p...
Thanks for the charity head shave Sir!!!
As it stands at the moment I have one last chance to apply for this drug. Due to some new evidence from the Professor who pioneered the drug. If the decision from the Primary Care Trust (PCT) is a negative one, that's when i'll need to look into going private. Until then i'm trying to make my case as high profile as I can amongst the media and newspapers, also my MP has written to the PCT. When i've exhausted all of my resources in this field is when i'll put my application in. It's looking like it will be very soon.
Well.. Here come those words again... Thanks, thanks, thanks.... How many more times could I type them? 6 little letters that form one little word that means the absolute world...
Take care and stay safe, Nick.
PS: I tried to get you E-goaters some praise in the press/RAF News and on the radio (LincsFM), but they wouldn't specifically mention you, but you know who you are